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Created May 21, 2018 01:36
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import pwn
import hashlib
import re
pwn.context.log_level = 'error'
import sys
import itertools
import collections
Feedback = collections.namedtuple('Feedback', ['correct', 'close'])
def generate_initial_pool(choices, holes):
'''Generates the initial set of possible answers.'''
return list(itertools.permutations(range(choices),holes))
# return list(itertools.permutations(*[range(choices) for _ in xrange(holes)]))
def find_correct(actual, guess):
'''Finds the sum of all correct matches.'''
return sum([1 for (a, b) in zip(actual, guess) if a == b])
def remove_correct(actual, guess):
'''Removes all correct matches from two "rows"'''
actual2 = [a for (a, b) in zip(actual, guess) if a != b]
guess2 = [b for (a, b) in zip(actual, guess) if a != b]
return actual2, guess2
def find_close(actual, guess):
'''Finds the sum of all close matches.'''
actual, guess = remove_correct(actual, guess)
close = 0
for possible in guess:
if possible in actual:
del actual[actual.index(possible)]
close += 1
return close
def get_feedback(actual, guess):
'''Compares two "rows" to each other and returns feedback.'''
return Feedback(find_correct(actual, guess), find_close(actual, guess))
def is_match(guess, feedback, possible):
'''Returns true if hypothetical could be the answer given the feedback
and the guess'''
return feedback == get_feedback(possible, guess)
def filter_pool(pool, guess, feedback):
'''Filters through the pool of possibilities and removes ones which
couldn't possibly be the answer.'''
for possible in pool:
if is_match(guess, feedback, possible) and (possible != guess):
yield possible
def make_guess(pool, feedback):
'''Makes an educated guess between the pool of possibilities and
the user feedback.'''
min_length = float('infinity')
best_choice = None
for possible in pool:
length = len(list(filter_pool(pool, possible, feedback)))
if min_length > length:
min_length = length
best_choice = possible
return best_choice
# nc 10002
powChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
p = pwn.remote("",10002)
data = p.recv()
[part1,hashTarget] = data.rstrip().split(" == ")
hashSeed = part1.split("+")[1].rstrip(")")
def dopow(seed,target):
print "Calculating target hash %s for seed %s" % (target,seed)
for c1 in powChars:
for c2 in powChars:
for c3 in powChars:
for c4 in powChars:
s = "%c%c%c%c" % (c1,c2,c3,c4)
if hashlib.sha256(s + seed).hexdigest() == target:
return s
pow = dopow(hashSeed,hashTarget)
print "PoW Complete: %s" % pow
# Give me 4 numbers, in[0, 10), You can only try 6 times
# $ 1 2 3 4
# Nope. 0, 1
def playGame(round):
p.recvuntil("Give me ")
numCount = int(p.recvuntil(" "),10)
print "Got number count: %d" % numCount
minBound = int(p.recvuntil(",").rstrip(","),10)
print "Got minimum bound: %d" % minBound
p.recvuntil(" ")
maxBound = int(p.recvuntil(")").rstrip(")"),10)
print "Got maximum bound: %d" % maxBound
# flush buffer then go
# print p.recvall(timeout=0.5)
print "OK, Playing game %d numbers between [%d:%d]" % (numCount,minBound,maxBound)
numbers = range(minBound,maxBound)
holes = numCount
# flush buffer...
pool = generate_initial_pool(maxBound - minBound, numCount)
guess = [minBound + i for i in range(0,numCount)]
# guess = [0 if (i < (holes / 2)) else 1 for i in range(holes)]
while True:
actualGuess = [str(minBound + x) for x in guess]
print "Sending: %s" % " ".join(actualGuess)
p.sendline(" ".join(actualGuess))
data = p.recv()
print data
if "Wrong" in data:
correct = 0
close = 0
elif "Nope." in data:
(correct, close) = data.rstrip().lstrip("Nope. ").split(", ")
correct = int(correct)
close = int(close)
if round == 8:
print p.recv()
print p.recvline()
print "Result: %d correct, %d close" % (correct, close)
feedback = Feedback(correct,close)
pool = list(filter_pool(pool,guess,feedback))
guess = make_guess(pool,feedback)
r = 1
while True:
r += 1
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