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Created August 17, 2017 08:32
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JS File before minify
var $et_window = $(window);
window.et_load_event_fired = false;
window.et_is_transparent_nav = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_transparent_nav' );
window.et_is_vertical_nav = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_vertical_nav' );
window.et_is_fixed_nav = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_fixed_nav' );
jQuery.fn.reverse = [].reverse;
jQuery.fn.closest_descendent = function( selector ) {
var $found,
$current_children = this.children();
while ( $current_children.length ) {
$found = $current_children.filter( selector );
if ( $found.length ) {
$current_children = $current_children.children();
return $found;
window.et_pb_init_modules = function() {
$.et_pb_simple_slider = function(el, options) {
var settings = $.extend( {
slide : '.et-slide', // slide class
arrows : '.et-pb-slider-arrows', // arrows container class
prev_arrow : '.et-pb-arrow-prev', // left arrow class
next_arrow : '.et-pb-arrow-next', // right arrow class
controls : '.et-pb-controllers a', // control selector
carousel_controls : '.et_pb_carousel_item', // carousel control selector
control_active_class : 'et-pb-active-control', // active control class name
previous_text : et_pb_custom.previous, // previous arrow text
next_text :, // next arrow text
fade_speed : 500, // fade effect speed
use_arrows : true, // use arrows?
use_controls : true, // use controls?
manual_arrows : '', // html code for custom arrows
append_controls_to : '', // controls are appended to the slider element by default, here you can specify the element it should append to
controls_below : false,
controls_class : 'et-pb-controllers', // controls container class name
slideshow : false, // automattic animation?
slideshow_speed : 7000, // automattic animation speed
show_progress_bar : false, // show progress bar if automattic animation is active
tabs_animation : false,
use_carousel : false
}, options );
var $et_slider = $(el),
$et_slide = $et_slider.closest_descendent( settings.slide ),
et_slides_number = $et_slide.length,
et_fade_speed = settings.fade_speed,
et_active_slide = 0,
controls_html = '',
carousel_html = '',
$progress_bar = null,
progress_timer_count = 0,
$et_pb_container = $et_slider.find( '.et_pb_container' ),
et_pb_container_width = $et_pb_container.width(),
is_post_slider = $et_slider.hasClass( 'et_pb_post_slider' );
$et_slider.et_animation_running = false;
$.data(el, "et_pb_simple_slider", $et_slider);
$et_slide.eq(0).addClass( 'et-pb-active-slide' );
if ( ! settings.tabs_animation ) {
if ( !$et_slider.hasClass('et_pb_bg_layout_dark') && !$et_slider.hasClass('et_pb_bg_layout_light') ) {
$et_slider.addClass( et_get_bg_layout_color( $et_slide.eq(0) ) );
if ( settings.use_arrows && et_slides_number > 1 ) {
if ( settings.manual_arrows == '' )
$et_slider.append( '<div class="et-pb-slider-arrows"><a class="et-pb-arrow-prev" href="#">' + '<span>' +settings.previous_text + '</span>' + '</a><a class="et-pb-arrow-next" href="#">' + '<span>' + settings.next_text + '</span>' + '</a></div>' );
$et_slider.append( settings.manual_arrows );
$et_slider_arrows = $et_slider.find( settings.arrows );
$et_slider_prev = $et_slider.find( settings.prev_arrow );
$et_slider_next = $et_slider.find( settings.next_arrow );
$ function(){
if ( $et_slider.et_animation_running ) return false;
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( 'next' );
return false;
} );
$ function(){
if ( $et_slider.et_animation_running ) return false;
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( 'previous' );
return false;
} );
// swipe support requires et-jquery-touch-mobile
$et_slider.find( settings.slide ).on( 'swipeleft', function( event ) {
// do not switch slide on selecting text in VB
if ( $( ).closest( '.et-fb-popover-tinymce' ).length || $( ).closest( '.et-fb-editable-element' ).length ) {
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( 'next' );
$et_slider.find( settings.slide ).on( 'swiperight', function( event ) {
// do not switch slide on selecting text in VB
if ( $( ).closest( '.et-fb-popover-tinymce' ).length || $( ).closest( '.et-fb-editable-element' ).length ) {
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( 'previous' );
if ( settings.use_controls && et_slides_number > 1 ) {
for ( var i = 1; i <= et_slides_number; i++ ) {
controls_html += '<a href="#"' + ( i == 1 ? ' class="' + settings.control_active_class + '"' : '' ) + '>' + i + '</a>';
if ($et_slider.find('video').length > 0) {
settings.controls_class += ' et-pb-controllers-has-video-tag';
controls_html =
'<div class="' + settings.controls_class + '">' +
controls_html +
if ( settings.append_controls_to == '' )
$et_slider.append( controls_html );
$( settings.append_controls_to ).append( controls_html );
if ( settings.controls_below )
$et_slider_controls = $et_slider.parent().find( settings.controls );
$et_slider_controls = $et_slider.find( settings.controls );
et_maybe_set_controls_color( $et_slide.eq(0) );
$ function(){
if ( $et_slider.et_animation_running ) return false;
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( $(this).index() );
return false;
} );
if ( settings.use_carousel && et_slides_number > 1 ) {
for ( var i = 1; i <= et_slides_number; i++ ) {
slide_id = i - 1;
image_src = ( $et_slide.eq(slide_id).data('image') !== undefined ) ? 'url(' + $et_slide.eq(slide_id).data('image') + ')' : 'none';
carousel_html += '<div class="et_pb_carousel_item ' + ( i == 1 ? settings.control_active_class : '' ) + '" data-slide-id="'+ slide_id +'">' +
'<div class="et_pb_video_overlay" href="#" style="background-image: ' + image_src + ';">' +
'<div class="et_pb_video_overlay_hover"><a href="#" class="et_pb_video_play"></a></div>' +
'</div>' +
carousel_html =
'<div class="et_pb_carousel">' +
'<div class="et_pb_carousel_items">' +
carousel_html +
'</div>' +
$et_slider.after( carousel_html );
$et_slider_carousel_controls = $et_slider.siblings('.et_pb_carousel').find( settings.carousel_controls );
$ function(){
if ( $et_slider.et_animation_running ) return false;
var $this = $(this);
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( $'slide-id') );
return false;
} );
if ( settings.slideshow && et_slides_number > 1 ) {
$et_slider.hover( function() {
if ( $et_slider.hasClass( 'et_slider_auto_ignore_hover' ) ) {
$et_slider.addClass( 'et_slider_hovered' );
if ( typeof et_slider_timer != 'undefined' ) {
clearInterval( et_slider_timer );
}, function() {
if ( $et_slider.hasClass( 'et_slider_auto_ignore_hover' ) ) {
$et_slider.removeClass( 'et_slider_hovered' );
} );
function et_slider_auto_rotate(){
if ( settings.slideshow && et_slides_number > 1 && ! $et_slider.hasClass( 'et_slider_hovered' ) ) {
et_slider_timer = setTimeout( function() {
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( 'next' );
}, settings.slideshow_speed );
$et_slider.et_slider_destroy = function() {
// Clear existing timer / auto rotate
if ( typeof et_slider_timer != 'undefined' ) {
clearInterval( et_slider_timer );
// Deregister existing events
$et_slider.unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');
$et_slider.find('.et-pb-slider-arrows a, .et-pb-controllers a').unbind('click');
// Removing existing style from slide(s)
'z-index': '',
'display': '',
'opacity': '',
// Removing existing classnames from slide(s)
// Removing DOM that was added by slider
$et_slider.find('.et-pb-slider-arrows, .et-pb-controllers').remove();
function et_stop_video( active_slide ) {
var $et_video, et_video_src;
// if there is a video in the slide, stop it when switching to another slide
if ( active_slide.has( 'iframe' ).length ) {
$et_video = active_slide.find( 'iframe' );
et_video_src = $et_video.attr( 'src' );
$et_video.attr( 'src', '' );
$et_video.attr( 'src', et_video_src );
} else if ( active_slide.has( 'video' ).length ) {
if ( !active_slide.find('.et_pb_section_video_bg').length ) {
$et_video = active_slide.find( 'video' );
$et_slider.et_fix_slider_content_images = et_fix_slider_content_images;
function et_fix_slider_content_images() {
var $this_slider = $et_slider,
$slide_image_container = $this_slider.find( '.et-pb-active-slide .et_pb_slide_image' ),
$slide_video_container = $this_slider.find( '.et-pb-active-slide .et_pb_slide_video' ),
$slide = $slide_image_container.closest( '.et_pb_slide' ),
$slider = $slide.closest( '.et_pb_slider' ),
slide_height = parseFloat( $slider.innerHeight() ),
image_height = parseFloat( slide_height * 0.8 ),
slide_image_container_height = parseFloat( $slide_image_container.height() ),
slide_video_container_height = parseFloat( $slide_video_container.height() );
if ( ! isNaN( image_height ) ) {
$slide_image_container.find( 'img' ).css( 'maxHeight', image_height + 'px' );
slide_image_container_height = parseInt( $slide_image_container.height() )
if ( ! isNaN( slide_image_container_height ) && $slide.hasClass( 'et_pb_media_alignment_center' ) ) {
$slide_image_container.css( 'marginTop', '-' + ( slide_image_container_height / 2 ) + 'px' );
if ( ! isNaN( slide_video_container_height ) ) {
$slide_video_container.css( 'marginTop', '-' + ( slide_video_container_height / 2 ) + 'px' );
function et_get_bg_layout_color( $slide ) {
if ( $slide.hasClass( 'et_pb_bg_layout_light' ) ) {
return 'et_pb_bg_layout_light';
return 'et_pb_bg_layout_dark';
function et_maybe_set_controls_color( $slide ) {
var next_slide_dot_color,
if ( typeof $et_slider_controls !== 'undefined' && $et_slider_controls.length ) {
next_slide_dot_color = $slide.attr( 'data-dots_color' ) || '';
if ( next_slide_dot_color !== '' ) {
$et_slider_controls.attr( 'style', 'background-color: ' + hex_to_rgba( next_slide_dot_color, '0.3' ) + ';' )
$et_slider_controls.filter( '.et-pb-active-control' ).attr( 'style', 'background-color: ' + hex_to_rgba( next_slide_dot_color ) + '!important;' );
} else {
$et_slider_controls.removeAttr( 'style' );
if ( typeof $et_slider_arrows !== 'undefined' && $et_slider_arrows.length ) {
$arrows = $et_slider_arrows.find( 'a' );
arrows_color = $slide.attr( 'data-arrows_color' ) || '';
if ( arrows_color !== '' ) {
$arrows.css( 'color', arrows_color );
} else {
$arrows.css( 'color', 'inherit' );
// fix the appearance of some modules inside the post slider
function et_fix_builder_content() {
if ( is_post_slider ) {
setTimeout( function() {
var $et_pb_circle_counter = $( '.et_pb_circle_counter' ),
$et_pb_number_counter = $( '.et_pb_number_counter' );
if ( $et_pb_circle_counter.length ) {
window.et_pb_reinit_circle_counters( $et_pb_circle_counter );
if ( $et_pb_number_counter.length ) {
window.et_pb_reinit_number_counters( $et_pb_number_counter );
}, 1000 );
function hex_to_rgba( color, alpha ) {
var color_16 = parseInt( color.replace( '#', '' ), 16 ),
red = ( color_16 >> 16 ) & 255,
green = ( color_16 >> 8 ) & 255,
blue = color_16 & 255,
alpha = alpha || 1,
rgba = red + ',' + green + ',' + blue + ',' + alpha;
rgba = 'rgba(' + rgba + ')';
return rgba;
if ( window.et_load_event_fired ) {
et_fix_slider_height( $et_slider );
} else {
$et_window.on( 'load', function() {
et_fix_slider_height( $et_slider );
} );
$et_window.on( 'resize', function() {
et_fix_slider_height( $et_slider );
} );
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to = function ( direction ) {
var $active_slide = $et_slide.eq( et_active_slide ),
$et_slider.et_animation_running = true;
$et_slider.removeClass('et_slide_transition_to_next et_slide_transition_to_previous').addClass('et_slide_transition_to_' + direction );
if ( direction == 'next' || direction == 'previous' ){
if ( direction == 'next' )
et_active_slide = ( et_active_slide + 1 ) < et_slides_number ? et_active_slide + 1 : 0;
et_active_slide = ( et_active_slide - 1 ) >= 0 ? et_active_slide - 1 : et_slides_number - 1;
} else {
if ( et_active_slide == direction ) {
$et_slider.et_animation_running = false;
et_active_slide = direction;
if ( typeof et_slider_timer != 'undefined' )
clearInterval( et_slider_timer );
$next_slide = $et_slide.eq( et_active_slide );
if ( typeof $active_slide.find('video')[0] !== 'undefined' && typeof $active_slide.find('video')[0]['player'] !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( typeof $next_slide.find('video')[0] !== 'undefined' && typeof $next_slide.find('video')[0]['player'] !== 'undefined' ) {
var $active_slide_video = $active_slide.find('.et_pb_video_box iframe');
if ( $active_slide_video.length ) {
var active_slide_video_src = $active_slide_video.attr('src');
// Removes the "autoplay=1" parameter when switching slides
// by covering three possible cases:
// "?autoplay=1" at the end of the URL
active_slide_video_src = active_slide_video_src.replace(/\?autoplay=1$/, '');
// "?autoplay=1" followed by another parameter
active_slide_video_src = active_slide_video_src.replace(/\?autoplay=1&(amp;)?/, '?');
// "&autoplay=1" anywhere in the URL
active_slide_video_src = active_slide_video_src.replace(/&(amp;)?autoplay=1/, '');
// Delays the URL update so that the cross-fade animation's smoothness is not affected
setTimeout(function() {
'src': active_slide_video_src
}, settings.fade_speed);
// Restores video overlay
'display' : 'block',
'opacity' : 1
$et_slider.trigger( 'simple_slider_before_move_to', { direction : direction, next_slide : $next_slide });
$et_slide.each( function(){
$(this).css( 'zIndex', 1 );
} );
$active_slide.css( 'zIndex', 2 ).removeClass( 'et-pb-active-slide' ).addClass('et-pb-moved-slide');
$next_slide.css( { 'display' : 'block', opacity : 0 } ).addClass( 'et-pb-active-slide' );
if ( settings.use_controls )
