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Created January 11, 2023 00:06
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  • Save Cyanne/69f57f3d46495fa53639d9c45b616947 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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; A: Heart color, X: Timer multiplier, Y: Timer counter.
LDY #$00
LDA #$02 ; Dark color
LDX #$05 ; Short timer multiplier
STA $0000
STX $0001
LDA #$0a ; Light color
LDX #$0a ; Long timer multiplier
STA $03ce
STA $03d0
STA $03ed
STA $03ee
STA $03ef
STA $03f0
STA $03f1
STA $040e
STA $040f
STA $0410
STA $042f
CPY #$00
BNE wait
CPX #$00
BNE wait
; Change color and waiting time
CMP $0000 ; Swap color/timing if using dark color
BEQ start
LDA $0000 ; Load dark color
LDX $0001 ; Load short multiplier
JMP draw
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