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Last active April 10, 2023 09:09
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Subnautica map helper
import ae.utils.array;
import ae.utils.geometry;
import ae.utils.xmlbuild;
import std.algorithm.comparison;
import std.algorithm.iteration;
import std.algorithm.searching;
import std.conv;
import std.exception;
import std.file;
import std.format;
import std.math;
import std.range;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import trilateration : trilateration;
enum mapRadius = 1_500; // meters
enum mapScale = 1; // meters per pixel
enum gridInterval = 100; // meters
version(unittest_only) {} else
void main()
auto svg = newXml().svg();
svg.xmlns = "";
svg.viewBox = "%s %s %s %s".format(
(-mapRadius) / mapScale,
(-mapRadius) / mapScale,
(mapRadius * 2) / mapScale,
(mapRadius * 2) / mapScale,
"x" : text((-mapRadius) / mapScale),
"y" : text((-mapRadius) / mapScale),
"width" : text((mapRadius * 2) / mapScale),
"height" : text((mapRadius * 2) / mapScale),
"fill" : "#000820",
void grid(int interval, string color)
string d;
foreach (dir; 0..2)
auto dirCmd = "hv"[dir];
foreach (x; -mapRadius .. mapRadius+1)
if (x % interval == 0)
d ~= format("M %d,%d %s %s ",
(dir ? x : -mapRadius) / mapScale,
(dir ? -mapRadius : x) / mapScale,
(mapRadius * 2) / mapScale,
"d" : d,
"stroke" : color,
grid(gridInterval , "#002080");
grid(gridInterval * 10, "#0030c0");
Point!double[][string] lines;
double offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0;
double[3][4] trilaterationAnchors;
string color = "#60a0ff";
enum Mode
Mode mode;
foreach (line; "map.txt".readText.splitLines)
scope(failure) writeln("Error with line: " ~ line);
if (!line.length || line[0] == '#')
auto parts = line.split("\t");
string popPart() { enforce(parts.length, "Insufficient arguments"); return parts.shift(); }
auto command = popPart();
switch (command)
case "mode":
mode = popPart().to!Mode;
final switch (mode)
case Mode.coord:
case Mode.compass:
case Mode.trilateration:
foreach (ref anchor; trilaterationAnchors)
foreach (ref axis; anchor)
axis = popPart().to!double;
case "offset":
offsetX = popPart().to!double;
offsetY = popPart().to!double;
case "point":
case "wreck":
case "line":
double x, y, depth;
final switch (mode)
case Mode.coord:
x = popPart().to!double;
depth = popPart().to!double;
y = popPart().to!double;
case Mode.compass:
auto dist = popPart().to!int;
auto dir = parseDir(popPart());
auto a = (dir + 180) / 180.0 * PI;
x = dist * cos(a);
y = -dist * sin(a);
case Mode.trilateration:
double[3][4] refPoints = trilaterationAnchors;
double[4] distances;
foreach (ref distance; distances)
distance = popPart().to!double;
auto p = trilateration(refPoints, distances);
x = p[0];
y = p[2];
depth = p[1];
x += offsetX;
y += offsetY;
final switch (command)
case "point":
case "wreck":
final switch (command)
case "point":[
"cx" : text(x / mapScale),
"cy" : text(y / mapScale),
"r" : text(6),
"stroke" : color,
"cx" : text(x / mapScale),
"cy" : text(y / mapScale),
"r" : text(3),
"fill" : color,
case "wreck":
"d" : "M %s,%s m -6, -6 v 12 h 12 v -12 z".format(x / mapScale, y / mapScale),
"stroke" : "#ff8000",
auto t = svg.text([
"x" : text(x / mapScale + 8),
"y" : text(y / mapScale + 6),
"fill" : color,
"style" : "font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 15pt",
auto textLines = wrapNodeText(popPart());
if (!depth.isNaN)
textLines ~= "\nD=%d".format(cast(int)round(depth));
foreach (i, l; textLines)
auto tspan = t.tspan([
"x" : text(x / mapScale + 8),
"dy" : "%dem".format(i == 0 ? 0 : 1),
tspan[] = l;
case "line":
lines[popPart().findSplit(" (")[0]] ~= Point!double(x, y);
case "color":
color = popPart();