$et_slider_controls.removeClass( settings.control_active_class ).eq( et_active_slide ).addClass( settings.control_active_class );
if ( settings.use_carousel )
$et_slider_carousel_controls.removeClass( settings.control_active_class ).eq( et_active_slide ).addClass( settings.control_active_class );
if ( ! settings.tabs_animation ) {
et_maybe_set_controls_color( $next_slide );
$next_slide.animate( { opacity : 1 }, et_fade_speed );
$active_slide.addClass( 'et_slide_transition' ).css( { 'display' : 'list-item', 'opacity' : 1 } ).animate( { opacity : 0 }, et_fade_speed, function(){
var active_slide_layout_bg_color = et_get_bg_layout_color( $active_slide ),
next_slide_layout_bg_color = et_get_bg_layout_color( $next_slide );
$(this).css('display', 'none').removeClass( 'et_slide_transition' );
et_stop_video( $active_slide );
.removeClass( active_slide_layout_bg_color )
.addClass( next_slide_layout_bg_color );
$et_slider.et_animation_running = false;
$et_slider.trigger( 'simple_slider_after_move_to', { next_slide : $next_slide } );
} );
} else {
$next_slide.css( { 'display' : 'none', opacity : 0 } );
$active_slide.addClass( 'et_slide_transition' ).css( { 'display' : 'block', 'opacity' : 1 } ).animate( { opacity : 0 }, et_fade_speed, function(){
$(this).css('display', 'none').removeClass( 'et_slide_transition' );
$next_slide.css( { 'display' : 'block', 'opacity' : 0 } ).animate( { opacity : 1 }, et_fade_speed, function() {
$et_slider.et_animation_running = false;
$et_slider.trigger( 'simple_slider_after_move_to', { next_slide : $next_slide } );
} );
} );
if ( $next_slide.find( '.et_parallax_bg' ).length ) {
// reinit parallax on slide change to make sure it displayed correctly
window.et_pb_parallax_init( $next_slide.find( '.et_parallax_bg' ) );
$.fn.et_pb_simple_slider = function( options ) {
return this.each(function() {
new $.et_pb_simple_slider(this, options);
var et_hash_module_seperator = '||',
et_hash_module_param_seperator = '|';
function process_et_hashchange( hash ) {
if ( ( hash.indexOf( et_hash_module_seperator, 0 ) ) !== -1 ) {
modules = hash.split( et_hash_module_seperator );
for ( var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++ ) {
var module_params = modules[i].split( et_hash_module_param_seperator );
var element = module_params[0];
if ( $('#' + element ).length ) {
$('#' + element ).trigger({
type: "et_hashchange",
params: module_params
} else {
module_params = hash.split( et_hash_module_param_seperator );
var element = module_params[0];
if ( $('#' + element ).length ) {
$('#' + element ).trigger({
type: "et_hashchange",
params: module_params
function et_set_hash( module_state_hash ) {
module_id = module_state_hash.split( et_hash_module_param_seperator )[0];
if ( !$('#' + module_id ).length ) {
if ( window.location.hash ) {
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1), //Puts hash in variable, and removes the # character
new_hash = [];
if ( ( hash.indexOf( et_hash_module_seperator, 0 ) ) !== -1 ) {
modules = hash.split( et_hash_module_seperator );
var in_hash = false;
for ( var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++ ) {
var element = modules[i].split( et_hash_module_param_seperator )[0];
if ( element === module_id ) {
new_hash.push( module_state_hash );
in_hash = true;
} else {
new_hash.push( modules[i] );
if ( !in_hash ) {
new_hash.push( module_state_hash );
} else {
module_params = hash.split( et_hash_module_param_seperator );
var element = module_params[0];
if ( element !== module_id ) {
new_hash.push( hash );
new_hash.push( module_state_hash );
hash = new_hash.join( et_hash_module_seperator );
} else {
hash = module_state_hash;
var yScroll = document.body.scrollTop;
window.location.hash = hash;
document.body.scrollTop = yScroll;
$.et_pb_simple_carousel = function(el, options) {
var settings = $.extend( {
slide_duration : 500,
}, options );
var $et_carousel = $(el),
$carousel_items = $et_carousel.find('.et_pb_carousel_items'),
$the_carousel_items = $carousel_items.find('.et_pb_carousel_item');
$et_carousel.et_animation_running = false;
$et_carousel.addClass('container-width-change-notify').on('containerWidthChanged', function( event ){
set_carousel_columns( $et_carousel );
set_carousel_height( $et_carousel );
$'items', $the_carousel_items.toArray() );
$'columns_setting_up', false );
$carousel_items.prepend('<div class="et-pb-slider-arrows"><a class="et-pb-slider-arrow et-pb-arrow-prev" href="#">' + '<span>' + et_pb_custom.previous + '</span>' + '</a><a class="et-pb-slider-arrow et-pb-arrow-next" href="#">' + '<span>' + + '</span>' + '</a></div>');
set_carousel_columns( $et_carousel );
set_carousel_height( $et_carousel );
$et_carousel_next = $et_carousel.find( '.et-pb-arrow-next' );
$et_carousel_prev = $et_carousel.find( '.et-pb-arrow-prev' );
$et_carousel.on( 'click', '.et-pb-arrow-next', function(){
if ( $et_carousel.et_animation_running ) return false;
$et_carousel.et_carousel_move_to( 'next' );
return false;
} );
$et_carousel.on( 'click', '.et-pb-arrow-prev', function(){
if ( $et_carousel.et_animation_running ) return false;
$et_carousel.et_carousel_move_to( 'previous' );
return false;
} );
// swipe support requires et-jquery-touch-mobile
$et_carousel.on( 'swipeleft', function() {
$et_carousel.et_carousel_move_to( 'next' );
$et_carousel.on( 'swiperight', function() {
$et_carousel.et_carousel_move_to( 'previous' );
function set_carousel_height( $the_carousel ) {
var carousel_items_width = $the_carousel_items.width(),
carousel_items_height = $the_carousel_items.height();
$carousel_items.css('height', carousel_items_height + 'px' );
function set_carousel_columns( $the_carousel ) {
var columns,
$carousel_parent = $the_carousel.parents('.et_pb_column'),
carousel_items_width = $carousel_items.width(),
carousel_item_count = $the_carousel_items.length;
if ( $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_4_4') || $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_3_4') || $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_2_3') ) {
if ( $et_window.width() < 768 ) {
columns = 3;
} else {
columns = 4;
} else if ( $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_1_2') || $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_3_8') || $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_1_3') ) {
columns = 3;
} else if ( $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_1_4') ) {
if ( $et_window.width() > 480 && $et_window.width() < 980 ) {
columns = 3;
} else {
columns = 2;
if ( columns === $'portfolio-columns') ) {
if ( $'columns_setting_up') ) {
$'columns_setting_up', true );
// store last setup column
$carousel_items.removeClass('columns-' + $'portfolio-columns') );
$carousel_items.addClass('columns-' + columns );
$'portfolio-columns', columns );
// kill all previous groups to get ready to re-group
if ( $carousel_items.find('.et-carousel-group').length ) {
$the_carousel_items.appendTo( $carousel_items );
// setup the grouping
var the_carousel_items = $'items'),
$carousel_group = $('<div class="et-carousel-group active">').appendTo( $carousel_items );
$'position', '');
if ( the_carousel_items.length <= columns ) {
} else {
for ( position = 1, x=0 ;x < the_carousel_items.length; x++, position++ ) {
if ( x < columns ) {
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).show();
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).appendTo( $carousel_group );
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).data('position', position );
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).addClass('position_' + position );
} else {
position = $( the_carousel_items[x] ).data('position');
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).removeClass('position_' + position );
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).data('position', '' );
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).hide();
$'columns_setting_up', false );
} /* end set_carousel_columns() */
$et_carousel.et_carousel_move_to = function ( direction ) {
var $active_carousel_group = $carousel_items.find(''),
items = $'items'),
columns = $'portfolio-columns');
$et_carousel.et_animation_running = true;
var left = 0;
$(this).css({'position':'absolute', 'left': left });
left = left + $(this).outerWidth(true);
if ( direction == 'next' ) {
var $next_carousel_group,
current_position = 1,
next_position = 1,
active_items_start = items.indexOf( $active_carousel_group.children().first()[0] ),
active_items_end = active_items_start + columns,
next_items_start = active_items_end,
next_items_end = next_items_start + columns;
$next_carousel_group = $('<div class="et-carousel-group next" style="display: none;left: 100%;position: absolute;top: 0;">').insertAfter( $active_carousel_group );
$next_carousel_group.css({ 'width': $active_carousel_group.innerWidth() }).show();
// this is an endless loop, so it can decide internally when to break out, so that next_position
// can get filled up, even to the extent of an element having both and current_ and next_ position
for( x = 0, total = 0 ; ; x++, total++ ) {
if ( total >= active_items_start && total < active_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass( 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$( items[x] ).data('current_position', current_position );
if ( total >= next_items_start && total < next_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).data('next_position', next_position );
$( items[x] ).addClass('changing_position next_position next_position_' + next_position );
if ( !$( items[x] ).hasClass( 'current_position' ) ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass('container_append');
} else {
$( items[x] ).clone(true).appendTo( $active_carousel_group ).hide().addClass('delayed_container_append_dup').attr('id', $( items[x] ).attr('id') + '-dup' );
$( items[x] ).addClass('delayed_container_append');
if ( next_position > columns ) {
if ( x >= ( items.length -1 )) {
x = -1;
var sorted = $carousel_items.find('.container_append, .delayed_container_append_dup').sort(function (a, b) {
var el_a_position = parseInt( $(a).data('next_position') );
var el_b_position = parseInt( $(b).data('next_position') );
return ( el_a_position < el_b_position ) ? -1 : ( el_a_position > el_b_position ) ? 1 : 0;
$( sorted ).show().appendTo( $next_carousel_group );
var left = 0;
$(this).css({'position':'absolute', 'left': left });
left = left + $(this).outerWidth(true);
left: '-100%'
}, {
duration: settings.slide_duration,
complete: function() {
left = $( '#' + $(this).attr('id') + '-dup' ).css('left');
$(this).css({'position':'absolute', 'left': left });
$(this).appendTo( $next_carousel_group );
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
$(this).removeClass('position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$(this).data('position', '');
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).css({'position': '', 'left': ''});
$(this).appendTo( $carousel_items );
} );
next_left = $active_carousel_group.width() + parseInt( $the_carousel_items.first().css('marginRight').slice(0, -2) );
$next_carousel_group.addClass('active').css({'position':'absolute', 'top':0, left: next_left });
left: '0%'
}, {
duration: settings.slide_duration,
complete: function(){
$next_carousel_group.removeClass('next').addClass('active').css({'position':'', 'width':'', 'top':'', 'left': ''});
$next_carousel_group.find('.changing_position').each(function( index ){
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
next_position = $(this).data('next_position');
$(this).removeClass('container_append delayed_container_append position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position + ' next_position next_position_' + next_position );
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).data('next_position', '');
$(this).data('position', ( index + 1 ) );
$next_carousel_group.children().css({'position': '', 'left': ''});
$et_carousel.et_animation_running = false;
} );
} else if ( direction == 'previous' ) {
var $prev_carousel_group,
current_position = columns,
prev_position = columns,
columns_span = columns - 1,
active_items_start = items.indexOf( $active_carousel_group.children().last()[0] ),
active_items_end = active_items_start - columns_span,
prev_items_start = active_items_end - 1,
prev_items_end = prev_items_start - columns_span;
$prev_carousel_group = $('<div class="et-carousel-group prev" style="display: none;left: 100%;position: absolute;top: 0;">').insertBefore( $active_carousel_group );
$prev_carousel_group.css({ 'left': '-' + $active_carousel_group.innerWidth(), 'width': $active_carousel_group.innerWidth() }).show();
// this is an endless loop, so it can decide internally when to break out, so that next_position
// can get filled up, even to the extent of an element having both and current_ and next_ position
for( x = ( items.length - 1 ), total = ( items.length - 1 ) ; ; x--, total-- ) {
if ( total <= active_items_start && total >= active_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass( 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$( items[x] ).data('current_position', current_position );
if ( total <= prev_items_start && total >= prev_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).data('prev_position', prev_position );
$( items[x] ).addClass('changing_position prev_position prev_position_' + prev_position );
if ( !$( items[x] ).hasClass( 'current_position' ) ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass('container_append');
} else {
$( items[x] ).clone(true).appendTo( $active_carousel_group ).addClass('delayed_container_append_dup').attr('id', $( items[x] ).attr('id') + '-dup' );
$( items[x] ).addClass('delayed_container_append');
if ( prev_position <= 0 ) {
if ( x == 0 ) {
x = items.length;
