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Last active September 13, 2018 03:08
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Don't use the pointers of the instances allocated in functions stack

Don't misuse the pointers of the instances allocated in functions stack

struct Foo { ... }

fn create_foo() -> Foo {
    let foo = Foo { ... };

let f = create_foo(); // Perform `memcpy`!

The addresses of f and foo are different since let f = create_foo(); performs memcpy. The whole data of foo will be copied to a new place pointed by f and then the memory of foo in stack will be abandoned. That's how normal function calls works, if it doesn't use any variable in heap.

struct Foo { ... }

fn create_foo() -> Foo {
    let foo = Foo { ... };
    register_pointer(&foo); // Cast to *const Foo automatically.

fn register_pointer(ptr: *const Foo) {
    // Save the `ptr` to somewhere and
    // use this `ptr` to get a Foo instance later.

fn get_foo_ref() -> &Foo {
    // Convert the `ptr` saved in register_pointer
    // to a reference of the Foo instance.

let f = create_foo(); // Perform `memcpy`!
let f_ref = get_foo_ref(); // Likely to cause a segmentation fault!

Therefore, the above code is very likely to cause a segmentation fault since get_foo_ref() will try to convert a invalid pointer pointing a memory that was marked unused after executing let f = create_foo(); to a Foo instance.

The runnable sample code for this problem is The solution for is Clone this gist repo, go to the repo folder and run ```$ make`` to see the results.

Sample code

  • makefile: Commands to run the examples.
  • Prove the idea above with struct method.
  • new.c: Compare results of with how similar code works in C.
  • new.cpp: Compare results of how similar code works in C++.
  • The sample code to demonstrate the idea above.
  • The solution for

Real case study: Registering callback with pointer to external library

The reason I create this gist repo is to simplify what the problem I have when I misuse the ::new(...) struct method in my strcut. I have a strcut and it has a struct method called ::new(...). In the ::new(...), I create a struct instance and use the pointer of this created instance as the callback target whose type is *const c_void to an external C library, then the created struct instance is returned outside. When callback is fired from the external C library, it will convert the registered target pointer to a struct instance so that it knows which variable calls it. It looks logically reasonable, but it doesn't work. It causes a memory error when converting the registered target pointer to a struct instance. The memory pointed by the registered target pointer is abandoned after finishing executing ::new(...). That's why it doesn't work.

The sample code itself explains this problem well. See the code here.

