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Last active June 6, 2016 10:56
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use lib '/home/damianzaremba/software/perlmods/share/perl/5.10.1/';
# We want to know if stuff is going to explode in our face
use warnings;
use strict;
# Awesome logging
use Log::Log4perl;
# Wikipedia client
use MediaWiki::API;
# Mediawiki is too awesome to use unix time
use Date::Parse;
use Time::Local;
# Good for debugging
use Data::Dumper;
=head1 NAME - A script to check cluebotng is running
This script checks the last edit time against a threashold.
=head1 AUTHOR
Damian Zaremba <>
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
=head1 CONFIG
Hash of our config values
=head2 Required options
wiki_url - URL to the wiki api.php script
threashold - Time threashold
admins - Array of people to notify
# Config stuff
my $config = {
wiki_url => "",
wiki_username => "DamianZaremba_Scripts",
check_user => "ClueBot_NG",
threashold => 1800, # 15 min
admins => [
my $VERSION = "0.1";
# Stuff we need everywhere
=head1 METHODS
=head2 should_edit
Calculates if an edit should be performed (state has changed)
=head3 Arguments
Takes no arguments.
=head3 Returns
Returns nothing.
sub should_edit {
my $wiki = shift;
my $message = shift;
$message =~ s/last edit was .+$//;
my $ref = $wiki->get_page( { title => 'User:' . $config->{'check_user'} . '/running' } );
unless ( $ref->{missing} ) {
my $pmessage = $ref->{'*'};
$pmessage =~ s/last edit was .+$//;
if( $message eq $pmessage ) {
return 0
return 1
=head2 run
Sets up everything and kicks off the process.
=head3 Arguments
Takes no arguments.
=head3 Returns
Returns nothing.
sub run {
# Setup the logger object
$logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
# Error if we couldn't initialize the logger oject
if( ! defined( $logger ) ) {
print "!!! Could not init logger !!!\n";
$logger->info("Connecting to wikipedia");
my $wiki = MediaWiki::API->new();
$wiki->{'config'}{'api_url'} = $config->{'wiki_url'};
lgname => $config->{'wiki_username'},
lgpassword => $config->{'wiki_password'},
})) {
$logger->error("Could not login to wikipedia: " . $wiki->{error}->{details});
$logger->info("Getting user info");
my $userinfo = $wiki->api({
action => 'query',
list => 'usercontribs',
ucuser => $config->{'check_user'},
'uclimit' => 1,
$logger->info("Got edit info");
my $edit = $userinfo->{'query'}->{'usercontribs'}[0];
my $editUNIXTime = str2time($edit->{'timestamp'});
my $time = time();
my $difference = $time-$editUNIXTime;
$logger->info("Checking edit difference");
if( $difference > $config->{'threashold'} ) {
my $message = "Not running - last edit was " . $edit->{'title'} . " " . $difference . "s ago";
if(should_edit($wiki, $message)) {
action => 'edit',
title => 'User:' . $config->{'check_user'} . '/running',
text => $message,
summary => 'Bot not running',
})) {
$logger->error("Could not update the wiki");
} else {
$logger->info("Wiki updated");
} else {
$logger->info("Not updating wiki");
} else {
$logger->info("Bot running - last edit was " . $edit->{'title'} . " " . $difference . "s ago");
if(should_edit($wiki, 'Running')) {
action => 'edit',
title => 'User:' . $config->{'check_user'} . '/running',
text => 'Running',
summary => 'Bot running',
})) {
$logger->error("Could not update the wiki");
} else {
$logger->info("Wiki updated");
} else {
$logger->info("Not updating wiki");
=head2 notify_admins
Emails the cluebotng admins if it doesn't appear to be editing
=head3 Arguments
message - Message to send
=head3 Returns
Returns nothing
sub notify_admins {
my $message = shift;
my $admins = join(", ", @{ $config->{"admins"} });
$logger->info("Notifying admins: " . $admins);
my $MAIL;
open($MAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t");
print $MAIL "From: watcher\@cluebotng\n";
print $MAIL "To: " . $admins . "\n";
print $MAIL "Subject: " . $config->{'check_user'} . " not running\n\n";
print $MAIL "$message\n";
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