var sorted = $carousel_items.find('.container_append, .delayed_container_append_dup').sort(function (a, b) {
var el_a_position = parseInt( $(a).data('prev_position') );
var el_b_position = parseInt( $(b).data('prev_position') );
return ( el_a_position < el_b_position ) ? -1 : ( el_a_position > el_b_position ) ? 1 : 0;
$( sorted ).show().appendTo( $prev_carousel_group );
var left = 0;
$(this).css({'position':'absolute', 'left': left });
left = left + $(this).outerWidth(true);
left: '100%'
}, {
duration: settings.slide_duration,
complete: function() {
left = $( '#' + $(this).attr('id') + '-dup' ).css('left');
$(this).css({'position':'absolute', 'left': left });
$(this).prependTo( $prev_carousel_group );
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
$(this).removeClass('position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$(this).data('position', '');
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).css({'position': '', 'left': ''});
$(this).appendTo( $carousel_items );
} );
prev_left = (-1) * $active_carousel_group.width() - parseInt( $the_carousel_items.first().css('marginRight').slice(0, -2) );
$prev_carousel_group.addClass('active').css({'position':'absolute', 'top':0, left: prev_left });
left: '0%'
}, {
duration: settings.slide_duration,
complete: function(){
$prev_carousel_group.removeClass('prev').addClass('active').css({'position':'', 'width':'', 'top':'', 'left': ''});
$prev_carousel_group.find('.changing_position').each(function( index ){
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
prev_position = $(this).data('prev_position');
$(this).removeClass('container_append delayed_container_append position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position + ' prev_position prev_position_' + prev_position );
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).data('prev_position', '');
position = index + 1;
$(this).data('position', position );
$(this).addClass('position_' + position );
$prev_carousel_group.children().css({'position': '', 'left': ''});
$et_carousel.et_animation_running = false;
} );
$.fn.et_pb_simple_carousel = function( options ) {
return this.each(function() {
new $.et_pb_simple_carousel(this, options);
$(document).ready( function(){
* Provide event listener for plugins to hook up to
var $et_pb_slider = $( '.et_pb_slider' ),
$et_pb_tabs = $( '.et_pb_tabs' ),
$et_pb_video_section = $('.et_pb_section_video_bg'),
$et_pb_newsletter_button = $( '.et_pb_newsletter_button' ),
$et_pb_filterable_portfolio = $( '.et_pb_filterable_portfolio' ),
$et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio = $( '.et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio' ),
$et_pb_gallery = $( '.et_pb_gallery' ),
$et_pb_countdown_timer = $( '.et_pb_countdown_timer' ),
$et_post_gallery = $( '.et_post_gallery' ),
$et_lightbox_image = $( '.et_pb_lightbox_image'),
$et_pb_map = $( '.et_pb_map_container' ),
$et_pb_circle_counter = $( '.et_pb_circle_counter' ),
$et_pb_number_counter = $( '.et_pb_number_counter' ),
$et_pb_parallax = $( '.et_parallax_bg' ),
$et_pb_shop = $( '.et_pb_shop' ),
$et_pb_post_fullwidth = $( '.single.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout.et_full_width_page' ),
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et_is_ipad = navigator.userAgent.match( /iPad/ ),
et_is_ie9 = navigator.userAgent.match( /MSIE 9.0/ ) !== null,
$et_container = ! et_pb_custom.is_builder_plugin_used ? $( '.container' ) : $( '.et_pb_row' ),
et_container_width = $et_container.width(),
et_is_vertical_fixed_nav = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_vertical_fixed' ),
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et_hide_nav = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_hide_nav' ),
et_header_style_left = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_header_style_left' ),
$top_header = $('#top-header'),
$main_header = $('#main-header'),
$main_container_wrapper = $( '#page-container' ),
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$et_pb_first_row = $( 'body.et_pb_pagebuilder_layout .et_pb_section:first-child' ),
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$et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper = $et_main_content_first_row.find('.et_post_meta_wrapper:first'),
$et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper_title = $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper.find( 'h1' ),
$et_main_content_first_row_content = $et_main_content_first_row.find('.entry-content:first'),
$et_single_post = $( 'body.single-post' ),
etRecalculateOffset = false,
$et_header_style_split = $('.et_header_style_split'),
$et_top_navigation = $('#et-top-navigation'),
$logo = $('#logo'),
$et_sticky_image = $('.et_pb_image_sticky'),
$et_pb_counter_amount = $('.et_pb_counter_amount'),
$et_pb_carousel = $( '.et_pb_carousel' ),
$et_menu_selector = et_pb_custom.is_divi_theme_used ? $( 'ul.nav' ) : $( '.et_pb_fullwidth_menu ul.nav' ),
et_pb_ab_bounce_rate = et_pb_custom.ab_bounce_rate * 1000,
et_pb_ab_logged_status = {
read_page: false,
read_goal: false,
view_goal: false,
click_goal: false,
con_goal: false,
con_short: false,
window.et_pb_slider_init = function( $this_slider ) {
var et_slider_settings = {
fade_speed : 700,
slide : ! $this_slider.hasClass( 'et_pb_gallery' ) ? '.et_pb_slide' : '.et_pb_gallery_item'
if ( $this_slider.hasClass('et_pb_slider_no_arrows') )
et_slider_settings.use_arrows = false;
if ( $this_slider.hasClass('et_pb_slider_no_pagination') )
et_slider_settings.use_controls = false;
if ( $this_slider.hasClass('et_slider_auto') ) {
var et_slider_autospeed_class_value = /et_slider_speed_(\d+)/g;
et_slider_settings.slideshow = true;
et_slider_autospeed = et_slider_autospeed_class_value.exec( $this_slider.attr('class') );
et_slider_settings.slideshow_speed = et_slider_autospeed === null ? 10 : et_slider_autospeed[1];
if ( $this_slider.parent().hasClass('et_pb_video_slider') ) {
et_slider_settings.controls_below = true;
et_slider_settings.append_controls_to = $this_slider.parent();
setTimeout( function() {
$( '.et_pb_preload' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_preload' );
}, 500 );
if ( $this_slider.hasClass('et_pb_slider_carousel') )
et_slider_settings.use_carousel = true;
$this_slider.et_pb_simple_slider( et_slider_settings );
var $et_top_menu = $et_menu_selector,
et_parent_menu_longpress_limit = 300,
et_parent_menu_click = true,
is_frontend_builder = $('body').hasClass('et-fb'),
et_menu_hover_triggered = false;
// log the conversion if visitor is on Thank You page and comes from the Shop module which is the Goal
if ( $( '.et_pb_ab_shop_conversion' ).length && typeof et_pb_get_cookie_value( 'et_pb_ab_shop_log' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== et_pb_get_cookie_value( 'et_pb_ab_shop_log' ) ) {
var shop_log_data = et_pb_get_cookie_value( 'et_pb_ab_shop_log' ).split( '_' );
page_id = shop_log_data[0],
subject_id = shop_log_data[1],
test_id = shop_log_data[2];
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'con_goal', page_id, subject_id, test_id );
// remove the cookie after conversion is logged
et_pb_set_cookie( 0, 'et_pb_ab_shop_log=true' );
// log the conversion if visitor is on page with tracking shortcode
if ( $( '.et_pb_ab_split_track' ).length ) {
$( '.et_pb_ab_split_track' ).each( function() {
var tracking_test = $( this ).data( 'test_id' ),
cookies_name = 'et_pb_ab_shortcode_track_' + tracking_test;
if ( typeof et_pb_get_cookie_value( cookies_name ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== et_pb_get_cookie_value( cookies_name ) ) {
var track_data = et_pb_get_cookie_value( cookies_name ).split( '_' );
page_id = track_data[0],
subject_id = track_data[1],
test_id = track_data[2];
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'con_short', page_id, subject_id, test_id );
// remove the cookie after conversion is logged
et_pb_set_cookie( 0, cookies_name + '=true' );
// init split testing if enabled
if ( et_pb_custom.is_ab_testing_active ) {
if ( $( '.et_pb_row' ).length ) {
$( '.et_pb_row' ).each( function() {
var $this_row = $( this ),
row_class = '';
row_class = et_get_column_types( $this_row.find( '>.et_pb_column' ) );
if ( '' !== row_class && ( -1 !== row_class.indexOf( '1-4' ) || '_4col' === row_class ) ) {
$this_row.addClass( 'et_pb_row' + row_class );
if ( $this_row.find( '.et_pb_row_inner' ).length ) {
$this_row.find( '.et_pb_row_inner' ).each( function() {
var $this_row_inner = $( this );
row_class = et_get_column_types( $this_row_inner.find( '.et_pb_column' ) );
if ( '' !== row_class && -1 !== row_class.indexOf( '1-4' ) ) {
$this_row_inner.addClass( 'et_pb_row' + row_class );
function et_get_column_types( $columns ) {
var row_class = '';
if ( $columns.length ) {
$columns.each( function() {
var $this_column = $( this ),
column_type = $this_column.attr( 'class' ).split( 'et_pb_column_' )[1],
column_type_clean = typeof column_type !== 'undefined' ? column_type.split( ' ', 1 )[0] : '4_4',
column_type_updated = column_type_clean.replace( '_', '-' ).trim();
row_class += '_' + column_type_updated;
row_class = '_1-4_1-4_1-4_1-4' === row_class ? '_4col' : row_class;
return row_class;
$et_top_menu.find( 'li' ).hover( function() {
if ( ! $(this).closest( 'li.mega-menu' ).length || $(this).hasClass( 'mega-menu' ) ) {
$(this).addClass( 'et-show-dropdown' );
$(this).removeClass( 'et-hover' ).addClass( 'et-hover' );
et_menu_hover_triggered = true;
}, function() {
var $this_el = $(this);
$this_el.removeClass( 'et-show-dropdown' ).addClass( 'et-dropdown-removing' );
et_menu_hover_triggered = false;
setTimeout( function() {
if ( ! $this_el.hasClass( 'et-show-dropdown' ) ) {
$this_el.removeClass( 'et-hover' ).removeClass( 'et-dropdown-removing' );
}, 200 );
} );
// Dropdown menu adjustment for touch screen
$et_top_menu.find('.menu-item-has-children > a').on( 'touchstart', function(){
et_parent_menu_longpress_start = new Date().getTime();
} ).on( 'touchend', function(){
var et_parent_menu_longpress_end = new Date().getTime()
if ( et_parent_menu_longpress_end >= et_parent_menu_longpress_start + et_parent_menu_longpress_limit ) {
et_parent_menu_click = true;
} else {
et_parent_menu_click = false;
// Some devices emulate hover event on touch, so check that hover event was not triggered to avoid extra mouseleave event triggering
if ( ! et_menu_hover_triggered ) {
// Close sub-menu if toggled
var $et_parent_menu = $(this).parent('li');
if ( $et_parent_menu.hasClass( 'et-hover') ) {
$et_parent_menu.trigger( 'mouseleave' );
} else {
$et_parent_menu.trigger( 'mouseenter' );
et_parent_menu_longpress_start = 0;
} ).click(function() {
if ( et_parent_menu_click ) {
return true;
return false;
} );
$et_top_menu.find( 'li.mega-menu' ).each(function(){
var $li_mega_menu = $(this),
$li_mega_menu_item = $li_mega_menu.children( 'ul' ).children( 'li' ),
li_mega_menu_item_count = $li_mega_menu_item.length;
if ( li_mega_menu_item_count < 4 ) {
$li_mega_menu.addClass( 'mega-menu-parent mega-menu-parent-' + li_mega_menu_item_count );
$et_sticky_image.each( function() {
var $this_el = $(this),
$row = $this_el.closest('.et_pb_row'),
$section = $row.closest('.et_pb_section'),
$column = $this_el.closest( '.et_pb_column' ),
sticky_class = 'et_pb_section_sticky',
sticky_mobile_class = 'et_pb_section_sticky_mobile';
// If it is not in the last row, continue
if ( ! $ ':last-child' ) ) {
return true;
// Make sure sticky image is the last element in the column
if ( ! $ ':last-child' ) ) {
return true;
// If it is in the last row, find the parent section and attach new class to it
if ( ! $section.hasClass( sticky_class ) ) {
$section.addClass( sticky_class );
$column.addClass( 'et_pb_row_sticky' );
if ( ! $section.hasClass( sticky_mobile_class ) && $ ':last-child' ) ) {
$section.addClass( sticky_mobile_class );
} );
if ( et_is_mobile_device ) {
$( '.et_pb_section_video_bg' ).each( function() {
var $this_el = $(this);
$this_el.closest( '.et_pb_preload' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_preload' )
} );
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'et_mobile_device' );
if ( ! et_is_ipad ) {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'et_mobile_device_not_ipad' );
if ( et_is_ie9 ) {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'et_ie9' );
if ( $et_pb_video_section.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
window.et_pb_video_section_init = function( $et_pb_video_section ) {
$et_pb_video_section.find( 'video' ).mediaelementplayer( {
pauseOtherPlayers: false,
success : function( mediaElement, domObject ) {
mediaElement.addEventListener( 'loadeddata', function() {
et_pb_resize_section_video_bg( $(domObject) );
et_pb_center_video( $(domObject).closest( '.mejs-video' ) );
}, false );
mediaElement.addEventListener( 'canplay', function() {
$(domObject).closest( '.et_pb_preload' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_preload' );
}, false );
} );
et_pb_video_section_init( $et_pb_video_section );
if ( $et_post_gallery.length ) {
// swipe support in magnific popup only if gallery exists
var magnificPopup = $.magnificPopup.instance;
$( 'body' ).on( 'swiperight', '.mfp-container', function() {
} );
$( 'body' ).on( 'swipeleft', '.mfp-container', function() {;
} );
$et_post_gallery.each(function() {
$(this).magnificPopup( {
delegate: '.et_pb_gallery_image a',
type: 'image',
removalDelay: 500,
gallery: {
enabled: true,
navigateByImgClick: true
mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
zoom: {
enabled: ! et_pb_custom.is_builder_plugin_used,
duration: 500,
opener: function(element) {
return element.find('img');
} );
} );
// prevent attaching of any further actions on click
$et_post_gallery.find( 'a' ).unbind( 'click' );