throw new Exception("Unknown command");
enforce(parts.length == 0, "Too many arguments");
foreach (name, points; lines)
"d" : "M " ~!(
point => "%s %s".format(point.x / mapScale, point.y / mapScale)
).join(" L "),
"stroke" : "#008000",
"fill" : "none",
double parseDir(string s)
auto p = min(
auto baseDirIndex = ["E", "NE", "N", "NW", "W", "SW", "S", "SE"].indexOf(s[0..p]);
enforce(baseDirIndex >= 0, "Unknown base direction: " ~ s[0..p]);
double a = baseDirIndex * 45;
if (p < s.length)
// In-game compass gradations go clockwise, but the trig angle goes CCW
a -= s[p..$].to!double * (45. / 6);
return a;
assert(parseDir("E") == 0);
assert(parseDir("N") == 90);
assert(parseDir("N+2") == 75);
string[] wrapNodeText(string s)
assert(s.length, "Empty node!");
string[] words = s.split;
string[] tryWrap(size_t width)
string[] lines;
size_t currentWidth;
foreach (ref word; words)
if (!lines || (currentWidth > 0 && currentWidth + word.length > width))
lines ~= null;
currentWidth = 0;
if (lines[$-1].length)
lines[$-1] ~= ' ';
lines[$-1] ~= word;
currentWidth += word.length;
return lines;
auto initWidth = cast(int)(sqrt(double(s.length)) * 2).clamp(10, 30);
auto width = initWidth;
while (width && tryWrap(width - 1).length == tryWrap(width).length)
return tryWrap(width);
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import math
# def oracle():
# fixed_points = [(1, 2, 3),
# (2, 3, 4),
# (3, 4, 5),
# (4, 5, 6)]
# secret_random_point = np.random.rand(3) * 10
# return [distance.euclidean(fixed_point, secret_random_point) for fixed_point in fixed_points]
# Notes:
# T1 is below sea level (Y<0)
# T2 is North-ish (X<0)
# T3 is East-ish (Z>0)
# T4 is SW-ish
distances = [
( 27, 345, 509, 1042), # Life Pod 5 (origin)
( 236, 559, 717, 814), # (random point on the surface)
( 502, 823, 951, 590), # (random point on the surface)
( 263, 548, 400, 1111), # (random point on the surface)
( 311, 380, 470, 1126), # (bottom of the pink shroom biome)
(1399, 1058, 1437, 2143), # (random point on the surface (about 1387m), almost exactly S of Life Pod 5)
(1213, 1425, 1709, 380), # (big wreck on a flat, with warpers)
(1270, 1131, 1654, 1404), # lifepod 13 (D=180)
(1288, 1120, 1647, 1495), # "calcified root system" (D=149)
( 131, 441, 634, 915), # Mystery stalker teeth below here (D=1)
(1441, 1185, 1064, 2406), # Lifepod 12 (D=268); amp-eels, light bulb plants
oracle_point_names = [
"Life Pod 5 (origin)",
"(random point on the surface)",
"(random point on the surface)",
"(random point on the surface)",
"(bottom of the pink shroom biome)",
"(random point on the surface (about 1387m), almost exactly S of Life Pod 5)",
"(big wreck on a flat, with warpers)",
"lifepod 13 (D=180)",
"calcified root system (D=149)",
"Mystery stalker teeth below here (D=1)",
"Lifepod 12 (D=268); amp-eels, light bulb plants",
# T1<->T2 - 358
# T1<->T3 - 509
# T1<->T4 - 1027
oracle_random_point_distances = distances.copy()
def oracle():
return oracle_random_point_distances.pop(0)
# def trilateration_residuals(fixed_points_flat, random_points, distances):
# fixed_points = fixed_points_flat.reshape(4, 3)
# residuals = []
# for i, random_point in enumerate(random_points):
# for j, fixed_point in enumerate(fixed_points):
# residuals.append(distance.euclidean(fixed_point, random_point) - distances[i, j])
# return residuals
# def find_fixed_points(oracle, num_random_points=5):
# random_points = [np.random.rand(3) * 10 for _ in range(num_random_points)]
# distances = np.array([oracle() for _ in range(num_random_points)])
# initial_guess = np.random.rand(12) * 10
# result = least_squares(trilateration_residuals, initial_guess, args=(random_points, distances))
# return result.x.reshape(4, 3)
# def trilateration_loss(params, fixed_distances):
# coords = np.array(params).reshape(4, 3)
# distances = [distance.euclidean(coords[i], coords[j]) for i in range(4) for j in range(i + 1, 4)]
# return [distances[i] - fixed_distances[i] for i in range(6)]
loss_names_recorded = False
