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Last active March 30, 2017 21:01
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
import svgwrite
import math
def lerp(t, a, b):
Perform a linear interpolation with parameter t and interpolants a and b
return (1-t)*a + t*b
def make_coral(outfile, threshold, options={}):
def random_color():
"""Generate a random color with components in [0.3,0.9]"""
r, g, b = [lerp(random.random(), 0.3, 0.9) for _ in range(3)]
return (r, g, b)
def write_color(c):
"""Construct a color object."""
r, g, b = [math.floor(100*x) for x in c]
return svgwrite.rgb(r, g, b, '%')
default_options = {
'dimx': 1920,
'dimy': 1080,
'even angle': 2*math.pi/360,
'odd angle': 2*math.pi/360,
'line width': 1e-3,
'length': 2e-1,
'curve length': 2e-1,
'initial angle': 45*2*math.pi/360,
'initial position': (0, 0),
'use bezier': True,
options = default_options
dimx = options['dimx']
dimy = options['dimy']
# This is a set of previously encountered numbers.
# We do not want to revisit them.
encountered = set([0])
# We will extend these numbers in each iteration. They are the front
# edge of the branches of the tree.
front = set([1])
# Start with the initial angles.
angles = {}
angles[0] = options['initial angle']
angles[1] = angles[0] + options['even angle']
# ... and initial position.
positions = {}
positions[0] = options['initial position']
# Choose a random color for the initial branch.
colors = {}
colors[0] = random_color()
colors[1] = colors[0]
# Construct the SVG drawing.
dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(profile='full',
size=('{}px'.format(dimx), '{}px'.format(dimy)))
dwg.viewbox(width=1, height=dimy/dimx)
# Make a white background.
rect = dwg.rect(insert=(0, 0), size=('100%', '100%'), fill='white')
# This is the group containing all of the branches.
g = dwg.g()
# Set the line width.
g.stroke(width=options['line width'])
# We do not need the interiors filled.
# This is a map of the polylines. Branches are segments of polylines.
polylines = {}
# Construct the first line. It extents from item k to item j.
k = 0
j = 1
# This is the originating position on the canvas.
x1, y1 = positions[k]
# This is the destination position. It is the originating position
# extended by one length unit with the given angle.
x2 = math.cos(angles[j])*options['length']
y2 = math.sin(angles[j])*options['length']
x2 += x1
y2 += y1
positions[j] = (x2, y2)
if options['use bezier']:
# Construct a Bezier curve.
polylines[0] = dwg.path()
polylines[1] = polylines[0]
# This point is on the tangent line of the originating point.
cx = math.cos(angles[k])*options['curve length']
cy = math.sin(angles[k])*options['curve length']
cx += x1
cy += y1
# This point is on the tangent line of the destination point.
out_angle = angles[j] + options['even angle']
dx = math.cos(out_angle)*options['curve length']
dy = math.sin(out_angle)*options['curve length']
dx = x2 - dx
dy = y2 - dy
# Insert the Bezier curve parameters.
polylines[j].push('M {} {}'.format(x1, y1))
polylines[j].push('C {} {}, {} {}, {} {}'.format(
cx, cy, dx, dy, x2, y2))
# Construct a polyline and insert the two points.
polylines[0] = dwg.polyline()
polylines[1] = polylines[0]
polylines[0].points.append((x1, y1))
polylines[0].points.append((x2, y2))
# Set the color of the polyline and add the polyline to the group.
for iteration in range(threshold):
newfront = set()
def add_node(j):
"""Attempt to insert a node j"""
# The next front will contain this item.
# Choose the angle depending on the branch type.
# Add it to the originating angle
if j % 2 == 0:
angles[j] = angles[k] + options['even angle']
angles[j] = angles[k] + options['odd angle']
# Get the originating point coordinates.
x1, y1 = positions[k]
# Extend the originating point along the line with the given angle.
x2 = math.cos(angles[j])*options['length']
y2 = math.sin(angles[j])*options['length']
x2 += x1
y2 += y1
positions[j] = (x2, y2)
if options['use bezier']:
# This point is on the tangent line of the originating point.
cx = math.cos((angles[k]+angles[j])/2)*options['curve length']
cy = math.sin((angles[k]+angles[j])/2)*options['curve length']
cx += x1
cy += y1
# This point is on the tangent line of the destination point.
out_angle = angles[j] + options['even angle']/2
dx = math.cos(out_angle)*options['curve length']
dy = math.sin(out_angle)*options['curve length']
dx = x2 - dx
dy = y2 - dy
if j % 2 == 0:
# We do not bifurcate for even branches.
colors[j] = colors[k]
polylines[j] = polylines[k]
if options['use bezier']:
polylines[j].push('C {} {}, {} {}, {} {}'.format(
cx, cy, dx, dy, x2, y2))
polylines[j].points.append((x2, y2))
# Construct a new branch. Select a random color first.
colors[j] = random_color()
if options['use bezier']:
# Use the previous tangent for the new Bezier curve.
polylines[j] = dwg.path()
polylines[j].push('M {} {}'.format(x1, y1))
polylines[j].push('C {} {}, {} {}, {} {}'.format(
cx, cy, dx, dy, x2, y2))
# Construct a new polyline with the branch point
# as the starting point.
polylines[j] = dwg.polyline()
polylines[j].points.append((x1, y1))
polylines[j].points.append((x2, y2))
# Set the color of the branch.
# Insert the branch into the group.
for k in front:
# Make an even branch. This is always possible.
# Make an odd branch if this node can be reached by a 3*x+1 move.
if (k-1) % 3 == 0 and ((k-1)//3) % 2 == 1:
# Insert the processed points into the set of encountered points.
# We will not deal with them in the future.
encountered = encountered | front
# Remove encountered points from the next front.
front = newfront - encountered
print('point count: {}'.format(len(positions)))
# Get the extents of the drawing and set the canvas
# boundaries to coincide.
max_x, max_y = next(iter(positions.values()))
min_x, min_y = (max_x, max_y)
for (x, y) in positions.values():
max_x = max(x, max_x)
max_y = max(y, max_y)
min_x = min(x, min_x)
min_y = min(y, min_y)
# Perform the coordinate transforms.
# We first map the drawing to [0,1]^2, then flip it,
# then translate it by 1.
g.translate(1, 1)
g.scale(-1, -1)
g.scale(1/(max_x-min_x), 1/(max_y-min_y))
g.translate(-min_x, -min_y)
# Write to file3
def main():
with open('out.svg', 'w') as f:
dim = 1024
options = {
'even angle': 7 * 2*math.pi/360,
'odd angle': -17 * 2*math.pi/360,
'line width': 5 / dim,
'length': 100 / dim,
'curve length': 60 / dim,
'dimx': dim,
'dimy': dim,
'use bezier': False
make_coral(outfile=f, threshold=45, options=options)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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