use std::ptr;
use std::f64::consts::PI;
struct Foo {
value: f64,
func: fn(f64),
impl Foo {
fn new(value: f64, func: fn(f64)) -> Self {
let f = Foo {
println!("(Foo::new) f @ {:p}", &f);
println!("(Foo::new) f.value @ {:p}", &f.value);
println!("(Foo::new) f.func @ {:p}", &f.func);
fn init(&self) {
println!("(Foo::init) self @ {:p}", self);
unsafe { FOO_MIRROR.set(self); }
fn get_value(&self) -> f64 {
println!("(Foo::get_value) self @ {:p}", self);
println!("(Foo::get_value) self.value @ {:p}", &self.value);
fn invoke_func(&self) {
println!("(Foo::invoke_func) self @ {:p}", self);
println!("(Foo::invoke_func) self.func @ {:p}", &self.func);
struct FooMirror {
foo_ptr: *const Foo,
impl FooMirror {
fn set(&mut self, foo_ref: &Foo) {
self.foo_ptr = foo_ref;
println!("(FooMirror::set) set foo_ptr @ {:p}", self.foo_ptr);
fn get(&self) -> &Foo {
println!("(FooMirror::get) get foo_ptr @ {:p}", self.foo_ptr);
unsafe { &(*self.foo_ptr) }
static mut FOO_MIRROR: FooMirror = FooMirror { foo_ptr: ptr::null() };
fn show_value(value: f64) {
println!("(show_value) value is {}", value);
fn main() {
let foo = Foo::new(PI, show_value);
println!("(main) foo @ {:p}", &foo);
println!("(main) foo.value @ {:p}", &foo.value);
println!("(main) foo.func @ {:p}", &foo.func);
let foo_mirror = unsafe { FOO_MIRROR.get() };
println!("(main) foo_mirror.value: {}", foo_mirror.get_value());
use std::ptr;
use std::f64::consts::PI;
struct Foo {
value: f64,
func: fn(f64),
impl Foo {
fn new(value: f64, func: fn(f64)) -> Self {
let f = Foo {
println!("(Foo::new) f @ {:p}", &f);
println!("(Foo::new) f.value @ {:p}", &f.value);
println!("(Foo::new) f.func @ {:p}", &f.func);
// Assigning `FOO_MIRROR.foo_ptr` to the address of `f` will cause to a
// memory eror since `f` will be copied and abandoned after being returned.
// The `FOO_MIRROR.foo_ptr` then will point to a invalid memory address.
// When we dereference the `FOO_MIRROR.foo_ptr`, it's very likely to cause
// a `Segmentation fault: 11`.
fn init(&self) {
println!("(Foo::init) self @ {:p}", self);
unsafe { FOO_MIRROR.set(self); }
fn get_value(&self) -> f64 {
println!("(Foo::get_value) self @ {:p}", self);
println!("(Foo::get_value) self.value @ {:p}", &self.value);
fn invoke_func(&self) {
println!("(Foo::invoke_func) self @ {:p}", self);
println!("(Foo::invoke_func) self.func @ {:p}", &self.func);
struct FooMirror {
foo_ptr: *const Foo,
impl FooMirror {
fn set(&mut self, foo_ref: &Foo) {
self.foo_ptr = foo_ref;
println!("(FooMirror::set) set foo_ptr @ {:p}", self.foo_ptr);
fn get(&self) -> &Foo {
println!("(FooMirror::get) get foo_ptr @ {:p}", self.foo_ptr);
unsafe { &(*self.foo_ptr) }
static mut FOO_MIRROR: FooMirror = FooMirror { foo_ptr: ptr::null() };
fn show_value(value: f64) {
println!("(show_value) value is {}", value);
fn main() {
let foo = Foo::new(PI, show_value);
println!("(main) foo @ {:p}", &foo);
println!("(main) foo.value @ {:p}", &foo.value);
println!("(main) foo.func @ {:p}", &foo.func);
let foo_mirror = unsafe { FOO_MIRROR.get() };
println!("(main) foo_mirror.value: {}", foo_mirror.get_value());
g++ new.cpp -o new-cpp
gcc new.c -o new-c
rm new
rm new-c
rm new-cpp
rm init_in_new
rm init_in_new_wrong
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct {
double value;
} Foo;
Foo create(double v) {
Foo f = { v };
printf("(create) f @ %p\n", (void*)&f);
return f;
int main() {
Foo foo = create(M_PI);
printf("(main) foo @ %p\n", (void*)&foo);
return 0;
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
struct Foo {
double value;
static Foo create(double v) {
Foo f = { v };
cout << "(Foo::create) f @ " << &f << endl;
return f;
struct Bar {
double value;
Bar(double v): value(v) {
cout << "(Bar::Bar) this @ " << this << endl;
// class Bar {
// public:
// Bar(double v): value(v) {
// cout << "(Bar::Bar) this @ " << this << endl;
// }
// private:
// double value;
// };
int main() {
Foo foo = Foo::create(M_PI);
cout << "(main) foo @ " << &foo << endl;
Bar bar(M_PI);
cout << "(main) bar @ " << &bar << endl;
// Bar* bar = new Bar(M_PI);
// cout << "(main) bar @ " << bar << endl;
return 0;
use std::f64::consts::PI;
struct Foo {
value: f64,
impl Foo {
fn new(value: f64) -> Self {
let f = Foo {
println!("(Foo::new) f @ {:p}", &f);
fn main() {
let foo = Foo::new(PI);
println!("(main) foo @ {:p}", &foo);
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