loss_names = []
def trilateration_loss(params, fixed_distances):
coords = np.array(params).reshape(len(params)//NUM_AXES, NUM_AXES)
fixed_coords = coords[:NUM_FIXED_POINTS]
oracle_coords = coords[NUM_FIXED_POINTS:]
assert len(fixed_distances) == len(oracle_coords)
num_oracle_coords = len(oracle_coords)
loss = []
global loss_names_recorded
def add_loss(name, value):
if not loss_names_recorded:
def add_distance_loss(name1, name2, p1, p2, expected):
assert round(expected) == expected
dist = distance.euclidean(p1, p2)
loss = dist - expected
if round(dist) == expected: loss *= ROUNDING_IGNORE_BOOST
add_loss('Distance between ' + name1 + ' and ' + name2, loss)
def add_depth_loss(name, point, expected):
assert math.trunc(expected) == expected
loss = point[1] - expected # Y
if math.trunc(point[1]) == expected: loss *= ROUNDING_IGNORE_BOOST
add_loss(name + ' depth', loss)
for oracle_coord_index in range(num_oracle_coords):
oracle_coord = oracle_coords[oracle_coord_index]
# est_distances = [distance.euclidean(fixed_coord, oracle_coord) for fixed_coord in fixed_coords]
for fixed_coord_index in range(NUM_FIXED_POINTS):
fixed_coord = fixed_coords[fixed_coord_index]
expected = fixed_distances[oracle_coord_index][fixed_coord_index]
add_distance_loss(f'T{fixed_coord_index + 1}', f'P{oracle_coord_index + 1}', fixed_coord, oracle_coord, expected)
# T1 is below sea level (Y<0)
# T2 is North-ish (Z<0)
# T3 is East-ish (X>0)
# T4 is SW-ish (X<0, Z>0)
add_loss('T1 is below sea level', max(0, fixed_coords[0][1]))
add_loss('T2 is North of origin', max(0, fixed_coords[1][2]))
add_loss('T3 is East of origin', min(0, fixed_coords[2][0]))
add_loss('T4 is West of origin', max(0, fixed_coords[3][0]))
add_loss('T4 is South of origin', min(0, fixed_coords[3][2]))
add_loss('Lifepod X is 0', oracle_coords[0][0] - 0)
add_loss('Lifepod Z is 0', oracle_coords[0][2] - 0)
# add_loss('Point 2 Y is 0', oracle_coords[1][1] - 0)
# add_loss('Point 3 Y is 0', oracle_coords[2][1] - 0)
# add_loss('Point 4 Y is 0', oracle_coords[3][1] - 0)
# add_loss('Point 6 Y is 0', oracle_coords[5][1] - 0)
add_loss('Point 2 is Y-coplanar with 3', (oracle_coords[1][1] - oracle_coords[2][1]) * 1000)
add_loss('Point 2 is Y-coplanar with 4', (oracle_coords[1][1] - oracle_coords[3][1]) * 1000)
add_loss('Point 2 is Y-coplanar with 6', (oracle_coords[1][1] - oracle_coords[5][1]) * 1000)
add_loss('Point 6 X is 0', oracle_coords[5][0] - 0)
add_depth_loss('Point 8' , oracle_coords[7], -180)
add_depth_loss('Point 9' , oracle_coords[8], -149)
add_depth_loss('Point 10', oracle_coords[9], -1)
add_depth_loss('Point 11', oracle_coords[10],-268)
# # All points except the first oracle point should have a non-positive Y
# for i, coord in enumerate(coords):
# add_loss(f'P{i - NUM_FIXED_POINTS} Y below ground penalty', min(0, coord[1]))
# else:
# add_loss(f'P{i - NUM_FIXED_POINTS} Y above ground penalty', max(0, coord[1]))
# # add_loss('P6 Z is negative penalty', min(0, oracle_coords[5][2]))
loss_names_recorded = True
return loss
def find_fixed_points(oracle, num_samples=len(distances)):
fixed_distances = []
for _ in range(num_samples):
num_coords = NUM_FIXED_POINTS + num_samples
seed = 18
while True:
initial_guess = np.random.rand(num_coords * NUM_AXES) * 1000 - 500
result = least_squares(trilateration_loss, initial_guess, args=(fixed_distances,))
if result.cost < 0.5:
print(f"Cost is {result.cost}, retrying...")