if ( $et_lightbox_image.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
// prevent attaching of any further actions on click
$et_lightbox_image.unbind( 'click' );
$et_lightbox_image.bind( 'click' );
window.et_pb_image_lightbox_init = function( $et_lightbox_image ) {
$et_lightbox_image.magnificPopup( {
type: 'image',
removalDelay: 500,
mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
zoom: {
enabled: ! et_pb_custom.is_builder_plugin_used,
duration: 500,
opener: function(element) {
return element.find('img');
} );
et_pb_image_lightbox_init( $et_lightbox_image );
if ( $et_pb_slider.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
$et_pb_slider.each( function() {
$this_slider = $(this);
et_pb_slider_init( $this_slider );
} );
$et_pb_carousel = $( '.et_pb_carousel' );
if ( $et_pb_carousel.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
$et_pb_carousel.each( function() {
var $this_carousel = $(this),
et_carousel_settings = {
fade_speed : 1000
$this_carousel.et_pb_simple_carousel( et_carousel_settings );
} );
if ( $et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
window.et_fullwidth_portfolio_init = function( $the_portfolio ) {
var $portfolio_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_items');
$'items', $portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').toArray() );
$'columns_setting_up', false );
if ( $the_portfolio.hasClass('et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio_carousel') ) {
// add left and right arrows
$portfolio_items.prepend('<div class="et-pb-slider-arrows"><a class="et-pb-arrow-prev" href="#">' + '<span>' + et_pb_custom.previous + '</span>' + '</a><a class="et-pb-arrow-next" href="#">' + '<span>' + + '</span>' + '</a></div>');
set_fullwidth_portfolio_columns( $the_portfolio, true );
et_carousel_auto_rotate( $the_portfolio );
// swipe support
$the_portfolio.on( 'swiperight', function() {
$( this ).find( '.et-pb-arrow-prev' ).click();
$the_portfolio.on( 'swipeleft', function() {
$( this ).find( '.et-pb-arrow-next' ).click();
if ( typeof $(this).data('et_carousel_timer') != 'undefined' ) {
clearInterval( $(this).data('et_carousel_timer') );
et_carousel_auto_rotate( $(this) );
$'carouseling', false );
$the_portfolio.on('click', '.et-pb-slider-arrows a', function(e){
fullwidth_portfolio_carousel_slide( $( this) );
return false;
} else {
// setup fullwidth portfolio grid
set_fullwidth_portfolio_columns( $the_portfolio, false );
function fullwidth_portfolio_carousel_slide( $arrow ) {
var $the_portfolio = $arrow.parents('.et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio'),
$portfolio_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_items'),
$the_portfolio_items = $portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item'),
$active_carousel_group = $portfolio_items.find(''),
slide_duration = 700,
items = $'items'),
columns = $'portfolio-columns'),
item_width = $active_carousel_group.innerWidth() / columns, //$active_carousel_group.children().first().innerWidth(),
original_item_width = ( 100 / columns ) + '%';
if ( 'undefined' == typeof items ) {
if ( $'carouseling') ) {
$'carouseling', true);
$(this).css({'width': $(this).innerWidth() + 1, 'position':'absolute', 'left': ( $(this).innerWidth() * ( $(this).data('position') - 1 ) ) });
if ( $arrow.hasClass('et-pb-arrow-next') ) {
var $next_carousel_group,
current_position = 1,
next_position = 1,
active_items_start = items.indexOf( $active_carousel_group.children().first()[0] ),
active_items_end = active_items_start + columns,
next_items_start = active_items_end,
next_items_end = next_items_start + columns;
$next_carousel_group = $('<div class="et_pb_carousel_group next" style="display: none;left: 100%;position: absolute;top: 0;">').insertAfter( $active_carousel_group );
$next_carousel_group.css({ 'width': $active_carousel_group.innerWidth() }).show();
// this is an endless loop, so it can decide internally when to break out, so that next_position
// can get filled up, even to the extent of an element having both and current_ and next_ position
for( x = 0, total = 0 ; ; x++, total++ ) {
if ( total >= active_items_start && total < active_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass( 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$( items[x] ).data('current_position', current_position );
if ( total >= next_items_start && total < next_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).data('next_position', next_position );
$( items[x] ).addClass('changing_position next_position next_position_' + next_position );
if ( !$( items[x] ).hasClass( 'current_position' ) ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass('container_append');
} else {
$( items[x] ).clone(true).appendTo( $active_carousel_group ).hide().addClass('delayed_container_append_dup').attr('id', $( items[x] ).attr('id') + '-dup' );
$( items[x] ).addClass('delayed_container_append');
if ( next_position > columns ) {
if ( x >= ( items.length -1 )) {
x = -1;
sorted = $portfolio_items.find('.container_append, .delayed_container_append_dup').sort(function (a, b) {
var el_a_position = parseInt( $(a).data('next_position') );
var el_b_position = parseInt( $(b).data('next_position') );
return ( el_a_position < el_b_position ) ? -1 : ( el_a_position > el_b_position ) ? 1 : 0;
$( sorted ).show().appendTo( $next_carousel_group );
$(this).css({'width': item_width, 'position':'absolute', 'left': ( item_width * ( $(this).data('next_position') - 1 ) ) });
left: '-100%'
}, {
duration: slide_duration,
complete: function() {
$(this).css({'width': item_width, 'position':'absolute', 'left': ( item_width * ( $(this).data('next_position') - 1 ) ) });
$(this).appendTo( $next_carousel_group );
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
$(this).removeClass('position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$(this).data('position', '');
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).css({'position': '', 'width': '', 'left': ''});
$(this).appendTo( $portfolio_items );
et_carousel_auto_rotate( $the_portfolio );
} );
$next_carousel_group.addClass('active').css({'position':'absolute', 'top':0, left: '100%'});
left: '0%'
}, {
duration: slide_duration,
complete: function(){
$next_carousel_group.removeClass('next').addClass('active').css({'position':'', 'width':'', 'top':'', 'left': ''});
$next_carousel_group.find('.changing_position').each(function( index ){
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
next_position = $(this).data('next_position');
$(this).removeClass('container_append delayed_container_append position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position + ' next_position next_position_' + next_position );
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).data('next_position', '');
$(this).data('position', ( index + 1 ) );
$next_carousel_group.children().css({'position': '', 'width': original_item_width, 'left': ''});
$'carouseling', false);
}, 100 );
} );
} else {
var $prev_carousel_group,
current_position = columns,
prev_position = columns,
columns_span = columns - 1,
active_items_start = items.indexOf( $active_carousel_group.children().last()[0] ),
active_items_end = active_items_start - columns_span,
prev_items_start = active_items_end - 1,
prev_items_end = prev_items_start - columns_span;
$prev_carousel_group = $('<div class="et_pb_carousel_group prev" style="display: none;left: 100%;position: absolute;top: 0;">').insertBefore( $active_carousel_group );
$prev_carousel_group.css({ 'left': '-' + $active_carousel_group.innerWidth(), 'width': $active_carousel_group.innerWidth() }).show();
// this is an endless loop, so it can decide internally when to break out, so that next_position
// can get filled up, even to the extent of an element having both and current_ and next_ position
for( x = ( items.length - 1 ), total = ( items.length - 1 ) ; ; x--, total-- ) {
if ( total <= active_items_start && total >= active_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass( 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$( items[x] ).data('current_position', current_position );
if ( total <= prev_items_start && total >= prev_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).data('prev_position', prev_position );
$( items[x] ).addClass('changing_position prev_position prev_position_' + prev_position );
if ( !$( items[x] ).hasClass( 'current_position' ) ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass('container_append');
} else {
$( items[x] ).clone(true).appendTo( $active_carousel_group ).addClass('delayed_container_append_dup').attr('id', $( items[x] ).attr('id') + '-dup' );
$( items[x] ).addClass('delayed_container_append');
if ( prev_position <= 0 ) {
if ( x == 0 ) {
x = items.length;
sorted = $portfolio_items.find('.container_append, .delayed_container_append_dup').sort(function (a, b) {
var el_a_position = parseInt( $(a).data('prev_position') );
var el_b_position = parseInt( $(b).data('prev_position') );
return ( el_a_position < el_b_position ) ? -1 : ( el_a_position > el_b_position ) ? 1 : 0;
$( sorted ).show().appendTo( $prev_carousel_group );
$(this).css({'width': item_width, 'position':'absolute', 'left': ( item_width * ( $(this).data('prev_position') - 1 ) ) });
left: '100%'
}, {
duration: slide_duration,
complete: function() {
$(this).css({'width': item_width, 'position':'absolute', 'left': ( item_width * ( $(this).data('prev_position') - 1 ) ) });
$(this).prependTo( $prev_carousel_group );
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
$(this).removeClass('position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$(this).data('position', '');
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).css({'position': '', 'width': '', 'left': ''});
$(this).appendTo( $portfolio_items );
} );
$prev_carousel_group.addClass('active').css({'position':'absolute', 'top':0, left: '-100%'});
left: '0%'
}, {
duration: slide_duration,
complete: function(){
$prev_carousel_group.removeClass('prev').addClass('active').css({'position':'', 'width':'', 'top':'', 'left': ''});
$prev_carousel_group.find('.changing_position').each(function( index ){
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
prev_position = $(this).data('prev_position');
$(this).removeClass('container_append delayed_container_append position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position + ' prev_position prev_position_' + prev_position );
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).data('prev_position', '');
position = index + 1;
$(this).data('position', position );
$(this).addClass('position_' + position );
$prev_carousel_group.children().css({'position': '', 'width': original_item_width, 'left': ''});
$'carouseling', false);
}, 100 );
} );
function set_fullwidth_portfolio_columns( $the_portfolio, carousel_mode ) {
var columns,
$portfolio_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_items'),
portfolio_items_width = $portfolio_items.width(),
$the_portfolio_items = $portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item'),
portfolio_item_count = $the_portfolio_items.length;
if ('undefined' === typeof $the_portfolio_items) {
// calculate column breakpoints
if ( portfolio_items_width >= 1600 ) {
columns = 5;
} else if ( portfolio_items_width >= 1024 ) {
columns = 4;
} else if ( portfolio_items_width >= 768 ) {
columns = 3;
} else if ( portfolio_items_width >= 480 ) {
columns = 2;
} else {
columns = 1;
// set height of items
portfolio_item_width = portfolio_items_width / columns;
portfolio_item_height = portfolio_item_width * .75;
if ( carousel_mode ) {
$portfolio_items.css({ 'height' : portfolio_item_height });
$the_portfolio_items.css({ 'height' : portfolio_item_height });
if ( columns === $'portfolio-columns') ) {
if ( $'columns_setting_up') ) {
$'columns_setting_up', true );
var portfolio_item_width_percentage = ( 100 / columns ) + '%';
$the_portfolio_items.css({ 'width' : portfolio_item_width_percentage });
// store last setup column
$portfolio_items.removeClass('columns-' + $'portfolio-columns') );
$portfolio_items.addClass('columns-' + columns );
$'portfolio-columns', columns );
if ( !carousel_mode ) {
return $'columns_setting_up', false );
// kill all previous groups to get ready to re-group
if ( $portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_carousel_group').length ) {
$the_portfolio_items.appendTo( $portfolio_items );
// setup the grouping
var the_portfolio_items = $'items' ),
$carousel_group = $('<div class="et_pb_carousel_group active">').appendTo( $portfolio_items );
if ('undefined' === typeof the_portfolio_items) {
$'position', '');
if ( the_portfolio_items.length <= columns ) {
} else {
for ( position = 1, x=0 ;x < the_portfolio_items.length; x++, position++ ) {
if ( x < columns ) {
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).show();
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).appendTo( $carousel_group );
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).data('position', position );
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).addClass('position_' + position );
} else {
position = $( the_portfolio_items[x] ).data('position');
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).removeClass('position_' + position );
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).data('position', '' );
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).hide();
$'columns_setting_up', false );
function et_carousel_auto_rotate( $carousel ) {
if ( 'on' === $'auto-rotate') && $carousel.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').length > $carousel.find('.et_pb_carousel_group .et_pb_portfolio_item').length && ! $carousel.hasClass( 'et_carousel_hovered' ) ) {
