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Last active November 22, 2024 20:08
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Verify all anchor programs
# Function to verify a single program
verify_program() {
local program_dir=$1
local max_attempts=5
local attempt=1
# Get the base name and convert hyphens to underscores
library_name=$(basename "$program_dir" | tr '-' '_')
# Get the program ID from Anchor.toml
program_id=$(toml get Anchor.toml programs.localnet.$library_name | tr -d '"')
# Skip if program ID is empty
[ -z "$program_id" ] && return
# Get the last commit SHA that modified this program directory or any of its contents
commit_hash=$(git log -1 --pretty=format:%H "$program_dir")
# Check if commit hash exists
if [ -z "$commit_hash" ]; then
echo "Error: No commits found for $program_dir"
return 1
echo "Verifying $library_name with program ID $program_id"
echo "Using commit: $commit_hash"
while [ $attempt -le $max_attempts ]; do
if solana-verify verify-from-repo \ \
--program-id "$program_id" \
--remote \
--commit-hash "$commit_hash" \
--library-name "$library_name" \
-b solanafoundation/solana-verifiable-build:1.16.13; then
return 0
echo "Attempt $attempt failed. Retrying in 10 seconds..."
sleep 10
attempt=$((attempt + 1))
echo "Error: Verification failed after $max_attempts attempts"
return 1
# Check if a specific program was provided
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
if [ -d "$program_dir" ]; then
verify_program "$program_dir"
echo "Error: Program directory '$program_dir' not found"
exit 1
# Iterate through each directory in programs/
for program_dir in programs/*/; do
verify_program "$program_dir"
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