seed = seed + 1
coords = np.array(result.x).reshape(num_coords, NUM_AXES)
point_names = [
"T1", "T2", "T3", "T4",
*(f"P{n+1}" for n in range(len(distances))),
for i, coord in enumerate(coords):
name = point_names[i]
name += ' ' + oracle_point_names[i - NUM_FIXED_POINTS]
print(f" X={coord[0]:10.3f} Y={coord[1]:10.3f} Z={coord[2]:10.3f} {name}")
for i, residual in enumerate(
print(f" {residual:10.3f} {loss_names[i]}")
print("T1-T2: ", distance.euclidean(coords[0], coords[1]))
print("T1-T3: ", distance.euclidean(coords[0], coords[2]))
print("T1-T4: ", distance.euclidean(coords[0], coords[3]))
mode coord
color #ffff00
point {coords[0][0]} {coords[0][1]} {coords[0][2]} {point_names[0]}
point {coords[1][0]} {coords[1][1]} {coords[1][2]} {point_names[1]}
point {coords[2][0]} {coords[2][1]} {coords[2][2]} {point_names[2]}
point {coords[3][0]} {coords[3][1]} {coords[3][2]} {point_names[3]}
mode trilateration {coords[0][0]} {coords[0][1]} {coords[0][2]} {coords[1][0]} {coords[1][1]} {coords[1][2]} {coords[2][0]} {coords[2][1]} {coords[2][2]} {coords[3][0]} {coords[3][1]} {coords[3][2]}
return coords
fixed_points = find_fixed_points(oracle)
# print(fixed_points)
# print("T1-T2: ", distance.euclidean(fixed_points[0], fixed_points[1]))
# print("T1-T3: ", distance.euclidean(fixed_points[0], fixed_points[2]))
# print("T1-T4: ", distance.euclidean(fixed_points[0], fixed_points[3]))
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# fixed_points = find_fixed_points(oracle)
# print(f"Estimated fixed points coordinates:\n{fixed_points}")
# from scipy.optimize import minimize
# def trilateration_residuals_transformed(transformed_points_flat, points, distances):
# transformed_points = transformed_points_flat.reshape(4, 3)
# residuals = []
# for i, transformed_point in enumerate(transformed_points):
# for j, point in enumerate(points):
# residuals.append(distance.euclidean(transformed_point, point) - distances[i, j])
# return residuals
# def transform_fixed_points_unknown_points(fixed_points, origin_distances, point_a_distances, point_b_distances):
# def objective_function(params):
# point_a, point_b, transformed_points_flat = params[:3], params[3:6], params[6:]
# transformed_points = transformed_points_flat.reshape(4, 3)
# points = [np.array([0, 0, 0]), point_a, point_b]
# distances = np.column_stack((origin_distances, point_a_distances, point_b_distances))
# residuals = trilateration_residuals_transformed(transformed_points_flat, points, distances)
# return np.sum(np.array(residuals) ** 2)
# def y_zero_constraint(params):
# point_a, point_b = params[:3], params[3:6]
# return np.array([point_a[1], point_b[1]])
# initial_guess = np.concatenate((np.random.rand(6) * 10, fixed_points.flatten()))
# constraints = {'type': 'eq', 'fun': y_zero_constraint}
# result = minimize(objective_function, initial_guess, constraints=constraints)
# return result.x[6:].reshape(4, 3)
# origin_distances = distances[0] #[distance.euclidean(fixed_point, [0, 0, 0]) for fixed_point in fixed_points]
# point_a_distances = distances[1] #[distance.euclidean(fixed_point, point_a) for fixed_point in fixed_points]
# point_b_distances = distances[2] #[distance.euclidean(fixed_point, point_b) for fixed_point in fixed_points]
# transformed_fixed_points = transform_fixed_points_unknown_points(fixed_points, origin_distances, point_a_distances, point_b_distances)
# print(f"Transformed fixed points coordinates:\n{transformed_fixed_points}")
# import numpy as np
# from scipy.spatial import distance
# from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
# from scipy.optimize import least_squares
# def transform_coordinates(fixed_points, reference_points):
# # Translate the first reference point to the origin
# translated_points = fixed_points - reference_points[0]
# # Find the rotation matrix that aligns the second reference point to the X-axis
# second_point_normalized = translated_points[1] / np.linalg.norm(translated_points[1])
# rot_x = R.from_rotvec(np.cross(second_point_normalized, [1, 0, 0]) * np.arccos(, [1, 0, 0])))
# # Apply the rotation to all points
# rotated_points = rot_x.apply(translated_points)
# # Find the rotation matrix that aligns the third reference point to the X-Y plane
# third_point_xy = np.array([rotated_points[2, 0], rotated_points[2, 1], 0])
# third_point_xy_normalized = third_point_xy / np.linalg.norm(third_point_xy)
# rot_y = R.from_rotvec(np.cross(rotated_points[2], third_point_xy_normalized) * np.arccos([2], third_point_xy_normalized)))
# # Apply the rotation to all points
# transformed_points = rot_y.apply(rotated_points)
# return transformed_points
# def main():
# fixed_points = find_fixed_points(oracle)
# print(f"Estimated fixed points coordinates:\n{fixed_points}")
# # Get the first three points from the oracle to serve as reference points
# reference_points = [np.random.rand(3) * 10 for _ in range(3)]
# distances = np.array([oracle() for _ in range(3)])
# # Solve for the reference points' coordinates
# initial_guess = np.random.rand(9) * 10
# result = least_squares(trilateration_residuals, initial_guess, args=(reference_points, distances[:, :3]))
# reference_points_coords = result.x.reshape(3, 3)
# transformed_points = transform_coordinates(fixed_points, reference_points_coords)
# print(f"Transformed fixed points coordinates:\n{transformed_points}")
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# main()