et_carousel_timer = setTimeout( function() {
fullwidth_portfolio_carousel_slide( $carousel.find('.et-pb-arrow-next') );
}, $'auto-rotate-speed') );
$'et_carousel_timer', et_carousel_timer);
et_fullwidth_portfolio_init( $(this) );
function et_audio_module_set() {
if ( $( '.et_pb_audio_module .mejs-audio' ).length || $( '.et_audio_content .mejs-audio' ).length ) {
$( '.et_audio_container' ).each( function(){
et_pb_audio_module_init( $(this) );
window.et_pb_audio_module_init = function( $audio_container ) {
var $this_player = $audio_container,
$time_rail = $this_player.find( '.mejs-time-rail' ),
$time_slider = $this_player.find( '.mejs-time-slider' );
// remove previously added width and min-width attributes to calculate the new sizes accurately
$time_rail.removeAttr( 'style' );
$time_slider.removeAttr( 'style' );
var $count_timer = $this_player.find( 'div.mejs-currenttime-container' ),
$count_timer_width_container = $this_player.find( '.mejs-duration-container' ).length ? $this_player.find( '.mejs-duration-container' ) : $this_player.find( '.mejs-currenttime-container' ),
player_width = $this_player.width(),
controls_play_width = $this_player.find( '.mejs-play' ).outerWidth(),
time_width = $count_timer_width_container.outerWidth(),
volume_icon_width = $this_player.find( '.mejs-volume-button' ).outerWidth(),
volume_bar_width = $this_player.find( '.mejs-horizontal-volume-slider' ).outerWidth(),
$count_timer.addClass( 'custom' );
$this_player.find( '.mejs-controls div.mejs-duration-container' ).replaceWith( $count_timer );
new_time_rail_width = player_width - ( controls_play_width + time_width + volume_icon_width + volume_bar_width + 65 );
if ( 0 < new_time_rail_width ) {
$time_rail.attr( 'style', 'min-width: ' + new_time_rail_width + 'px;' );
$time_slider.attr( 'style', 'min-width: ' + new_time_rail_width + 'px;' );
if ( $('.et_pb_section_video').length ) {
window._wpmejsSettings.pauseOtherPlayers = false;
if ( $et_pb_filterable_portfolio.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
window.et_pb_filterable_portfolio_init = function( $selector ) {
if ( typeof $selector !== 'undefined' ){
set_filterable_portfolio_init( $selector );
} else {
set_filterable_portfolio_init( $(this) )
window.set_filterable_portfolio_init = function( $the_portfolio ) {
var $the_portfolio_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_items'),
$left_orientatation = true == $ 'rtl' ) ? false : true;
set_filterable_grid_items( $the_portfolio );
$the_portfolio.on('click', '.et_pb_portfolio_filter a', function(e){
var category_slug = $(this).data('category-slug');
$the_portfolio_items = $(this).parents('.et_pb_filterable_portfolio').find('.et_pb_portfolio_items');
if ( 'all' == category_slug ) {
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter a').removeClass('active');
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter_all a').addClass('active');
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').removeClass('active inactive');
} else {
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter a').removeClass('active');
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter_all a').removeClass('active');
$the_portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').addClass( 'inactive' );
$the_portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item.project_category_' + $(this).data('category-slug') ).show();
$the_portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item.project_category_' + $(this).data('category-slug') ).addClass('active').removeClass( 'inactive' );
set_filterable_grid_items( $the_portfolio );
set_filterable_portfolio_hash( $the_portfolio );
}, 500 );
$the_portfolio.on('click', '.et_pb_portofolio_pagination a', function(e){
var to_page = $(this).data('page'),
$the_portfolio = $(this).parents('.et_pb_filterable_portfolio'),
$the_portfolio_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_items');
et_pb_smooth_scroll( $the_portfolio, false, 800 );
if ( $(this).hasClass('page-prev') ) {
to_page = parseInt( $(this).parents('ul').find('').data('page') ) - 1;
} else if ( $(this).hasClass('page-next') ) {
to_page = parseInt( $(this).parents('ul').find('').data('page') ) + 1;
$(this).parents('ul').find('' + to_page ).addClass('active');
var current_index = $(this).parents('ul').find('' + to_page ).parent().index(),
total_pages = $(this).parents('ul').find('').length;
$(this).parent().nextUntil('.page-' + ( current_index + 3 ) ).show();
$(this).parent().prevUntil('.page-' + ( current_index - 3 ) ).show();
if ( !$(this).hasClass('prev') && !$(this).hasClass('next') ) {
if ( i < ( current_index - 3 ) ) {
} else if ( i > ( current_index + 1 ) ) {
} else {
if ( total_pages - current_index <= 2 && total_pages - i <= 5 ) {
} else if ( current_index <= 3 && i <= 4 ) {
if ( to_page > 1 ) {
} else {
if ( $(this).parents('ul').find('').hasClass('last-page') ) {
} else {
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').filter(function( index ) {
return $(this).data('page') === to_page;
set_filterable_portfolio_hash( $the_portfolio );
}, 500 );
$(this).on('et_hashchange', function( event ){
var params = event.params;
$the_portfolio = $( '#' + );
if ( !$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter a[data-category-slug="' + params[0] + '"]').hasClass('active') ) {
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter a[data-category-slug="' + params[0] + '"]').click();
if ( params[1] ) {
if ( !$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portofolio_pagination' + params[1]).hasClass('active') ) {
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portofolio_pagination' + params[1]).addClass('active').click();
}, 300 );
// init portfolio if .load event was fired already, wait for the window load otherwise.
if ( window.et_load_event_fired ) {
} else {
}); // End $(window).load()
function set_filterable_grid_items( $the_portfolio ) {
var active_category = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter >').data('category-slug');
window.et_pb_set_responsive_grid( $the_portfolio.find( '.et_pb_portfolio_items' ), '.et_pb_portfolio_item' );
if ( 'all' === active_category ) {
$the_portfolio_visible_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item');
} else {
$the_portfolio_visible_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item.project_category_' + active_category);
var visible_grid_items = $the_portfolio_visible_items.length,
posts_number = $'posts-number'),
pages = 0 === posts_number ? 1 : Math.ceil( visible_grid_items / posts_number );
set_filterable_grid_pages( $the_portfolio, pages );
var visible_grid_items = 0;
var _page = 1;
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').data('page', '');
if ( 0 === parseInt( visible_grid_items % posts_number ) ) {
$(this).data('page', _page);
} else {
$(this).data('page', _page);
$the_portfolio_visible_items.filter(function() {
return $(this).data('page') == 1;
$the_portfolio_visible_items.filter(function() {
return $(this).data('page') != 1;
function set_filterable_grid_pages( $the_portfolio, pages ) {
$pagination = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portofolio_pagination');
if ( !$pagination.length ) {
if ( pages <= 1 ) {
$pagination_list = $pagination.children('ul');
$pagination_list.append('<li class="prev" style="display:none;"><a href="#" data-page="prev" class="page-prev">' + et_pb_custom.prev + '</a></li>');
for( var page = 1; page <= pages; page++ ) {
var first_page_class = page === 1 ? ' active' : '',
last_page_class = page === pages ? ' last-page' : '',
hidden_page_class = page >= 5 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '';
$pagination_list.append('<li' + hidden_page_class + ' class="page page-' + page + '"><a href="#" data-page="' + page + '" class="page-' + page + first_page_class + last_page_class + '">' + page + '</a></li>');
$pagination_list.append('<li class="next"><a href="#" data-page="next" class="page-next">' + + '</a></li>');
function set_filterable_portfolio_hash( $the_portfolio ) {
if ( !$the_portfolio.attr('id') ) {
var this_portfolio_state = [];
this_portfolio_state.push( $the_portfolio.attr('id') );
this_portfolio_state.push( $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter >').data('category-slug') );
if ( $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portofolio_pagination').length ) {
this_portfolio_state.push( $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portofolio_pagination').data('page') );
} else {
this_portfolio_state.push( 1 );
this_portfolio_state = this_portfolio_state.join( et_hash_module_param_seperator );
et_set_hash( this_portfolio_state );
} /* end if ( $et_pb_filterable_portfolio.length ) */
if ( $et_pb_gallery.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
window.set_gallery_grid_items = function( $the_gallery ) {
var $the_gallery_items_container = $the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_items'),
$the_gallery_items = $the_gallery_items_container.find('.et_pb_gallery_item');
var total_grid_items = $the_gallery_items.length,
posts_number_original = parseInt( $the_gallery_items_container.attr('data-per_page') ),
posts_number = isNaN( posts_number_original ) || 0 === posts_number_original ? 4 : posts_number_original,
pages = Math.ceil( total_grid_items / posts_number );
set_gallery_grid_pages( $the_gallery, pages );
var total_grid_items = 0;
var _page = 1;
$'page', '');
if ( 0 === parseInt( total_grid_items % posts_number ) ) {
$(this).data('page', _page);
} else {
$(this).data('page', _page);
var visible_items = $the_gallery_items.filter(function() {
return $(this).data('page') == 1;
$the_gallery_items.filter(function() {
return $(this).data('page') != 1;
window.set_gallery_grid_pages = function( $the_gallery, pages ) {
$pagination = $the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_pagination');
if ( !$pagination.length ) {
if ( pages <= 1 ) {
$pagination_list = $pagination.children('ul');
$pagination_list.append('<li class="prev" style="display:none;"><a href="#" data-page="prev" class="page-prev">' + et_pb_custom.prev + '</a></li>');
for( var page = 1; page <= pages; page++ ) {
var first_page_class = page === 1 ? ' active' : '',
last_page_class = page === pages ? ' last-page' : '',
hidden_page_class = page >= 5 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '';
$pagination_list.append('<li' + hidden_page_class + ' class="page page-' + page + '"><a href="#" data-page="' + page + '" class="page-' + page + first_page_class + last_page_class + '">' + page + '</a></li>');
$pagination_list.append('<li class="next"><a href="#" data-page="next" class="page-next">' + + '</a></li>');
window.set_gallery_hash = function( $the_gallery ) {
if ( !$the_gallery.attr('id') ) {
var this_gallery_state = [];
this_gallery_state.push( $the_gallery.attr('id') );
if ( $the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_pagination').length ) {
this_gallery_state.push( $the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_pagination').data('page') );
} else {
this_gallery_state.push( 1 );
this_gallery_state = this_gallery_state.join( et_hash_module_param_seperator );
et_set_hash( this_gallery_state );
window.et_pb_gallery_init = function( $the_gallery ) {
if ( $the_gallery.hasClass( 'et_pb_gallery_grid' ) ) {
set_gallery_grid_items( $the_gallery );
$the_gallery.on('et_hashchange', function( event ){
var params = event.params;
$the_gallery = $( '#' + );
if ( page_to = params[0] ) {
if ( !$the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_pagination' + page_to ).hasClass('active') ) {
$the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_pagination' + page_to ).addClass('active').click();
var $the_gallery = $(this);
et_pb_gallery_init( $the_gallery );
$'paginating', false );
window.et_pb_gallery_pagination_nav = function( $the_gallery ) {
$the_gallery.on('click', '.et_pb_gallery_pagination a', function(e){
var to_page = $(this).data('page'),
$the_gallery = $(this).parents('.et_pb_gallery'),
$the_gallery_items_container = $the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_items'),
$the_gallery_items = $the_gallery_items_container.find('.et_pb_gallery_item');
if ( $'paginating') ) {
$'paginating', true );
if ( $(this).hasClass('page-prev') ) {
to_page = parseInt( $(this).parents('ul').find('').data('page') ) - 1;
} else if ( $(this).hasClass('page-next') ) {
to_page = parseInt( $(this).parents('ul').find('').data('page') ) + 1;
$(this).parents('ul').find('' + to_page ).addClass('active');
var current_index = $(this).parents('ul').find('' + to_page ).parent().index(),
total_pages = $(this).parents('ul').find('').length;
$(this).parent().nextUntil('.page-' + ( current_index + 3 ) ).show();
$(this).parent().prevUntil('.page-' + ( current_index - 3 ) ).show();
if ( !$(this).hasClass('prev') && !$(this).hasClass('next') ) {
if ( i < ( current_index - 3 ) ) {
} else if ( i > ( current_index + 1 ) ) {
} else {
if ( total_pages - current_index <= 2 && total_pages - i <= 5 ) {
} else if ( current_index <= 3 && i <= 4 ) {
if ( to_page > 1 ) {
} else {
if ( $(this).parents('ul').find('').hasClass('last-page') ) {
} else {
var visible_items = $the_gallery_items.filter(function( index ) {
return $(this).data('page') === to_page;
$'paginating', false );
window.et_pb_set_responsive_grid( $the_gallery_items_container, '.et_pb_gallery_item' );
set_gallery_hash( $the_gallery );
}, 100 );
$( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop : $the_gallery.offset().top - 200 }, 200 );
et_pb_gallery_pagination_nav( $et_pb_gallery );
// Frontend builder's interface wouldn't be able to use $et_pb_gallery as selector
// due to its react component's nature. Using more global selector works.
