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Created August 31, 2023 18:28
Dapp Votes
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
import '@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol';
contract DappVotes {
using Counters for Counters.Counter;
Counters.Counter private totalPolls;
Counters.Counter private totalContestants;
struct PollStruct {
uint id;
string image;
string title;
string description;
uint votes;
uint contestants;
bool deleted;
address director;
uint startsAt;
uint endsAt;
uint timestamp;
address[] voters;
string[] avatars;
struct ContestantStruct {
uint id;
string image;
string name;
address voter;
uint votes;
address[] voters;
mapping(uint => bool) pollExist;
mapping(uint => PollStruct) polls;
mapping(uint => mapping(address => bool)) voted;
mapping(uint => mapping(address => bool)) contested;
mapping(uint => mapping(uint => ContestantStruct)) contestants;
event Voted(address indexed voter, uint timestamp);
function createPoll(
string memory image,
string memory title,
string memory description,
uint startsAt,
uint endsAt
) public {
require(bytes(title).length > 0, 'Title cannot be empty');
require(bytes(description).length > 0, 'Description cannot be empty');
require(bytes(image).length > 0, 'Image URL cannot be empty');
require(startsAt > 0, 'Start date must be greater than 0');
require(endsAt > startsAt, 'End date must be greater than start date');
PollStruct memory poll; = totalPolls.current();
poll.title = title;
poll.description = description;
poll.image = image;
poll.startsAt = startsAt;
poll.endsAt = endsAt;
poll.director = msg.sender;
poll.timestamp = currentTime();
polls[] = poll;
pollExist[] = true;
function updatePoll(
uint id,
string memory image,
string memory title,
string memory description,
uint startsAt,
uint endsAt
) public {
require(pollExist[id], 'Poll not found');
require(polls[id].director == msg.sender, 'Unauthorized entity');
require(bytes(title).length > 0, 'Title cannot be empty');
require(bytes(description).length > 0, 'Description cannot be empty');
require(bytes(image).length > 0, 'Image URL cannot be empty');
require(!polls[id].deleted, 'Polling already deleted');
require(polls[id].votes < 1, 'Poll has votes already');
require(endsAt > startsAt, 'End date must be greater than start date');
polls[id].title = title;
polls[id].description = description;
polls[id].startsAt = startsAt;
polls[id].endsAt = endsAt;
polls[id].image = image;
function deletePoll(uint id) public {
require(pollExist[id], 'Poll not found');
require(polls[id].director == msg.sender, 'Unauthorized entity');
require(polls[id].votes < 1, 'Poll has votes already');
polls[id].deleted = true;
function getPoll(uint id) public view returns (PollStruct memory) {
return polls[id];
function getPolls() public view returns (PollStruct[] memory Polls) {
uint available;
for (uint i = 1; i <= totalPolls.current(); i++) {
if(!polls[i].deleted) available++;
Polls = new PollStruct[](available);
uint index;
for (uint i = 1; i <= totalPolls.current(); i++) {
if(!polls[i].deleted) {
Polls[index++] = polls[i];
function contest(uint id, string memory name, string memory image) public {
require(pollExist[id], 'Poll not found');
require(bytes(name).length > 0, 'name cannot be empty');
require(bytes(image).length > 0, 'image cannot be empty');
require(polls[id].votes < 1, 'Poll has votes already');
require(!contested[id][msg.sender], 'Already contested');
ContestantStruct memory contestant; = name;
contestant.image = image;
contestant.voter = msg.sender; = totalContestants.current();
contestants[id][] = contestant;
contested[id][msg.sender] = true;
function getContestant(uint id, uint cid) public view returns (ContestantStruct memory) {
return contestants[id][cid];
function getContestants(uint id) public view returns (ContestantStruct[] memory Contestants) {
uint available;
for (uint i = 1; i <= totalContestants.current(); i++) {
if(contestants[id][i].id == i) available++;
Contestants = new ContestantStruct[](available);
uint index;
for (uint i = 1; i <= totalContestants.current(); i++) {
if(contestants[id][i].id == i) {
Contestants[index++] = contestants[id][i];
function vote(uint id, uint cid) public {
require(pollExist[id], 'Poll not found');
require(!voted[id][msg.sender], 'Already voted');
require(!polls[id].deleted, 'Polling not available');
require(polls[id].contestants > 1, 'Not enough contestants');
currentTime() >= polls[id].startsAt && currentTime() < polls[id].endsAt,
'Voting must be in session'
voted[id][msg.sender] = true;
emit Voted(msg.sender, currentTime());
function currentTime() internal view returns (uint256) {
return (block.timestamp * 1000) + 1000;
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