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Cosmin Nechifor CosminNechifor

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"event": "EventPaymentSentFailed",
"target": "0x836C7277950CF9cE4F619c9C3040E07f63118FD0",
"reason": "there is no route available",
"log_time": "2018-12-19T10:32:14.521"
"event": "EventPaymentSentFailed",
"target": "0x836C7277950CF9cE4F619c9C3040E07f63118FD0",
node_035 /home/cosmin/Documents/utility/raiden_binary/raiden_binary_fixed_hanging/raiden-v0.19.1.dev44+gaf0eaa6f-linux --keystore-path /home/cosmin/.raiden/scenario-player/scenarios/long-running/node_037/keys --log-config 'raiden:error' --eth-rpc-endpoint "" --api-address "" --network-id 42 --environment-type "development" --accept-disclaimer --log-json
Welcome to Raiden, version 0.19.1.dev44+gaf0eaa6f!
| This is an Alpha version of experimental open source software |
| released as a test version under an MIT license and may contain |
| errors and/or bugs. No guarantee or representations whatsoever is |
| made regarding its suitability (or its use) for any purpose or |
| regarding its compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. |
| Use of the software is at your own risk and discretion and by |
| using the software you acknowledge that you have
raiden18_1 ./raiden-v0.18.1-linux --keystore-path /home/cosmin/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/keys/kovan --log-config 'raiden:debug' --eth-rpc-endpoint "" --api-address "" --network-id 42 --environment-type "production" --accept-disclaimer
Welcome to Raiden, version 0.18.1!
| This is an Alpha version of experimental open source software |
| released as a test version under an MIT license and may contain |
| errors and/or bugs. No guarantee or representations whatsoever is |
| made regarding its suitability (or its use) for any purpose or |
| regarding its compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. |
| Use of the software is at your own risk and discretion and by |
| using the software you acknowledge that you have read this |
raiden18_1 ./raiden-v0.18.1-linux --keystore-path /home/cosmin/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/keys/kovan --log-config 'raiden:error' --eth-rpc-endpoint "" --api-address "" --network-id 42 --environment-type "production" --accept-disclaimer --log-json
Welcome to Raiden, version 0.18.1!
| This is an Alpha version of experimental open source software |
| released as a test version under an MIT license and may contain |
| errors and/or bugs. No guarantee or representations whatsoever is |
| made regarding its suitability (or its use) for any purpose or |
| regarding its compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. |
| Use of the software is at your own risk and discretion and by |
| using the software you acknowledge that you have read this |
ou are connected to the 'kovan' network and the DB path is: /home/cosmin/.raiden/node_4aef1f87/netid_42/network_40bc6aa6/v15_log.db
2^[^[^[{"token_network": "11115746", "node": "4aef1f87", "partner": "7a3f338f", "nonce": 6843, "balance_hash": "0xf9eb91ea69c722cfbccfa99a3396cdffbdc74ae2d0e2948c27137ab03c4cdaa7", "additional_hash": "0x365136a79802d1ccb0527ff86d1395e36c3c65fc062efeab5bb2fbaffc2be0c4", "closing_signature": "0x59eb5f6b0064184b82f2408fad295a7aa1d1c1e3d099d466bcdb448f89457ae757982f602550f943449bed2799ccf80356c0b5b04a85aa39f2e38ceead6ea3951b", "non_closing_signature": "0xda0f61ac04824a358f5f8387be409178efbc5d14722ab361826bccc4c4362f2b2330f097a166436501072866b2f8d23ce142677e32f4c557cfa1a5a8cf50eab41c", "event": "updateNonClosingBalanceProof failed, Update NonClosing balance proof", "logger": "", "level": "critical", "timestamp": "2018-12-11 10:19:54.063673"}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 2, in <module>
File "site-packages/raide
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