if ( is_frontend_builder ) {
et_pb_gallery_pagination_nav( $('#et-fb-app') );
} /* end if ( $et_pb_gallery.length ) */
if ( $et_pb_counter_amount.length ) {
window.et_bar_counters_init( $( this ) );
} /* $et_pb_counter_amount.length */
window.et_countdown_timer = function( timer ) {
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timer.find('.days .label').html( timer.find('.days').data('short') );
timer.find('.hours .label').html( timer.find('.hours').data('short') );
timer.find('.minutes .label').html( timer.find('.minutes').data('short') );
timer.find('.seconds .label').html( timer.find('.seconds').data('short') );
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timer.find('.hours .label').html( timer.find('.hours').data('full') );
timer.find('.minutes .label').html( timer.find('.minutes').data('full') );
timer.find('.seconds .label').html( timer.find('.seconds').data('full') );
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window.et_pb_countdown_timer_init = function( $et_pb_countdown_timer ) {
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et_countdown_timer( timer );
et_countdown_timer( timer );
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slide : '.et_pb_all_tabs > div',
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$et_pb_number_counter.find( '.percent p' ).fitText( 0.3 );
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$(this.el).find('.percent p').css({ 'visibility' : 'visible' });
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if ( percent != to )
$(this.el).find('.percent-value').text( et_format_number( Math.round( parseInt( percent ) ) ) );
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$(this.el).find('.percent-value').text( et_format_number( $(this.el).data('number-value') ) );
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var $this_contact_container = $( this ),
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et_email_reg = /^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@([a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*?\.[a-z]{2,6}|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})(:\d{4})?$/,
redirect_url = typeof $ 'redirect_url' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'redirect_url' ) : '';
$et_contact_form.on( 'submit', function( event ) {
var $this_contact_form = $( this ),
$this_inputs = $this_contact_form.find( 'input[type=text],textarea' ),
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et_message = '',
et_fields_message = '',
$this_contact_container = $this_contact_form.closest( '.et_pb_contact_form_container' ),
$captcha_field = $this_contact_form.find( '.et_pb_contact_captcha' ),
form_unique_id = typeof $ 'form_unique_num' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'form_unique_num' ) : 0,
inputs_list = [];
et_message = '<ul>';
$this_inputs.removeClass( 'et_contact_error' );
$this_inputs.each( function(){
var $this_el = $( this ),
this_val = $this_el.val(),
this_label = $this_el.siblings( 'label' ).text(),
field_type = typeof $ 'field_type' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'field_type' ) : 'text',
required_mark = typeof $ 'required_mark' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'required_mark' ) : 'not_required',
original_id = typeof $ 'original_id' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'original_id' ) : '',
// add current field data into array of inputs
if ( typeof $this_el.attr( 'id' ) !== 'undefined' ) {
inputs_list.push( { 'field_id' : $this_el.attr( 'id' ), 'original_id' : original_id, 'required_mark' : required_mark, 'field_type' : field_type, 'field_label' : this_label } );
// add error message for the field if it is required and empty
if ( 'required' === required_mark && ( '' === this_val || this_label === this_val ) ) {
$this_el.addClass( 'et_contact_error' );
this_et_contact_error = true;
default_value = this_label;
if ( '' === default_value ) {
default_value = et_pb_custom.captcha;
et_fields_message += '<li>' + default_value + '</li>';
// add error message if email field is not empty and fails the email validation
if ( 'email' === field_type && '' !== this_val && this_label !== this_val && ! et_email_reg.test( this_val ) ) {
$this_el.addClass( 'et_contact_error' );
this_et_contact_error = true;
if ( ! et_email_reg.test( this_val ) ) {
et_message += '<li>' + et_pb_custom.invalid + '</li>';
// check the captcha value if required for current form
if ( $captcha_field.length && '' !== $captcha_field.val() ) {
var first_digit = parseInt( $ 'first_digit' ) ),
second_digit = parseInt( $ 'second_digit' ) );
if ( parseInt( $captcha_field.val() ) !== first_digit + second_digit ) {
et_message += '<li>' + et_pb_custom.wrong_captcha + '</li>';
this_et_contact_error = true;
// generate new digits for captcha
first_digit = Math.floor( ( Math.random() * 15 ) + 1 );
second_digit = Math.floor( ( Math.random() * 15 ) + 1 );
// set new digits for captcha
$ 'first_digit', first_digit );
$ 'second_digit', second_digit );
// regenerate captcha on page
$this_contact_form.find( '.et_pb_contact_captcha_question' ).empty().append( first_digit + ' + ' + second_digit );
if ( ! this_et_contact_error ) {
var $href = $( this ).attr( 'action' ),
form_data = $( this ).serializeArray();
form_data.push( { 'name': 'et_pb_contact_email_fields_' + form_unique_id, 'value' : JSON.stringify( inputs_list ) } );
$this_contact_container.fadeTo( 'fast', 0.2 ).load( $href + ' #' + $this_contact_form.closest( '.et_pb_contact_form_container' ).attr( 'id' ), form_data, function( responseText ) {
if ( ! $( responseText ).find( '.et_pb_contact_error_text').length ) {
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $this_contact_container, 'con_goal' );
// redirect if redirect URL is not empty and no errors in contact form
if ( '' !== redirect_url ) {
window.location.href = redirect_url;
$this_contact_container.fadeTo( 'fast', 1 );
} );
et_message += '</ul>';
if ( '' !== et_fields_message ) {
if ( et_message != '<ul></ul>' ) {
et_message = '<p class="et_normal_padding">' + et_pb_custom.contact_error_message + '</p>' + et_message;
et_fields_message = '<ul>' + et_fields_message + '</ul>';
et_fields_message = '<p>' + et_pb_custom.fill_message + '</p>' + et_fields_message;
et_message = et_fields_message + et_message;
if ( et_message != '<ul></ul>' ) {
$et_contact_message.html( et_message );
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// need to re-set the values to make it work correctly in Frontend builder
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et_pb_adjust_video_margin( $this_el );
// need to re-calculate the values in Frontend builder
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setTimeout( function() {
et_pb_adjust_video_margin( $this_el );
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// leave it to et_fix_page_container_position()
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return true;
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} else {
// add class to slides without image to adjust their height accordingly
$(this).find( '.et_pb_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_no_image' );
// mark the slides without content
if ( 0 === Math.abs( parseInt( $(this).find( '.et_pb_slide_description' ).height() ) ) ) {
$(this).find( '.et_pb_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_empty_slide' );
if ( max_height < height ) {
max_height = height;
} );
if ( ( max_height + image_margin ) < 1 ) {
// No slides have any content. It's probably being used with background images only.
// Reset the height so that it falls back to the default padding for the content.
$slide_containers.css( 'height', '' );
} else {
$slide_containers.css( 'height', max_height + image_margin );
// remove temp class after getting the slider height
$slides.removeClass( 'et_pb_temp_slide' );
// Show the active slide's image (if exists)
.find( '.et_pb_slide_image' )
.children( 'img' )
.addClass( 'active' );
} );
* Add conditional class to prevent unwanted dropdown nav
function et_fix_nav_direction() {
window_width = $(window).width();
$('.nav').removeClass( 'et-reverse-direction-nav' );
$('.nav li li ul').each(function(){
var $dropdown = $(this),
dropdown_width = $dropdown.width(),
dropdown_offset = $dropdown.offset(),
$parents = $dropdown.parents('.nav > li');
if ( dropdown_offset.left > ( window_width - dropdown_width ) ) {
$parents.addClass( 'et-reverse-direction-nav' );
et_pb_form_placeholders_init( $( '.et_pb_newsletter_form, .et_pb_comments_module #commentform' ) );
$('.et_pb_fullwidth_menu ul.nav').each(function(i) {
et_duplicate_menu( $(this), $(this).parents('.et_pb_row').find('div .mobile_nav'), 'mobile_menu' + i, 'et_mobile_menu' );
$('.et_pb_fullwidth_menu').each(function() {
var this_menu = $( this ),
bg_color = 'bg_color' );
if ( bg_color ) {
this_menu.find( 'ul' ).css( { 'background-color' : bg_color } );
$ function( event ) {
et_pb_submit_newsletter( $(this), event );
} );
window.et_pb_submit_newsletter = function( $submit, event ) {
if ( $submit.closest( '.et_pb_login_form' ).length || $submit.closest( '.et_pb_feedburner_form' ).length ) {
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $submit.closest( '.et_pb_newsletter' ), 'con_goal' );
if ( typeof event !== 'undefined' ) {
var $newsletter_container = $submit.closest( '.et_pb_newsletter' ),
$firstname = $newsletter_container.find( 'input[name="et_pb_signup_firstname"]' ),
$lastname = $newsletter_container.find( 'input[name="et_pb_signup_lastname"]' ),
$email = $newsletter_container.find( 'input[name="et_pb_signup_email"]' ),
list_id = $newsletter_container.find( 'input[name="et_pb_signup_list_id"]' ).val(),
$result = $newsletter_container.find( '.et_pb_newsletter_result' ).hide(),
service = $submit.closest( '.et_pb_newsletter_form' ).data( 'service' ) || 'mailchimp';
$firstname.removeClass( 'et_pb_signup_error' );
$lastname.removeClass( 'et_pb_signup_error' );
$email.removeClass( 'et_pb_signup_error' );
et_pb_remove_placeholder_text( $submit.closest( '.et_pb_newsletter_form' ) );
if ( $firstname.val() == '' || $email.val() == '' || list_id === '' ) {
if ( $firstname.val() == '' ) $firstname.addClass( 'et_pb_signup_error' );
if ( $email.val() == '' ) $email.addClass( 'et_pb_signup_error' );
if ( $firstname.val() == '' )
$firstname.val( $firstname.siblings( '.et_pb_contact_form_label' ).text() );
if ( $lastname.val() == '' )
$lastname.val( $lastname.siblings( '.et_pb_contact_form_label' ).text() );
if ( $email.val() == '' )
$email.val( $email.siblings( '.et_pb_contact_form_label' ).text() );
$.ajax( {
type: "POST",
url: et_pb_custom.ajaxurl,
dataType: "json",
action : 'et_pb_submit_subscribe_form',
et_frontend_nonce : et_pb_custom.et_frontend_nonce,
et_list_id : list_id,
et_firstname : $firstname.val(),
et_lastname : $lastname.val(),
et_email : $email.val(),
et_service : service
beforeSend: function() {
.find( '.et_pb_newsletter_button' )
.addClass( 'et_pb_button_text_loading' )
complete: function(){
.find( '.et_pb_newsletter_button' )
.removeClass( 'et_pb_button_text_loading' )
success: function( data ){
if ( data ) {
if ( data.error ) {
$result.html( data.error ).show();
if ( data.success ) {
$newsletter_container.find( '.et_pb_newsletter_form > p' ).hide();
$result.html( data.success ).show();
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $newsletter_container, 'con_goal' );
} else {
$result.html( et_pb_custom.subscription_failed ).show();
} );
window.et_fix_testimonial_inner_width = function() {
var window_width = $( window ).width();
if( window_width > 767 ){
$( '.et_pb_testimonial' ).each( function() {
if ( ! $(this).is(':visible') ) {
var $testimonial = $(this),
testimonial_width = $testimonial.width(),
$portrait = $testimonial.find( '.et_pb_testimonial_portrait' ),
portrait_width = $portrait.width(),
$testimonial_inner= $testimonial.find( '.et_pb_testimonial_description_inner' ),
$outer_column = $testimonial.closest( '.et_pb_column' ),
testimonial_inner_width = testimonial_width,
subtract = ! ( $outer_column.hasClass( 'et_pb_column_1_3' ) || $outer_column.hasClass( 'et_pb_column_1_4' ) || $outer_column.hasClass( 'et_pb_column_3_8' ) ) ? portrait_width + 31 : 0;
$testimonial_inner.width( testimonial_inner_width - subtract );
} );
} else {
$( '.et_pb_testimonial_description_inner' ).removeAttr( 'style' );
window.et_pb_video_background_init = function( $this_video_background, this_video_background ) {
var $video_background_wrapper = $this_video_background.closest( '.et_pb_section_video_bg' );
// Initializing video values
var onplaying = false;
var onpause = true;
// On video playing toggle values
this_video_background.onplaying = function() {
onplaying = true;
onpause = false;
// On video pause toggle values
this_video_background.onpause = function() {
onplaying = false;
onpause = true;
// Entering video's top viewport
offset: '100%',
handler : function( direction ) {
if ( $':visible') && direction === 'down' ) {
if ( this_video_background.paused && ! onplaying ) {;
} else if ( $':visible') && direction === 'up' ) {
if ( ! this_video_background.paused && ! onpause ) {
// Entering video's bottom viewport
offset: function() {
var video_height = this.element.clientHeight,
toggle_offset = Math.ceil( window.innerHeight / 2);
if ( video_height > toggle_offset ) {
toggle_offset = video_height;
return toggle_offset * (-1);
handler : function( direction ) {
if ( $':visible') && direction === 'up' ) {
if ( this_video_background.paused && ! onplaying ) {;
} else if ( $':visible') && direction === 'down' ) {
if ( ! this_video_background.paused && ! onpause ) {
window.et_reinit_waypoint_modules = et_pb_debounce( function() {
var $et_pb_circle_counter = $( '.et_pb_circle_counter' ),
$et_pb_number_counter = $( '.et_pb_number_counter' ),
$et_pb_video_background = $( '.et_pb_section_video_bg video' );
if ( $.fn.waypoint && 'yes' !== et_pb_custom.ignore_waypoints ) {
$( '.et_pb_counter_container, .et-waypoint' ).waypoint( {
offset: '75%',
handler: function() {
$(this.element).addClass( 'et-animated' );
} );
// fallback to 'bottom-in-view' offset, to make sure element become visible when it's on the bottom of page and other offsets are not triggered
$( '.et_pb_counter_container, .et-waypoint' ).waypoint( {
offset: 'bottom-in-view',
handler: function() {
$(this.element).addClass( 'et-animated' );
} );
if ( $et_pb_circle_counter.length ) {
var $this_counter = $(this);
if ( ! $ ':visible' ) ) {
offset: '65%',
handler: function() {
if ( $ 'PieChartHasLoaded' ) || typeof $'easyPieChart') === 'undefined' ) {
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
$ 'PieChartHasLoaded', true );
// fallback to 'bottom-in-view' offset, to make sure animation applied when element is on the bottom of page and other offsets are not triggered
offset: 'bottom-in-view',
handler: function() {
if ( $ 'PieChartHasLoaded' ) || typeof $'easyPieChart') === 'undefined' ) {
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
$ 'PieChartHasLoaded', true );
if ( $et_pb_number_counter.length ) {
var $this_counter = $(this);
offset: '75%',
handler: function() {
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
// fallback to 'bottom-in-view' offset, to make sure animation applied when element is on the bottom of page and other offsets are not triggered
offset: 'bottom-in-view',
handler: function() {
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
if ( $( '.et_pb_ab_goal' ).length ) {
var $et_pb_ab_goal = $( '.et_pb_ab_goal' );
offset: '80%',
handler: function() {
if ( et_pb_ab_logged_status['read_goal'] || ! $et_pb_ab_goal.length || ! $et_pb_ab_goal.visible( true ) ) {
// log the goal_read if goal is still visible after 3 seconds.
