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Created May 23, 2015 17:11
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  • Save ChrisMCMine/4b1a12105e5f0edf2703 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ChrisMCMine/4b1a12105e5f0edf2703 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert a String with Minecraft color codes ( to its html representation using <font color=...
private ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Character>> getColorCodes() {
ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Character>> colorCodes = new ArrayList<>();
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0x000000, '0'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0x0000AA, '1'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0x00AA00, '2'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0x00AAAA, '3'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0xAA0000, '4'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0xAA00AA, '5'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0xFFAA00, '6'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0xAAAAAA, '7'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0x555555, '8'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0x5555FF, '9'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0x55FF55, 'a'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0x55FFFF, 'b'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0xFF5555, 'c'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0xFF55FF, 'd'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0xFFFF55, 'e'));
colorCodes.add(new Pair<>(0xFFFFFF, 'f'));
return colorCodes;
private CharSequence toHtml(String s) {
// replace all \u00A7 color codes with their hex representation
for (Pair<Integer, Character> colorCode : getColorCodes()) {
s = s.replace("\u00A7" + colorCode.second, "</font><font color=\"" + colorCode.first + "\">");
return Html.fromHtml("<font>" + s + "</font>");
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Note that this will only work on android because some android only classes are used (android.text.Html and android.util.Pair)

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