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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Example answers to past paper questions on key lists
;Any arbitrary list s can be transformed into a key-list by transforming each item in s
;into a key-element (choosing appropriate keys in the process).
;Write a function (make-key-list s) that returns a key-list based on its list argument s.
;2009 Paper
(define (m-k-l s)
(define (m-k-l-tr s id)
(if (null? s) '()
(cons(cons id (list (car s)))(m-k-l-tr (cdr s) (add1 id)))))
(m-k-l-tr s 1))
;Write a function (get-key-list s k) that returns the key-element with key k from key-list s.
;2009 Paper
(define (g-k-l s k)
(if (= k (car(car s))) (car s)
(g-k-l (cdr s) k)))
(g-k-l '((1 a) (2 b) (3 (c (d))) (9 (e f))) 9)
;Write a function (insert-key-list s e) that returns a key-list that is like the given key-list s
;but with key-element e inserted in an appropriate place.
;2009 Paper
(define (i-k-l s e)
(if (<= (car e) (car(car s))) (cons e s)
(cons (car s) (i-k-l (cdr s) e))))
;Is right.
;2011 Paper Q2 b
(define (m l1 l2)
(cond ((null? l1) l2)
((null? l2) l1)
(else (cons (car l1)
(cons (car l2)
(m (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))))
;Mildly better solution.
;2011 Paper Q2 b
(define (m-tr l1 l2)
(define (rdc l) (reverse(cdr(reverse l))))
(define (m-tr-i l1 l2 nl)
(cond ((null? l1) (append l2 nl))
((null? l2) (append l1 nl))
(else (m-tr-i (rdc l1) (rdc l2) (cons(car(reverse l1)) (cons(car(reverse l2)) nl))))))
(m-tr-i l1 l2 '()))
;Rotten solution. Don't wanna talk about it, I feel ... dirty.
;2011 Paper Q2 c
(define (u-m l)
(define (u-m-i l cnt l1 l2)
(cond ((null? l) (list (reverse l1) (reverse l2)))
((odd? cnt) (u-m-i (cdr l) (add1 cnt) (cons (car l) l1) l2))
(else (u-m-i (cdr l) (add1 cnt) l1 (cons (car l) l2)))))
(u-m-i l 1 '() '()))
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Q2 b: this doesn't work in cases where one list is longer than the other - see fork

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golotap commented May 13, 2014

2009 different solution - see fork.

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