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Created September 6, 2017 15:17
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struct G<A> {
let vertices : [A]
let edges: [(A, A)]
let gex = G(vertices: [1, 2, 3], edges: [(1, 2), (2, 3)])
let gbad = G(vertices: [1], edges: [(1, 2)])
protocol Graph {
associatedtype Vertex
static var empty : Self { get }
static func vertex(_ : Vertex) -> Self
static func overlay(_ : Self, _ : Self) -> Self
static func connect(_ : Self, _ : Self) -> Self
extension Graph {
static func edge(_ l : Self.Vertex, _ r : Self.Vertex) -> Self {
return Self.connect(Self.vertex(l), Self.vertex(r))
static func vertices(_ vs : [Self.Vertex]) -> Self {
return, Self.overlay)
static func clique(_ vs : [Self.Vertex]) -> Self {
return, Self.connect)
static func graph(_ vs : [Self.Vertex], _ es : [(Self.Vertex, Self.Vertex)]) -> Self {
return Self.overlay(Self.vertices(vs), Self.edges(es))
static func edges(_ es : [(Self.Vertex, Self.Vertex)]) -> Self {
return, Self.overlay)
extension Graph where Self : Equatable {
func isSubgraph(of other: Self) -> Bool {
return Self.overlay(self, other) == other
struct PairOf<A : Hashable> : Hashable {
let v : (A, A)
static func == (lhs : PairOf<A>, rhs : PairOf<A>) -> Bool {
return lhs.v == rhs.v && lhs.v == rhs.v
var hashValue : Int {
return v.0.hashValue ^ v.1.hashValue
struct Relation<A: Comparable & Hashable> : Graph, Equatable {
let domain : Set<A>
let relation : Set<PairOf<A>>
typealias Vertex = A
static var empty : Relation {
return Relation(domain: [], relation: [])
static func vertex(_ x : Vertex) -> Relation {
return Relation(domain: [x], relation: [])
static func overlay(_ lhs : Relation, _ rhs : Relation) -> Relation {
return Relation(domain: lhs.domain.union(rhs.domain), relation: lhs.relation.union(rhs.relation))
static func connect(_ lhs : Relation, _ rhs : Relation) -> Relation {
return Relation(
domain: lhs.domain.union(rhs.domain),
relation: lhs.relation.union(rhs.relation).union(lhs.domain.flatMap { ls in return rhs.domain.flatMap { rs in PairOf<A>(v: (ls, rs)) } }))
static func == (lhs : Relation<A>, rhs : Relation<A>) -> Bool {
return lhs.domain == rhs.domain && lhs.relation == rhs.relation
extension Relation where A: Numeric {
static func + (lhs : Relation, rhs : Relation) -> Relation {
return Relation.overlay(lhs, rhs)
static func * (lhs : Relation, rhs : Relation) -> Relation {
return self.connect(lhs, rhs)
prefix static func -(operand: Relation) -> Relation { return operand }
var signum: Relation { return Relation.empty }
var magnitude: Relation { return self }
indirect enum ShallowGraph<A> {
case Empty
case Vertex(A)
case Overlay(ShallowGraph<A>, ShallowGraph<A>)
case Connect(ShallowGraph<A>, ShallowGraph<A>)
extension ShallowGraph where A : Comparable & Hashable {
static func == (lhs : ShallowGraph<A>, rhs : ShallowGraph<A>) -> Bool {
return fold(lhs) == (fold(rhs) as Relation<A>)
func fold<G : Graph>(_ sg : ShallowGraph<G.Vertex>) -> G {
switch sg {
case .Empty: return G.empty
case let .Vertex(x): return G.vertex(x)
case let .Overlay(x, y): return G.overlay(fold(x), fold(y))
case let .Connect(x, y): return G.connect(fold(x), fold(y))
struct Symmetric<A : Comparable & Hashable> : Graph {
let unSym : Relation<A>
typealias Vertex = Relation<A>.Vertex
static var empty : Symmetric<A> {
return Symmetric(unSym: Relation<A>.empty)
static func vertex(_ x : Vertex) -> Symmetric<A> {
return Symmetric(unSym: Relation<A>.vertex(x))
static func overlay(_ lhs : Symmetric<A>, _ rhs : Symmetric<A>) -> Symmetric<A> {
return Symmetric(unSym: Relation<A>.overlay(lhs.unSym, rhs.unSym))
static func connect(_ lhs : Symmetric<A>, _ rhs : Symmetric<A>) -> Symmetric<A> {
return Symmetric(unSym: Relation<A>.connect(lhs.unSym, rhs.unSym))
// static func == (lhs : Symmetric<A>, rhs : Symmetric<A>) -> Bool {
// return lhs.symmetricClosure == rhs.symmetricClosure
// }
//struct Transpose<G : Graph> : Graph {
struct GraphFunctor<A> : Graph {
let map : Any
let fingerprint : ObjectIdentifier
init<G : Graph>(_ map : @escaping ((A) -> G.Vertex) -> G) { = map
self.fingerprint = ObjectIdentifier(A.self)
typealias Vertex = A
static var empty : GraphFunctor<A> {
return GraphFunctor<A>({ _ in .empty })
static func vertex(_ x : Vertex) -> GraphFunctor<A> {
return GraphFunctor<A>({ f in return .vertex(f(x)) })
static func overlay(_ lhs : GraphFunctor<A>, _ rhs : GraphFunctor<A>) -> GraphFunctor<A> {
return Symmetric(unSym: Relation<A>.overlay(lhs.unSym, rhs.unSym))
static func connect(_ lhs : GraphFunctor<A>, _ rhs : GraphFunctor<A>) -> GraphFunctor<A> {
return Symmetric(unSym: Relation<A>.connect(lhs.unSym, rhs.unSym))
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