# # import numpy as np
# # from scipy.spatial import distance
# # from scipy.optimize import least_squares
# # # ... (oracle, trilateration_residuals, find_fixed_points functions) ...
# def compute_transformation_matrix(origin, y0_point1, y0_point2):
# x_axis = (y0_point1 - origin) / np.linalg.norm(y0_point1 - origin)
# temp_y_axis = (y0_point2 - origin) / np.linalg.norm(y0_point2 - origin)
# z_axis = np.cross(x_axis, temp_y_axis)
# z_axis /= np.linalg.norm(z_axis)
# y_axis = np.cross(z_axis, x_axis)
# rotation_matrix = np.vstack((x_axis, y_axis, z_axis)).T
# translation_vector =, origin)
# return rotation_matrix, translation_vector
# def transform_coordinates(fixed_points, transformation_matrix, translation_vector):
# return, transformation_matrix.T) + translation_vector
# # if __name__ == "__main__":
# # fixed_points = find_fixed_points(oracle)
# # print(f"Estimated fixed points coordinates:\n{fixed_points}")
# # # Assuming the first three points chosen by the oracle are origin, y0_point1, and y0_point2
# # oracle_points = [np.random.rand(3) * 10 for _ in range(3)]
# # origin, y0_point1, y0_point2 = oracle_points
# # # Compute the transformation matrix and translation vector
# # transformation_matrix, translation_vector = compute_transformation_matrix(origin, y0_point1, y0_point2)
# # # Transform the fixed points' coordinates
# # transformed_fixed_points = transform_coordinates(fixed_points, transformation_matrix, translation_vector)
# # print(f"Transformed fixed points coordinates:\n{transformed_fixed_points}")
# import numpy as np
# from scipy.spatial import distance
# from scipy.optimize import least_squares
# # ... (oracle, trilateration_residuals, find_fixed_points functions) ...
# def find_transformation_params(params, fixed_points, distances):
# origin, y0_point1, y0_point2 = params[:3], params[3:6], params[6:9]
# rotation_matrix, translation_vector = compute_transformation_matrix(origin, y0_point1, y0_point2)
# transformed_fixed_points = transform_coordinates(fixed_points, rotation_matrix, translation_vector)
# residuals = []
# for i, point in enumerate(transformed_fixed_points):
# residuals.append(distance.euclidean(origin, point) - distances[0][i])
# residuals.append(distance.euclidean(y0_point1, point) - distances[1][i])
# residuals.append(distance.euclidean(y0_point2, point) - distances[2][i])
# return residuals
# def find_transformation_matrix(fixed_points, distances):
# initial_guess = np.zeros(9)
# initial_guess[4] = initial_guess[8] = 1
# result = least_squares(find_transformation_params, initial_guess, args=(fixed_points, distances))
# origin, y0_point1, y0_point2 = result.x[:3], result.x[3:6], result.x[6:9]
# return compute_transformation_matrix(origin, y0_point1, y0_point2)
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# fixed_points = find_fixed_points(oracle)
