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// the code from this gist:
// re-implemented in AssemblyScript
import "wasi";
import { Console, FileSystem, Descriptor } from "as-wasi";
class Nullable<T> {
constructor(public value: T, public isNull: bool = false) {}
get notNull(): bool {
return !this.isNull;
const NullF64 = new Nullable<f64>(0, true);
class Val {
current: f64;
min: f64;
max: f64;
function boxMullerRand(): f64 {
while (true) {
let x = Math.random() * 2.0 - 1;
let y = Math.random() * 2.0 - 1;
let d = x * x + y * y;
if (d < 1) {
return x * sqrt((-2 * Math.log(d)) / d);
function pathFinalMinMax(
initial: f64,
time: f64,
steps: i32,
volatility: f64,
riskfree: f64
): Val {
let dt = time / f64(steps);
let sdt = sqrt(dt);
let drift = Math.exp((riskfree - 0.5 * volatility * volatility) * dt);
let current = initial;
let min = current;
let max = current;
for (let i = 0; i < steps - 1; i++) {
current = current * drift * Math.exp(sdt * volatility * boxMullerRand());
if (min > current) min = current;
if (max < current) max = current;
return { current: current, min: min, max: max };
function priceOption(
strike: f64,
spot: f64,
time: i32,
volatility: f64,
risk_free: f64,
knockin: Nullable<f64> = NullF64,
knockout: Nullable<f64> = NullF64,
simulations: i32 = 2000,
steps_per_unit: i32 = 365
): f64 {
if (knockin.notNull && knockout.notNull)
throw new Error("Unable to cope with 2 barriers!");
let cp = 1; // if call_or_put == 'c' else -1
let total = 0.0;
for (let i = 0; i < simulations; i++) {
const val = pathFinalMinMax(
time * steps_per_unit,
if (knockin.notNull && knockin.value > spot && val.max < knockin.value) {
// Up and In
} else if (
knockin.notNull &&
knockin.value < spot &&
val.min > knockin.value
) {
// Down and In
} else if (
knockout.notNull &&
knockout.value < spot &&
val.min < knockin.value
) {
// Down and Out
} else if (
knockout.notNull &&
knockout.value > spot &&
val.max > knockout.value
) {
// Up and Out
} else {
total += Math.max(0, cp * (val.current - strike));
return (total / simulations) * Math.exp(-time * risk_free);
const spot = 100.0;
const strike = 105.0;
const vol = 0.2;
const risk_free = 0.05;
const price = priceOption(strike, spot, 1, vol, risk_free);
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