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Scroll Drawing

As you scroll down, the % scrolled of the document is calculated and that same % of an SVG <path> is drawn.

A Pen by Chris Coyier on CodePen.


Material VCard

Another example of clip-path property for revealing content effect. This experiment will work on Latest Chrome, haven't tested on another browser.

The transition itself is not smooth i think, i have some difficulty time with the javascript. If you have better method please let me know in the comment.

The Design and animation Choreography itself was inspired by Great Shot from CHRISTOPHE KEREBEL on MaterialUp ( )

A Pen by Rian Ariona on CodePen.

Google Menu Toggle Animation

Forcing myself to use Greensock more. Enjoying how easy and fun it is so far! Just a simple animation that mimics Google's toggle animation

A Pen by Sean Dempsey on CodePen.


Netflix style cards

Inspired by the new Netflix site has these cool cards when you hover the image.

A Pen by Lewi Hussey on CodePen.