# print(f"Estimated fixed points coordinates:\n{fixed_points}")
# print("T1-T2: ", distance.euclidean(fixed_points[0], fixed_points[1]))
# print("T1-T3: ", distance.euclidean(fixed_points[0], fixed_points[2]))
# print("T1-T4: ", distance.euclidean(fixed_points[0], fixed_points[3]))
# # Get distances from the oracle's first three points to the fixed points
# oracle_distances = distances[:3]
# # Find the transformation matrix and translation vector
# transformation_matrix, translation_vector = find_transformation_matrix(fixed_points, oracle_distances)
# # Transform the fixed points' coordinates
# transformed_fixed_points = transform_coordinates(fixed_points, transformation_matrix, translation_vector)
# print(f"Transformed fixed points coordinates:\n{transformed_fixed_points}")
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import math
fixed_points = [
(2.2404291416571347, -19.857832279461935, 15.751490015211678), # T1
(71.41422405071685, -68.42767347406883, -330.0991786228649), # T2
(507.2584377961219, -13.378438265725853, -38.94151302226673), # T3
(-813.8121936246888, -300.9619060047596, 575.8983392400755), # T4
distances = [1270, 1131, 1654, 1404] # Lifepod 13 (D=180)
# distances = [1288, 1120, 1647, 1495] # "calcified root system" (D=149)
def trilateration_loss(params):
coords = np.array(params).reshape(len(params)//NUM_AXES, NUM_AXES)
assert len(coords) == 1
oracle_point = coords[0]
return [
distance.euclidean(fixed_points[i], oracle_point) - distances[i] for i in range(len(fixed_points))
initial_guess = np.random.rand(NUM_AXES) * 1000 - 500
result = least_squares(trilateration_loss, initial_guess)
import ae.sys.cmd;
import ae.sys.persistence.core;
import ae.sys.persistence.memoize;
import std.conv;
import std.format;
import std.string;
double[3] trilateration(double[3][4] refPoints, double[4] distances) {
string program = q"EOF
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import math
fixed_points = [%((%(%18g, %))%|, %)]
distances = [%(%18g, %)]
def trilateration_loss(params):
coords = np.array(params).reshape(len(params)//NUM_AXES, NUM_AXES)
assert len(coords) == 1
oracle_point = coords[0]
return [
distance.euclidean(fixed_points[i], oracle_point) - distances[i] for i in range(len(fixed_points))
import sys
seed = 0
while True:
initial_guess = np.random.rand(NUM_AXES) * 1000 - 500
result = least_squares(trilateration_loss, initial_guess)
if result.cost < 0.1:
print(f"Cost is {result.cost}, retrying...", file=sys.stderr)
seed = seed + 1
EOF".format(refPoints[], distances[]);
static memoizedQuery = PersistentMemoized!(query!(), FlushPolicy.atThreadExit)("trilateration-cache.json");
auto result = memoizedQuery(["python", "-c", program]);
return result.chomp().to!(double[3]);
// assert(false, "TODO");
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