c0F41EfD9107239B7864c062aA8B978', 'blockHash': HexBytes('0xafe503f7cf439c8b0adf72ab8251dbd0d9e039f24d2ab884f9a2a9d171e8a9c9'), 'blockNumber': 9172447, 'block_number': 9172447, 'channel_identifier': 10, 'participant1_amount': 20000000000000000, 'participant2_amount': 0}> contract=11115746 node=18aa3248
2018-11-15 15:22:33 [debug ] Blockchain event [raiden.blockchain_events_handler] chain_event=<Event contract: 11115746 event: {'args': AttributeDict({'channel_identifier': 18, 'participant1': '0xc916A3C2F5840efA8479C8f46dbF81F79A039abd', 'participant2': '0x2222222222222222222222222222222222222222', 'settle_timeout': 500}), 'event': 'ChannelOpened', 'logIndex': 1, 'transactionIndex': 6, 'transactionHash': HexBytes('0x8b26804cb7de80e00834328670e207f420860826c316fe94898dd8f458ec9f52'), 'address': '0x111157460c0F41EfD9107239B7864c062aA8B978', 'blockHash': HexBytes('0x6f2054cbb2a44968b2b4bf56711525475a04093c0dbba1a7a75c0671641adcfd'), 'blockNumber': 9179848, 'block_number': 9179848, 'channel_identifi
(raiden) ➜ raiden git:(master) ✗ raiden --keystore-path /home/cosmin/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/keys/kovan --log-config 'raiden:debug' --eth-rpc-endpoint "" --api-address "" --network-id 42 --environment-type "production" --accept-disclaimer
Welcome to Raiden, version 0.16.1.dev28+gb69fc1cf!
| This is an Alpha version of experimental open source software |
| released as a test version under an MIT license and may contain |
| errors and/or bugs. No guarantee or representations whatsoever is |
| made regarding its suitability (or its use) for any purpose or |
| regarding its compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. |
| Use of the software is at your own risk and discretion and by |
| using the software you acknowledge that you have read this |
./mismatch.txt:2018-11-15 12:18:14 [debug ] Message data [] data={"type": "LockedTransfer", "chain_id": 42, "message_identifier": 18037402329003704290, "payment_identifier": 1542284294002, "nonce": 227, "token_network_address": "0x111157460c0f41efd9107239b7864c062aa8b978", "token": "0xd0a1e359811322d97991e03f863a0c30c2cf029c", "channel_identifier": 112, "transferred_amount": 111, "locked_amount": 5, "recipient": "0x1b7915a9bf345fbf5efd79ef4deded9b1cb60e63", "locksroot": "0xa6defc04a5037215bc77a25005258a252096b3dbfc2a94cd0a0f4ae90afa0ce1", "lock": {"type": "Lock", "amount": 1, "expiration": 9385897, "secrethash": "0x403a7e1f2bfd06fd399bddbb9f4a6ba21eb4aa000b68d8eba5d4638b4aea1fb6"}, "target": "0x1b7915a9bf345fbf5efd79ef4deded9b1cb60e63", "initiator": "0x0bae0289aaa26845224f528f9b9defe69e01606e", "fee": 0, "signature": "0x22160325084441afa5309ed99f24c8b0b143371adbd8f1
2018-11-15 13:32:41 [debug ] Task initialized [scenario_player.tasks.base] task=<AssertTask: {'from': 2, 'to': 4, 'total_deposit': 150, 'balance': 100, 'state': 'closed'}> │
│2018-11-15 13:32:41 [debug ] Task initialized [scenario_player.tasks.base] task=<AssertTask: {'from': 4, 'to': 2, 'total_deposit': 0, 'balance': 50, 'state': 'closed'}> │
│2018-11-15 13:32:41 [debug ] Using endpoint for node [scenario_player.node_support] node=0 rpc_endpoint= │
│2018-11-15 13:32:41 [debug ] Using endpoint for node [scenario_player.node_support] node=1 rpc_endpoint=
raiden git:(master) ✗ raiden --keystore-path /home/cosmin/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/keys/kovan --log-config 'raiden:debug' --eth-rpc-endpoint "" --api-address "" --network-id 42 --environment-type "production" --accept-disclaimer --log-json
Welcome to Raiden, version 0.16.1.dev28+gb69fc1cf!
| This is an Alpha version of experimental open source software |
| released as a test version under an MIT license and may contain |
| errors and/or bugs. No guarantee or representations whatsoever is |
| made regarding its suitability (or its use) for any purpose or |
| regarding its compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. |
| Use of the software is at your own risk and discretion and by |
| using the software you acknowledge that you have read this |