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Created February 3, 2019 02:03
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# Patches for Qt must be at the very least submitted to Qt's Gerrit codereview
# rather than their bug-report Jira. The latter is rarely reviewed by Qt.
class Qt < Formula
desc "Cross-platform application and UI framework"
homepage ""
url ""
mirror ""
sha256 "05ffba7b811b854ed558abf2be2ddbd3bb6ddd0b60ea4b5da75d277ac15e740a"
head "", :branch => "5.10", :shallow => false
bottle do
sha256 "8b4bad005596a5f8790150fe455db998ac2406f4e0f04140d6656205d844d266" => :high_sierra
sha256 "9c488554935fb573554a4e36d36d3c81e47245b7fefc4b61edef894e67ba1740" => :sierra
sha256 "c0407afba5951df6cc4c6f6c1c315972bd41c99cecb4e029919c4c15ab6f7bdc" => :el_capitan
keg_only "Qt 5 has CMake issues when linked"
option "with-docs", "Build documentation"
option "with-examples", "Build examples"
option "without-proprietary-codecs", "Don't build with proprietary codecs (e.g. mp3)"
# OS X 10.7 Lion is still supported in Qt 5.5, but is no longer a reference
# configuration and thus untested in practice. Builds on OS X 10.7 have been
# reported to fail: <>.
# depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on :xcode => :build
depends_on "mysql" => :optional
depends_on "postgresql" => :optional
# Restore `.pc` files for framework-based build of Qt 5 on OS X. This
# partially reverts <> merged
# between the 5.5.1 and 5.6.0 releases. (Remove this as soon as feasible!)
# Core formulae known to fail without this patch (as of 2016-10-15):
# * gnuplot (with `--with-qt` option)
# * mkvtoolnix (with `--with-qt` option, silent build failure)
# * poppler (with `--with-qt` option)
patch do
url ""
sha256 "48ff18be2f4050de7288bddbae7f47e949512ac4bcd126c2f504be2ac701158b"
def install
args = %W[
-prefix #{prefix}
-opensource -confirm-license
-nomake tests
args << "-nomake" << "examples" if build.without? "examples"
if build.with? "mysql"
args << "-plugin-sql-mysql"
(buildpath/"brew_shim/mysql_config").write <<~EOS
if [ x"$1" = x"--libs" ]; then
mysql_config --libs | sed "s/-lssl -lcrypto//"
exec mysql_config "$@"
chmod 0755, "brew_shim/mysql_config"
args << "-mysql_config" << buildpath/"brew_shim/mysql_config"
args << "-plugin-sql-psql" if build.with? "postgresql"
args << "-proprietary-codecs" if build.with? "proprietary-codecs"
system "./configure", *args
system "make"
system "make", "install"
if build.with? "docs"
system "make", "docs"
system "make", "install_docs"
# Some config scripts will only find Qt in a "Frameworks" folder
frameworks.install_symlink Dir["#{lib}/*.framework"]
# The pkg-config files installed suggest that headers can be found in the
# `include` directory. Make this so by creating symlinks from `include` to
# the Frameworks' Headers folders.
Pathname.glob("#{lib}/*.framework/Headers") do |path|
include.install_symlink path => path.parent.basename(".framework")
# Move `*.app` bundles into `libexec` to expose them to `brew linkapps` and
# because we don't like having them in `bin`.
# (Note: This move breaks invocation of Assistant via the Help menu
# of both Designer and Linguist as that relies on Assistant being in `bin`.)
Pathname.glob("#{bin}/*.app") { |app| mv app, libexec }
def caveats; <<~EOS
We agreed to the Qt opensource license for you.
If this is unacceptable you should uninstall.
test do
(testpath/"").write <<~EOS
QT += core
QT -= gui
TARGET = hello
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
SOURCES += main.cpp
(testpath/"main.cpp").write <<~EOS
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
qDebug() << "Hello World!";
return 0;
system bin/"qmake", testpath/""
system "make"
assert_predicate testpath/"hello", :exist?
assert_predicate testpath/"main.o", :exist?
system "./hello"
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