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Last active November 30, 2020 04:07
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Polaris HTML Web Form Render and Post RESPONSE (GET and POST)
<!DOCTYPE html>
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#contact input[type="text"],
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#contact input[type="tel"],
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<div class="container">
<form id="contact" action="/CreateADUser" method="post" oninput="fullname.value = fn.value + ', ' + ln.value; email.value = ln.value + '.' + fn.value + ''">
<h3 style="text-align: center">Polaris - PowerShell</h3>
<h4>Create a New AD User</h4>
<label for="fn">First Name</label>
<input placeholder="First name" type="text" tabindex="1" required autofocus name="fn">
<label for="fn" style="color: black">Last Name</label>
<input placeholder="Last name" type="text" tabindex="1" required autofocus name="ln">
<input name="fullname" type="text" tabindex="1" required autofocus>
<input type="email" tabindex="2" required name="email">
<input placeholder="Your Phone Number (optional)" type="tel" tabindex="3" required>
<input placeholder="Your Web Site (optional)" type="url" tabindex="4" required>
<textarea placeholder="Type your message here...." tabindex="5" required></textarea>
<button name="submit" type="submit" id="contact-submit" data-submit="...Sending">Submit</button>
Import-Module -Name Polaris -Verbose
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
$Url = "http://localhost:8080/"
New-PolarisGetRoute -Path "/index" -Scriptblock {
$Html = Get-Content 'C:\projects\iPortal\html\NewADUser.html' -Raw
New-PolarisPostRoute -Path "/CreateADUser" -Scriptblock {
$Body = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($Request.BodyString)
$Data = @{}
$Body.split('&') | %{
$part = $_.split('=')
$Data.add($part[0], $part[1])
$Response.Send(($Data | ConvertTo-Json))
Start-Polaris -Port 8080
Copy link

This is a super awesome demo! Note, instead of manually handling the body you can also do:

$Body = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($Request.BodyString)

It will convert the contents to a hashtable for you.

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