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Created November 23, 2017 07:58
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Ken Burns effect CSS only
each img in [1043,1039,1017,929]
img(src='//'+img, alt="img")
h1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
p Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Perferendis impedit facilis nesciunt quam vitae voluptatibus ullam vero.
margin 0
padding 0
box-sizing border-box
font-size calc(.5vw + 1vh + .5vmin)
font 100 50%/1.5 'Roboto', sans-serif
position relative
margin 2em
padding .2em .6em
cursor pointer
// &:hover
// background rgba(96, 125, 139, 0.5);
color #FFF
font-size 2em
max-width 26em
margin-bottom .5em
line-height 1
font-weight 100
//===== #CrossFade =======
background #FFF //no flash
display flex
align-items flex-end
height 100vh
overflow hidden
position relative
position absolute
min-width 100%
min-height 100%
height auto
background #000
backface-visibility hidden
opacity 0
transform scale(1.4) rotate(12deg)
animation CrossFade 24s infinite
animation-delay 6s
animation-delay 12s
animation-delay 18s
@keyframes CrossFade
opacity 1
transform scale(1) rotate(0)
opacity 0
//===== #CrossFadeMixin =======
$duration = 12
$slides = 4
$step = $duration/$slides
setDelayRevers($duration, $slides)
for index in (2..$slides)
&:nth-child({index -1})
animation-delay ($step*index)s
height 100vh
overflow hidden
position relative
display flex
align-self center
position absolute
min-width 100%
min-height 100%
height auto
backface-visibility hidden
opacity 0
transform scale(1.4) rotate(12deg)
animation CrossFade ($duration)s infinite
setDelayRevers($duration, $slides)
@keyframes CrossFade
opacity 1
transform scale(1) rotate(0)
opacity 0
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