setTimeout( function() {
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.length && $et_pb_ab_goal.visible( true ) && ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['read_goal'] ) {
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'read_goal' );
}, 3000 );
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $et_pb_ab_goal, 'view_goal' );
} else {
// if no waypoints supported then apply all the animations right away
$( '.et_pb_counter_container, .et-waypoint' ).addClass( 'et-animated' );
if ( $et_pb_circle_counter.length ) {
$et_pb_circle_counter.each(function() {
var $this_counter = $(this);
if ( ! $ ':visible' ) ) {
if ( $ 'PieChartHasLoaded' ) ) {
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
$ 'PieChartHasLoaded', true );
} );
if ( $et_pb_number_counter.length ) {
var $this_counter = $(this);
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
// log the stats without waypoints
if ( $( '.et_pb_ab_goal' ).length ) {
var $et_pb_ab_goal = $( '.et_pb_ab_goal' );
if ( et_pb_ab_logged_status['read_goal'] || ! $et_pb_ab_goal.length || ! $et_pb_ab_goal.visible( true ) ) {
// log the goal_read if goal is still visible after 3 seconds.
setTimeout( function() {
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.length && $et_pb_ab_goal.visible( true ) && ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['read_goal'] ) {
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'read_goal' );
}, 3000 );
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $et_pb_ab_goal, 'view_goal' );
if ( $et_pb_video_background.length ) {
$et_pb_video_background.each( function(){
var $this_video_background = $(this);
et_pb_video_background_init( $this_video_background, this );
}, 100 );
function et_pb_init_ab_test() {
var $et_pb_ab_goal = $( '.et_pb_ab_goal' ),
et_ab_subject_id = et_pb_get_subject_id();
$.each( et_pb_ab_logged_status, function( key, value ) {
var cookie_subject = 'click_goal' === key || 'con_short' === key ? '' : et_ab_subject_id;
et_pb_ab_logged_status[key] = et_pb_check_cookie_value( 'et_pb_ab_' + key + '_' + et_pb_custom.page_id + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id + cookie_subject, 'true' );
// log the page read event if user stays on page long enough and if not logged for current subject
if ( ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['read_page'] ) {
setTimeout( function() {
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'read_page' );
}, et_pb_ab_bounce_rate );
// add the cookies for shortcode tracking, if enabled
if ( 'on' === et_pb_custom.is_shortcode_tracking && ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['con_short'] ) {
et_pb_set_cookie( 365, 'et_pb_ab_shortcode_track_' + et_pb_custom.page_id + '=' + et_pb_custom.page_id + '_' + et_pb_get_subject_id() + '_' + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id );
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.length ) {
// if goal is a module and has a button then track the conversions, otherwise track clicks
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_module' ) && ( $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_button' ) || $et_pb_ab_goal.find( '.et_pb_button' ).length ) ) {
// Log con_goal if current goal doesn't require any specific conversion calculation
if ( ! $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_contact_form_container' ) && ! $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_newsletter' ) ) {
var $goal_button = $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_button' ) ? $et_pb_ab_goal : $et_pb_ab_goal.find( '.et_pb_button' );
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_comments_module' ) ) {
var page_url = window.location.href,
comment_submitted = -1 !== page_url.indexOf( '#comment-' ) ? true : false,
log_conversion = et_pb_check_cookie_value( 'et_pb_ab_comment_log_' + et_pb_custom.page_id + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id, 'true' );
if ( comment_submitted && log_conversion ) {
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'con_goal' );
et_pb_set_cookie( 0, 'et_pb_ab_comment_log_' + et_pb_custom.page_id + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id + '=true' );
$ function(){
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_comments_module' ) && ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['con_goal'] ) {
et_pb_set_cookie( 365, 'et_pb_ab_comment_log_' + et_pb_custom.page_id + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id + '=true' );
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $et_pb_ab_goal, 'click_goal' );
} else {
$ function() {
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_shop' ) && ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['con_goal'] ) {
et_pb_set_cookie( 365, 'et_pb_ab_shop_log=' + et_pb_custom.page_id + '_' + et_pb_get_subject_id() + '_' + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id );
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $et_pb_ab_goal, 'click_goal' );
function et_pb_maybe_log_event( $goal_container, event ) {
var log_event = typeof event === 'undefined' ? 'con_goal' : event;
if ( ! $goal_container.hasClass( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ) || et_pb_ab_logged_status[ log_event ] ) {
// log the event if it's not logged for current user
et_pb_ab_update_stats( log_event );
function et_pb_ab_update_stats( record_type, set_page_id, set_subject_id, set_test_id ) {
var subject_id = typeof set_subject_id === 'undefined' ? et_pb_get_subject_id() : set_subject_id,
page_id = typeof set_page_id === 'undefined' ? et_pb_custom.page_id : set_page_id,
test_id = typeof set_test_id === 'undefined' ? et_pb_custom.unique_test_id : set_test_id,
stats_data = JSON.stringify({ 'test_id' : page_id, 'subject_id' : subject_id, 'record_type' : record_type }),
cookie_subject = 'click_goal' === record_type || 'con_short' === record_type ? '' : subject_id;
et_pb_set_cookie( 365, 'et_pb_ab_' + record_type + '_' + page_id + test_id + cookie_subject + '=true' );
et_pb_ab_logged_status[record_type] = true;
type: 'POST',
url: et_pb_custom.ajaxurl,
data: {
action : 'et_pb_update_stats_table',
stats_data_array : stats_data,
et_ab_log_nonce : et_pb_custom.et_ab_log_nonce
function et_pb_get_subject_id() {
var $subject = $( '.et_pb_ab_subject' );
// In case no subject found
if ( $subject.length <= 0 ) {
return false;
var subject_classname = $subject.attr( 'class' ),
subject_id_raw = subject_classname.split( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id-' )[1],
subject_id_clean = subject_id_raw.split( ' ' )[0],
subject_id_separated = subject_id_clean.split( '_' ),
subject_id = subject_id_separated[1];
return subject_id;
function et_pb_set_cookie_expire( days ) {
var ms = days*24*60*60*1000;
var date = new Date();
date.setTime( date.getTime() + ms );
return "; expires=" + date.toUTCString();
function et_pb_check_cookie_value( cookie_name, value ) {
return et_pb_get_cookie_value( cookie_name ) == value;
function et_pb_get_cookie_value( cookie_name ) {
return et_pb_parse_cookies()[cookie_name];
function et_pb_parse_cookies() {
var cookies = document.cookie.split( '; ' );
var ret = {};
for ( var i = cookies.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
var el = cookies[i].split( '=' );
ret[el[0]] = el[1];
return ret;
function et_pb_set_cookie( expire, cookie_content ) {
cookie_expire = et_pb_set_cookie_expire( expire );
document.cookie = cookie_content + cookie_expire + "; path=/";
function et_pb_get_fixed_main_header_height() {
if ( ! window.et_is_fixed_nav ) {
return 0;
var fixed_height_onload = typeof $('#main-header').attr('data-fixed-height-onload') === 'undefined' ? 0 : $('#main-header').attr('data-fixed-height-onload');
return ! window.et_is_fixed_nav ? 0 : parseFloat( fixed_height_onload );
var fullscreen_section_width = {};
var fullscreen_section_timeout = {};
window.et_calc_fullscreen_section = function(event) {
var isResizing = typeof event === 'object' && event.type === 'resize',
$et_window = $(window),
$this_section = $(this),
section_index = $this_section.index('.et_pb_fullscreen'),
timeout = isResizing && typeof fullscreen_section_width[section_index] !== 'undefined' && > fullscreen_section_width[section_index] ? 800 : 0;
fullscreen_section_width[section_index] = $et_window.width();
if ( typeof fullscreen_section_timeout[section_index] !== 'undefined' ) {
clearTimeout( fullscreen_section_timeout[section_index] );
fullscreen_section_timeout[section_index] = setTimeout( function() {
var $body = $( 'body' ),
this_section_index = $this_section.index('.et_pb_fullwidth_header'),
this_section_offset = $this_section.offset(),
$header = $this_section.children('.et_pb_fullwidth_header_container'),
$header_content = $header.children('.header-content-container'),
$header_image = $header.children('.header-image-container'),
sectionHeight = window.innerHeight || $et_window.height(),
$wpadminbar = $('#wpadminbar'),
has_wpadminbar = $wpadminbar.length,
wpadminbar_height = has_wpadminbar ? $wpadminbar.height() : 0,
$top_header = $('#top-header'),
has_top_header = $top_header.length,
top_header_height = has_top_header ? $top_header.height() : 0,
$main_header = $('#main-header'),
has_main_header = $main_header.length,
main_header_height = has_main_header ? $main_header.outerHeight() : 0,
fixed_main_header_height = et_pb_get_fixed_main_header_height(),
is_mobile_first_module = <= (main_header_height + wpadminbar_height),
is_wp_relative_admin_bar = $et_window.width() < 782,
is_desktop_view = $et_window.width() > 980,
is_tablet_view = $et_window.width() <= 980 && $et_window.width() >= 479,
is_phone_view = $et_window.width() < 479,
overall_header_height = window.et_is_vertical_nav && is_desktop_view ? wpadminbar_height + top_header_height : wpadminbar_height + top_header_height + main_header_height,
is_first_module = <= overall_header_height;
// In case theme stored the onload main-header height as data-attribute
if ( $main_header.attr('data-height-onload') ) {
main_header_height = parseFloat( $main_header.attr('data-height-onload') );
* WP Admin Bar:
* - Desktop fixed: standard
* - WP Mobile relative: less than 782px window
if ( has_wpadminbar ) {
if ( is_wp_relative_admin_bar ) {
if ( is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= wpadminbar_height;
} else {
sectionHeight -= wpadminbar_height;
* Divi Top Header:
* - Desktop fixed: standard.
