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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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SuperMonsterGame Messages Protocol Buffer - Updated 6/14/15
enum EMiniGameType
k_EMiniGameType_Invalid = 0;
k_EMiniGameType_TowerAttack = 1;
enum EMiniGameStatus
k_EMiniGameStatus_Invalid = 0;
k_EMiniGameStatus_WaitingForPlayers = 1;
k_EMiniGameStatus_Running = 2;
k_EMiniGameStatus_Ended = 3;
enum ETowerAttackElement
k_ETowerAttackElement_Invalid = 0;
k_ETowerAttackElement_Fire = 1;
k_ETowerAttackElement_Water = 2;
k_ETowerAttackElement_Air = 3;
k_ETowerAttackElement_Earth = 4;
enum ETowerAttackAbility
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Invalid = 0;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Attack = 1;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_ChangeLane = 2;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Respawn = 3;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_ChangeTarget = 4;
// support abilities
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Support_IncreaseDamage = 5;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Support_IncreaseCritPercentage = 6;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Support_Heal = 7;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Support_IncreaseGoldDropped = 8;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Support_DecreaseCooldowns = 9;
// offensive abilities
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Offensive_HighDamageOneTarget = 10;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Offensive_DamageAllTargets = 11;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Offensive_DOTAllTargets = 12;
// item
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_Resurrection = 13;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_KillTower = 14;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_KillMob = 15;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_MaxElementalDamage = 16;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_GoldPerClick = 17;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_IncreaseCritPercentagePermanently = 18;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_IncreaseHPPermanently = 19;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_GoldForDamage = 20;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_Invulnerability = 21;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_GiveGold = 22;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_StealHealth = 23;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_ReflectDamage = 24;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_GiveRandomItem = 25;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_SkipLevels = 26;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_ClearCooldowns = 27;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_Start = 13;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_Item_End = 27;
k_ETowerAttackAbility_MaxAbilities = 28;
enum ETowerAttackUpgradeType
k_ETowerAttackUpgradeType_HitPoints = 0;
k_ETowerAttackUpgradeType_DPS = 1;
k_ETowerAttackUpgradeType_ClickDamage = 2;
k_ETowerAttackUpgradeType_DamageMultiplier_Fire = 3;
k_ETowerAttackUpgradeType_DamageMultiplier_Water = 4;
k_ETowerAttackUpgradeType_DamageMultiplier_Air = 5;
k_ETowerAttackUpgradeType_DamageMultiplier_Earth = 6;
k_ETowerAttackUpgradeType_DamageMultiplier_Crit = 7;
k_ETowerAttackUpgradeType_PurchaseAbility = 8;
k_ETowerAttackUpgradeType_BossLootDropPercentage = 9;
k_ETowerAttackUpgradeType_MaxTypes = 10;
enum ETowerAttackEnemyType
k_ETowerAttackEnemyType_Tower = 0;
k_ETowerAttackEnemyType_Mob = 1;
k_ETowerAttackEnemyType_Boss = 2;
k_ETowerAttackEnemyType_MiniBoss = 3;
k_ETowerAttackEnemyType_TreasureMob = 4;
k_ETowerAttackEnemyType_Max = 5;
enum ETowerAttackEvent
k_ETowerAttackEvent_Invalid = 0;
k_ETowerAttackEvent_NewStoreDeals_Morning = 1;
k_ETowerAttackEvent_NewStoreDeals_Evening = 2;
message CTowerAttack_GameData
message ActiveAbility
optional uint32 accountid_caster = 1;
optional uint32 ability = 2;
optional uint32 timestamp_done = 3;
optional double multiplier = 4;
message Enemy
optional uint64 id = 1;
optional ETowerAttackEnemyType type = 2;
optional double hp = 3;
optional double max_hp = 4;
optional double dps = 5;
optional double timer = 6;
optional double gold = 7;
message Lane
repeated Enemy enemies = 1;
optional double dps = 2;
optional double gold_dropped = 3;
repeated ActiveAbility active_player_abilities = 4;
repeated uint32 player_hp_buckets = 5;
optional ETowerAttackElement element = 6;
// for faster lookup
optional double active_player_ability_decrease_cooldowns = 7 [default = 1];
