import abi from './abis/src/contracts/Genesis.sol/Genesis.json' import address from './abis/contractAddress.json' import { getGlobalState, setGlobalState } from './store' import { ethers } from 'ethers' import { logOutWithCometChat } from './CometChat' const { ethereum } = window const contractAddress = address.address const contractAbi = abi.abi const getEtheriumContract = () => { const connectedAccount = getGlobalState('connectedAccount') if (connectedAccount) { const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(ethereum) const signer = provider.getSigner() const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractAbi, signer) return contract } else { return getGlobalState('contract') } } const isWallectConnected = async () => { try { if (!ethereum) return alert('Please install Metamask') const accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_accounts' }) window.ethereum.on('chainChanged', (chainId) => { window.location.reload() }) window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', async () => { setGlobalState('connectedAccount', accounts[0]) await logOutWithCometChat() await isWallectConnected() }) if (accounts.length) { setGlobalState('connectedAccount', accounts[0]) } else { alert('Please connect wallet.') console.log('No accounts found.') } } catch (error) { reportError(error) } } const connectWallet = async () => { try { if (!ethereum) return alert('Please install Metamask') const accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' }) setGlobalState('connectedAccount', accounts[0]) } catch (error) { reportError(error) } } const createProject = async ({ title, description, imageURL, cost, expiresAt, }) => { try { if (!ethereum) return alert('Please install Metamask') const contract = getEtheriumContract() cost = ethers.utils.parseEther(cost) await contract.createProject(title, description, imageURL, cost, expiresAt) await loadProjects() // The blockchain is too slow for this... window.location.reload() // That's why we used this... } catch (error) { reportError(error) } } const updateProject = async ({ id, title, description, imageURL, expiresAt, }) => { try { if (!ethereum) return alert('Please install Metamask') const contract = getEtheriumContract() await contract.updateProject(id, title, description, imageURL, expiresAt) await loadProjects() // The blockchain is too slow for this... window.location.reload() // That's why we used this... } catch (error) { reportError(error) } } const backProject = async (id, amount) => { try { if (!ethereum) return alert('Please install Metamask') const connectedAccount = getGlobalState('connectedAccount') const contract = getEtheriumContract() amount = ethers.utils.parseEther(amount) await contract.backProject(id, { from: connectedAccount, value: amount._hex, }) await loadProjects() // The blockchain is too slow for this... window.location.reload() // That's why we used this... } catch (error) { reportError(error) } } const refundProject = async (id) => { try { if (!ethereum) return alert('Please install Metamask') const connectedAccount = getGlobalState('connectedAccount') const contract = getEtheriumContract() await contract.requestRefund(id, { from: connectedAccount, }) await loadProjects() // The blockchain is too slow for this... window.location.reload() // That's why we used this... } catch (error) { reportError(error) } } const payoutProject = async (id) => { try { if (!ethereum) return alert('Please install Metamask') const connectedAccount = getGlobalState('connectedAccount') const contract = getEtheriumContract() await contract.payOutProject(id, { from: connectedAccount, }) await loadProjects() // The blockchain is too slow for this... window.location.reload() // That's why we used this... } catch (error) { reportError(error) } } const getBackers = async (id) => { try { if (!ethereum) return alert('Please install Metamask') const contract = getEtheriumContract() let backers = await contract.getBackers(id) setGlobalState('backers', structuredBackers(backers)) } catch (error) { reportError(error) } } const deleteProject = async (id) => { try { if (!ethereum) return alert('Please install Metamask') const contract = getEtheriumContract() await contract.deleteProject(id) await loadProjects() // The blockchain is too slow for this... window.location.reload() // That's why we used this... } catch (error) { reportError(error) } } const loadProject = async (id) => { try { if (!ethereum) return alert('Please install Metamask') const contract = getEtheriumContract() let project = await contract.getProject(id) project = structuredProjects([project])[0] setGlobalState('project', project) await getBackers(id) console.log("Project Loaded...") } catch (error) { alert(JSON.stringify(error.message)) reportError(error) } } const loadProjects = async () => { try { if (!ethereum) return alert('Please install Metamask') const contract = getEtheriumContract() const projects = await contract.getProjects() const stats = await contract.stats() setGlobalState('stats', structureStats(stats)) setGlobalState('projects', structuredProjects(projects)) } catch (error) { reportError(error) } } const structuredBackers = (backers) => backers .map((backer) => ({ owner: backer.owner, refunded: backer.refunded, timestamp: new Date(backer.timestamp.toNumber() * 1000).toJSON(), contribution: parseInt(backer.contribution._hex) / 10 ** 18, })) .reverse() const structuredProjects = (projects) => projects .map((project) => ({ id:, owner: project.owner, title: project.title, description: project.description, timestamp: new Date(project.timestamp.toNumber()).getTime(), expiresAt: new Date(project.expiresAt.toNumber()).getTime(), date: toDate(project.expiresAt.toNumber() * 1000), imageURL: project.imageURL, raised: parseInt(project.raised._hex) / 10 ** 18, cost: parseInt(project.cost._hex) / 10 ** 18, backers: project.backers.toNumber(), status: project.status, })) .reverse() const toDate = (timestamp) => { const date = new Date(timestamp) const dd = date.getDate() > 9 ? date.getDate() : `0${date.getDate()}` const mm = date.getMonth() + 1 > 9 ? date.getMonth() + 1 : `0${date.getMonth() + 1}` const yyyy = date.getFullYear() return `${yyyy}-${mm}-${dd}` } const structureStats = (stats) => ({ totalProjects: stats.totalProjects.toNumber(), totalBacking: stats.totalBacking.toNumber(), totalDonations: parseInt(stats.totalDonations._hex) / 10 ** 18, }) const reportError = (error) => { console.log(error.message) throw new Error('No ethereum object.') } export { getEtheriumContract, isWallectConnected, connectWallet, createProject, updateProject, deleteProject, loadProjects, loadProject, backProject, payoutProject, refundProject, }