* - Desktop fixed BUT first header's height shouldn't be substracted: hide nav until scroll activated
* - Desktop relative: fixed nav bar disabled
* - Desktop relative: vertical nav activated
if ( has_top_header ) {
if ( is_desktop_view ) {
if ( et_hide_nav && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) {
if ( ! is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= top_header_height;
} else if ( ! window.et_is_fixed_nav || window.et_is_vertical_nav ) {
if ( is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= top_header_height;
} else {
sectionHeight -= top_header_height;
* Divi Main Header:
* - Desktop fixed: standard. Initial and 'fixed' header might have different height
* - Desktop relative: fixed nav bar disabled
* - Desktop fixed BUT height should be ignored: vertical nav activated
* - Desktop fixed BUT height should be ignored for first header only: main header uses rgba
* - Desktop fixed BUT first header's height shouldn't be substracted: hide nav until scroll activated
* - Tablet relative: standard. Including vertical header style
* - Phone relative: standard. Including vertical header style
if ( has_main_header ) {
if ( is_desktop_view ) {
if ( et_hide_nav && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) {
if ( ! is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= fixed_main_header_height;
} else if ( window.et_is_fixed_nav && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) {
if ( is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= main_header_height;
} else {
sectionHeight -= fixed_main_header_height;
} else if ( ! window.et_is_fixed_nav && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) {
if ( is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= main_header_height;
} else {
if ( is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= main_header_height;
// If the transparent primary nav + hide nav until scroll is being used,
// cancel automatic padding-top added by transparent nav mechanism
if ( $body.hasClass('et_transparent_nav') && $body.hasClass( 'et_hide_nav' ) && 0 === this_section_index ) {
$this_section.css( 'padding-top', '' );
$this_section.css('min-height', sectionHeight + 'px' );
$header.css('min-height', sectionHeight + 'px' );
if ( $header.hasClass('center') && $header_content.hasClass('bottom') && $header_image.hasClass('bottom') ) {
if ( $header.hasClass('center') && $header_content.hasClass('center') && $header_image.hasClass('center') ) {
if ( $header.hasClass('center') && $header_content.hasClass('center') && $header_image.hasClass('bottom') ) {
var contentHeight = sectionHeight - $header_image.outerHeight( true );
if ( contentHeight > 0 ) {
$header_content.css('min-height', contentHeight + 'px' );
if ( $header.hasClass('center') && $header_content.hasClass('bottom') && $header_image.hasClass('center') ) {
if ( ( $header.hasClass('left') || $header.hasClass('right') ) && !$header_content.length && $header_image.length ) {
$header.css('justify-content', 'flex-end');
if ( $header.hasClass('center') && $header_content.hasClass('bottom') && !$header_image.length ) {
$header_content.find('.header-content').css( 'margin-bottom', 80 + 'px' );
if ( $header_content.hasClass('bottom') && $header_image.hasClass('center') ) {
$header_image.find('.header-image').css( 'margin-bottom', 80 + 'px' );
$header_image.css('align-self', 'flex-end');
}, timeout );
window.et_pb_parallax_init = function( $this_parallax ) {
if ( $this_parallax.hasClass('et_pb_parallax_css') ) {
var $this_parent = $this_parallax.parent();
$.proxy( et_parallax_set_height, $this_parent )();
$.proxy( et_apply_parallax, $this_parent )();
$et_window.on( 'scroll', $.proxy( et_apply_parallax, $this_parent ) );
$et_window.on( 'resize', $.proxy( et_parallax_set_height, $this_parent ) );
$et_window.on( 'resize', $.proxy( et_apply_parallax, $this_parent ) );
$this_parent.find('.et-learn-more .heading-more').click( function() {
$.proxy( et_parallax_set_height, $this_parent )();
}, 300 );
$( window ).resize( function(){
var window_width = $et_window.width(),
et_container_css_width = $et_container.css( 'width' ),
et_container_width_in_pixel = ( typeof et_container_css_width !== 'undefined' ) ? et_container_css_width.substr( -1, 1 ) !== '%' : '',
et_container_actual_width = ( et_container_width_in_pixel ) ? $et_container.width() : ( ( $et_container.width() / 100 ) * window_width ), // $et_container.width() doesn't recognize pixel or percentage unit. It's our duty to understand what it returns and convert it properly
containerWidthChanged = et_container_width !== et_container_actual_width;
set_container_height = $(this).hasClass('et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio_carousel') ? true : false;
set_fullwidth_portfolio_columns( $(this), set_container_height );
if ( containerWidthChanged ) {
setTimeout( function() {
set_filterable_grid_items( $(this) );
if ( $(this).hasClass( 'et_pb_gallery_grid' ) ) {
set_gallery_grid_items( $(this) );
}, 100 );
et_container_width = et_container_actual_width;
etRecalculateOffset = true;
if ( $et_pb_circle_counter.length ) {
var $this_counter = $(this);
if ( ! $ ':visible' ) ) {
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
if ( $et_pb_countdown_timer.length ) {
var timer = $(this);
et_countdown_timer_labels( timer );
} );
if ( $et_pb_counter_amount.length ) {
window.et_bar_counters_init( $( this ) );
} /* $et_pb_counter_amount.length */
} );
$( window ).ready( function(){
if ( $.fn.fitVids ) {
$( '.et_pb_slide_video' ).fitVids();
$( '.et_pb_module' ).fitVids( { customSelector: "iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^='']"} );
// calculate fullscreen section sizes on $( window ).ready to avoid jumping in some cases
$( 'section.et_pb_fullscreen' ).each( function(){
var $this_section = $( this );
$.proxy( et_calc_fullscreen_section, $this_section )();
$et_window.on( 'resize', $.proxy( et_calc_fullscreen_section, $this_section ) );
} );
window.et_pb_fullwidth_header_scroll = function( event ) {
var window_width = $et_window.width(),
$body = $('body'),
is_wp_relative_admin_bar = window_width < 782,
is_transparent_main_header = $body.hasClass( 'et_transparent_nav' ),
is_hide_nav = $body.hasClass( 'et_hide_nav' ),
is_desktop_view = window_width > 980,
is_tablet_view = window_width <= 980 && window_width >= 479,
is_phone_view = window_width < 479,
$this_section = $(this).parents( 'section' ),
this_section_offset = $this_section.offset(),
$wpadminbar = $('#wpadminbar'),
$main_header = $('#main-header'),
wpadminbar_height = $wpadminbar.length && ! is_wp_relative_admin_bar ? $wpadminbar.height() : 0,
top_header_height = !window.et_is_fixed_nav || !is_desktop_view ? 0 : $top_header.height(),
data_height_onload = typeof $main_header.attr('data-height-onload') === 'undefined' ? 0 : $main_header.attr('data-height-onload');
initial_fixed_difference = $main_header.height() === et_pb_get_fixed_main_header_height() || ! is_desktop_view || ! window.et_is_fixed_nav || is_transparent_main_header || is_hide_nav ? 0 : et_pb_get_fixed_main_header_height() - parseFloat( data_height_onload ),
section_bottom = ( + $this_section.outerHeight( true ) + initial_fixed_difference ) - ( wpadminbar_height + top_header_height + et_pb_get_fixed_main_header_height() ),
animate_modified = false;
if ( $this_section.length ) {
var fullscreen_scroll_duration = 800;
$( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop : section_bottom }, {
duration: fullscreen_scroll_duration
} );
function et_pb_window_load_scripts() {
// recalculate fullscreen section sizes on load
$( 'section.et_pb_fullscreen' ).each( function(){
var $this_section = $( this );
$.proxy( et_calc_fullscreen_section, $this_section )();
$( '.et_pb_fullwidth_header_scroll' ).on('click', 'a', et_pb_fullwidth_header_scroll );
setTimeout( function() {
$( '.et_pb_preload' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_preload' );
}, 500 );
if ( $.fn.hashchange ) {
$(window).hashchange( function(){
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);
process_et_hashchange( hash );
if ( $et_pb_parallax.length && !et_is_mobile_device ) {
et_pb_parallax_init( $(this) );
if ( $( '.et_audio_content' ).length ) {
$( window ).trigger( 'resize' );
if ( window.et_load_event_fired ) {
} else {
$( window ).load( function() {
} );
if ( $( '.et_section_specialty' ).length ) {
$( '.et_section_specialty' ).each( function() {
var this_row = $( this ).find( '.et_pb_row' );
this_row.find( '>.et_pb_column:not(.et_pb_specialty_column)' ).addClass( 'et_pb_column_single' );
* In particular browser, map + parallax doesn't play well due the use of CSS 3D transform
if ( $('.et_pb_section_parallax').length && $('.et_pb_map').length ) {
$('body').addClass( 'parallax-map-support' );
* Add conditional class for search widget in sidebar module
$('.et_pb_widget_area ' + et_pb_custom.widget_search_selector ).each( function() {
var $search_wrap = $(this),
$search_input_submit = $search_wrap.find('input[type="submit"]'),
search_input_submit_text = $search_input_submit.attr( 'value' ),
$search_button = $search_wrap.find('button'),
search_button_text = $search_button.text(),
has_submit_button = $search_input_submit.length || $search_button.length ? true : false,
min_column_width = 150;
if ( ! $search_wrap.find( 'input[type="text"]' ).length && ! $search_wrap.find( 'input[type="search"]' ).length ) {
// Mark no button state
if ( ! has_submit_button ) {
$search_wrap.addClass( 'et-no-submit-button' );
// Mark narrow state
if ( $search_wrap.width() < 150 ) {
$search_wrap.addClass( 'et-narrow-wrapper' );
// Fixes issue where theme's search button has no text: treat it as non-existent
if ( $search_input_submit.length && ( typeof search_input_submit_text == 'undefined' || search_input_submit_text === '' ) ) {
$search_wrap.addClass( 'et-no-submit-button' );
if ( $search_button.length && ( typeof search_button_text == 'undefined' || search_button_text === '' ) ) {
$search_wrap.addClass( 'et-no-submit-button' );
} );
window.et_pb_search_init = function( $search ) {
var $input_field = $search.find( '.et_pb_s' ),
$button = $search.find( '.et_pb_searchsubmit' ),
input_padding = $search.hasClass( 'et_pb_text_align_right' ) ? 'paddingLeft' : 'paddingRight',
disabled_button = $search.hasClass( 'et_pb_hide_search_button' );
// set the relative button position to get its height correctly
$button.css( { 'position' : 'relative' } );
if ( $button.innerHeight() > $input_field.innerHeight() ) {
$input_field.height( $button.innerHeight() );
if ( ! disabled_button ) {
$input_field.css( input_padding, $button.innerWidth() + 10 );
// reset the button position back to default
$button.css( { 'position' : '' } );
* Fix search module which has percentage based custom margin
window.et_pb_search_percentage_custom_margin_fix = function( $search ) {
var inputMargin = $search.find( '.et_pb_s' ).css( 'margin' ).split(' ');
var inputMarginObj = {};
switch(inputMargin.length) {
case 4:
inputMarginObj = {
top: inputMargin[0],
right: inputMargin[1],
bottom: inputMargin[2],
left: inputMargin[3],
case 2:
inputMarginObj = {
top: inputMargin[0],
right: inputMargin[1],
bottom: inputMargin[0],
left: inputMargin[1],
inputMarginObj = {
top: inputMargin[0],
right: inputMargin[0],
bottom: inputMargin[0],
left: inputMargin[0],
var inputRight = 0 - parseFloat(inputMarginObj.left) + 'px';
right: inputRight,
bottom: inputMarginObj.bottom,
if ( $( '.et_pb_search' ).length ) {
$( '.et_pb_search' ).each( function() {
var $search = $(this);
if ( $ '.et_pb_search_percentage_custom_margin' ) ) {
et_pb_search_percentage_custom_margin_fix( $search );
et_pb_search_init( $search );
window.et_pb_comments_init = function( $comments_module ) {
var $comments_module_button = $comments_module.find( '.comment-reply-link, .submit' );
if ( $comments_module_button.length ) {
$comments_module_button.addClass( 'et_pb_button' );
if ( typeof $comments_module.attr( 'data-icon' ) !== 'undefined' && $comments_module.attr( 'data-icon' ) !== '' ) {
$comments_module_button.attr( 'data-icon', $comments_module.attr( 'data-icon' ) );
$comments_module_button.addClass( 'et_pb_custom_button_icon' );
// apply required classes for the Reply buttons in Comments Module
if ( $( '.et_pb_comments_module' ).length ) {
$( '.et_pb_comments_module' ).each( function() {
var $comments_module = $( this );
et_pb_comments_init( $comments_module );
* Provide event listener for plugins to hook up to
// Modification of underscore's _.debounce()
// Underscore.js 1.8.3
// (c) 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
// Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
window.et_pb_debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result;
var now = || new Date().getTime();
var later = function() {
var last = now - timestamp;
if (last < wait && last >= 0) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last);
} else {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) {
result = func.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) context = args = null;
return function() {
context = this;
args = arguments;
timestamp = now;
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) {
result = func.apply(context, args);
context = args = null;
return result;
if ( et_pb_custom.is_ab_testing_active && 'yes' === et_pb_custom.is_cache_plugin_active ) {
// update the window.et_load_event_fired variable to initiate the scripts properly
$( window ).load( function() {
window.et_load_event_fired = true;
// get the subject id for current visitor and display it
// this ajax request performed only if split testing is enabled and cache plugin active
$.ajax( {
type: "POST",
url: et_pb_custom.ajaxurl,
dataType: "json",
action : 'et_pb_ab_get_subject_id',
et_frontend_nonce : et_pb_custom.et_frontend_nonce,
et_pb_ab_test_id : et_pb_custom.page_id
success: function( subject_data ) {
if ( subject_data ) {
// append the subject content to appropriate placeholder
$( '.et_pb_subject_placeholder_id_' + ).after( subject_data.content );
// remove all other placeholders from the DOM
$( '.et_pb_subject_placeholder' ).remove();
// init all scripts once the subject loaded
$( 'body' ).trigger( 'et_pb_ab_subject_ready' );
} else {
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