optional double active_player_ability_gold_per_click = 8 [default = 0];
message Event
optional ETowerAttackEvent event = 1;
optional uint32 time_start = 2;
optional uint32 time_end = 3;
optional uint32 level = 1;
repeated Lane lanes = 2;
optional uint32 timestamp = 3;
optional EMiniGameStatus status = 4;
repeated Event events = 5;
optional uint32 timestamp_game_start = 6;
optional uint32 timestamp_level_start = 7;
message CTowerAttack_Stats
optional uint32 num_players = 1;
optional uint64 num_mobs_killed = 2;
optional uint64 num_towers_killed = 3;
optional uint64 num_minibosses_killed = 4;
optional uint64 num_bosses_killed = 5;
optional uint64 num_clicks = 6;
optional uint64 num_abilities_activated = 7;
optional uint64 num_players_reaching_milestone_level = 8;
optional uint64 num_ability_items_activated = 9;
optional uint32 num_active_players = 10;
optional double time_simulating = 11;
optional double time_saving = 12;
// player related
message CTowerAttack_PlayerData
message ActiveAbility
optional uint32 ability = 1;
optional uint32 timestamp_done = 2;
optional uint32 timestamp_cooldown = 3;
message Loot
optional ETowerAttackAbility ability = 1;
optional double hp = 1;
optional uint32 current_lane = 2;
optional uint32 target = 3;
optional uint32 time_died = 4;
optional double gold = 5;
optional uint64 active_abilities_bitfield = 6;
repeated ActiveAbility active_abilities = 7;
optional double crit_damage = 8;
repeated Loot loot = 9;
message CTowerAttack_PlayerTechTree
message Upgrade
optional uint32 upgrade = 1;
optional uint32 level = 2;
optional double cost_for_next_level = 3;
message AbilityItem
optional ETowerAttackAbility ability = 1;
optional uint32 quantity = 2;
repeated Upgrade upgrades = 1;
optional double damage_per_click = 2 [default = 1.0];
optional double damage_multiplier_fire = 3 [default = 1.0];
optional double damage_multiplier_water = 4 [default = 1.0];
optional double damage_multiplier_air = 5 [default = 1.0];
optional double damage_multiplier_earth = 6 [default = 1.0];
optional double damage_multiplier_crit = 7 [default = 2.0];
optional uint64 unlocked_abilities_bitfield = 8 [default = 0];
optional double hp_multiplier = 9 [default = 1.0];
optional double crit_percentage = 10 [default = 0];
optional double badge_points = 11;
repeated AbilityItem ability_items = 12;
optional double boss_loot_drop_percentage = 13 [default = 0.25];
optional double damage_multiplier_dps = 14 [default = 1.0];
optional double base_dps = 15;
optional double damage_per_click_multiplier = 16 [default = 1.0];
optional double max_hp = 17;
optional double dps = 18;
message CTowerAttack_GetGameData_Request
optional uint64 gameid = 1;
optional bool include_stats = 2;
message CTowerAttack_GetGameData_Response
optional CTowerAttack_GameData game_data = 1;
optional CTowerAttack_Stats stats = 2;
message CTowerAttack_GetPlayerNames_Request
optional uint64 gameid = 1;
repeated uint32 accountids = 2;
message CTowerAttack_GetPlayerNames_Response
message PlayerName
optional uint32 accountid = 1;
optional string name = 2;
repeated PlayerName names = 1;
message CTowerAttack_GetPlayerData_Request
optional uint64 gameid = 1;
optional bool include_tech_tree = 2 [default = false];
optional uint64 steamid = 3;
message CTowerAttack_GetPlayerData_Response
optional CTowerAttack_PlayerData player_data = 1;
optional CTowerAttack_PlayerTechTree tech_tree = 2;
message CTowerAttack_UseAbilities_Request
message UseAbilityData
optional ETowerAttackAbility ability = 1;
optional uint32 new_lane = 2;
optional uint32 new_target = 3;
optional uint32 num_clicks = 4;
optional uint64 gameid = 1;
repeated UseAbilityData requested_abilities = 2;
message CTowerAttack_UseAbilities_Response
optional CTowerAttack_PlayerData player_data = 1;
optional CTowerAttack_PlayerTechTree tech_tree = 2;
message CTowerAttack_ChooseUpgrade_Request
optional uint64 gameid = 1;
repeated uint32 upgrades = 2;
message CTowerAttack_ChooseUpgrade_Response
optional CTowerAttack_PlayerTechTree tech_tree = 1;
message CTowerAttack_GetTuningData_Request
message CTowerAttack_GetTuningData_Response
optional string json = 1;
message CTowerAttack_GetDailyStatsRollup_Request
optional uint32 timestamp = 1;
message CTowerAttack_GetDailyStatsRollup_Response
optional CTowerAttack_Stats stats = 1;
message CTowerAttack_HandleGameEvent_Request
optional uint64 gameid = 1;
optional ETowerAttackEvent event = 2;
message CTowerAttack_HandleGameEvent_Response
message CTowerAttack_UseBadgePoints_Request
optional uint64 gameid = 1;
repeated ETowerAttackAbility ability_items = 2;
message CTowerAttack_UseBadgePoints_Response
optional CTowerAttack_PlayerTechTree tech_tree = 1;
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