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Created February 8, 2013 13:21
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This is some (very ugly) code I wrote when I was 11 years old (2001). It was part of this game: Clearly I was destined to be an artist for video games, but something didn't quite work out :P
Option Base 1
Dim cardtxt(23, 3) As String
Dim CurPlayer As Integer
Dim AmtMoney(4) As Long
Dim moved(4) As Integer
Dim Level(4) As Integer
Dim landowner(7) As Integer
Dim colour(4)
Dim click1, click2, speed, ended, temp_pic, ok_en, spinner_enabled, won, next_turn
Const txt = 1
Const inf = 2
Const amt = 3
Const go = 16 * 88, l2000 = 1 * 88, l1000 = 2 * 88, l10000 = 3 * 88, dung = 4 * 88, pay2000 = 5 * 88
Const l5000 = 6 * 88, pay1000 = 7 * 88, q1 = 8 * 88, get10000 = 9 * 88, la5000 = 10 * 88
Const get2000 = 11 * 88, gotodung = 12 * 88, q2 = 13 * 88, la1000 = 14 * 88, lb5000 = 15 * 88
Sub card_res (what As String, amount As String)
Select Case what
Case "get": AmtMoney(CurPlayer) = AmtMoney(CurPlayer) + Val(amount): money(CurPlayer - 1) = "$" & AmtMoney(CurPlayer): game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn. GET $" & amount & "!"
Case "lose": AmtMoney(CurPlayer) = AmtMoney(CurPlayer) - Val(amount): money(CurPlayer - 1) = "$" & AmtMoney(CurPlayer): game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn. LOSE $" & amount & "!"
Case "freeturn": MsgBox "Free Turn is currently not programmed!"
Case "forward"
Level(CurPlayer) = Level(CurPlayer) + 1
If Level(CurPlayer) = 6 Then won = CurPlayer: MsgBox "Player " & CurPlayer & " won!", 64, "CONGRADULATIONS!!!": End
If Level(CurPlayer) = 6 Then Exit Sub
player(CurPlayer - 1).Picture = playlib.GraphicCell(((CurPlayer - 1) + (Level(CurPlayer) * 4)))
game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn. GO FORWARD 1 LEVEL!"
Case "back": Level(CurPlayer) = Level(CurPlayer) - 1
If Level(CurPlayer) = -1 Then Level(CurPlayer) = 0
player(CurPlayer - 1).Picture = playlib.GraphicCell(((CurPlayer - 1) + (Level(CurPlayer) * 4)))
game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn. GO BACK 1 LEVEL!"
Case "start"
Call moveme(1496 - moved(CurPlayer))
Case "land"
Select Case moved(CurPlayer)
Case q1
Call moveme(88 * 2)
Call landsub(5, 5000)
Case q2
Call moveme(88)
Call landsub(6, 1000)
End Select
Case "jail": MsgBox "Go to dungeon is currently not programmed! It will instead make you 'Just visit\A9' dungeon!": Call card_res("visit", "0")
Case "visit"
Select Case moved(CurPlayer)
Case q1
Call moveme(88 * 13)
Case q2
Call moveme(88 * 8)
Case gotodung
Call moveme(88 * 9)
End Select
game.Caption = "Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn - JUST VISITING DUNGEON!"
End Select
End Sub
Sub cards_Click ()
If ok_en = False Then Exit Sub
If cards_ok.Visible = True Then Exit Sub
If Right$(app.Path, 2) <> ":\" Then
cards.Picture = LoadPicture(app.Path & "\cardsb.bmp")
cards.Picture = LoadPicture(app.Path & "cardsb.bmp")
End If
pick = Int(Rnd * 22 + 1)
cardinf.Caption = cardtxt(pick, txt)
cardinf.Visible = True
Call card_res(cardtxt(pick, inf), cardtxt(pick, amt))
cards_ok.Visible = True
End Sub
Sub cards_ok_Click ()
If Right$(app.Path, 2) <> ":\" Then
cards.Picture = LoadPicture(app.Path & "\cards.bmp")
cards.Picture = LoadPicture(app.Path & "cards.bmp")
End If
cardinf.Visible = False
cards_ok.Visible = False
spinner_enabled = True
ok_en = False
next_turnbtn.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub done_spin ()
Select Case spinner.Value
Case Is <= 10: temp2 = 88 * 1: game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn - YOU SPUN A 1"
Case Is <= 20: temp2 = 88 * 2: game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn - YOU SPUN A 2"
Case Is <= 30: temp2 = 88 * 3: game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn - YOU SPUN A 3"
Case Is <= 40: temp2 = 88 * 4: game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn - YOU SPUN A 4"
Case Is <= 50: temp2 = 88 * 5: game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn - YOU SPUN A 5"
Case Is <= 60: temp2 = 88 * 6: game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn - YOU SPUN A 6"
Case Is <= 70: temp2 = 88 * 7: game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn - YOU SPUN A 7"
Case Is <= 80: temp2 = 88 * 8: game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn - YOU SPUN A 8"
End Select
For temp = 1 To temp2
Select Case moved(CurPlayer)
Case Is < 4 * 88: player(CurPlayer - 1).Move player(CurPlayer - 1).Left - 1
Case Is < 8 * 88: player(CurPlayer - 1).Move player(CurPlayer - 1).Left, player(CurPlayer - 1).Top - 1
Case Is < 12 * 88: player(CurPlayer - 1).Move player(CurPlayer - 1).Left + 1
Case Is <= 16 * 88: player(CurPlayer - 1).Move player(CurPlayer - 1).Left, player(CurPlayer - 1).Top + 1
Case Is = 1496: moved(CurPlayer) = 0: AmtMoney(CurPlayer) = AmtMoney(CurPlayer) + 1000: money(CurPlayer - 1) = "$" & AmtMoney(CurPlayer): money(CurPlayer - 1).Refresh : Call card_res("forward", "0"): GoTo againit
End Select
moved(CurPlayer) = moved(CurPlayer) + 1
Next temp
Select Case moved(CurPlayer)
Case q1: ok_en = True: spinner_enabled = False: game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn. GET A QUESTION CARD!"
Case q2: ok_en = True: spinner_enabled = False: game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn. GET A QUESTION CARD!"
Case dung: Call card_res("visit", "0")
Case gotodung: Call card_res("jail", "0")
Case pay2000: Call card_res("lose", "2000")
Case pay1000: Call card_res("lose", "1000")
Case get2000: Call card_res("get", "2000")
Case get10000: Call card_res("get", "10000")
Case l1000: landsub 2, 1000
Case la1000: landsub 6, 1000
Case l2000: landsub 1, 2000
Case l5000: landsub 4, 5000
Case la5000: landsub 5, 5000
Case lb5000: landsub 7, 5000
Case l10000: landsub 3, 10000
End Select
next_turn = True
next_turnbtn.Visible = True
If ok_en = True Then next_turnbtn.Enabled = False
End Sub
Sub exit_Click ()
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
'initialise game
speed = 0
Randomize Timer
pictlib.Rows = 3
pictlib.Cols = 3
spinner.Picture = pictlib.GraphicCell(0)
click1 = False
click2 = False
player(0).Picture = playlib.GraphicCell(0)
player(1).Picture = playlib.GraphicCell(1)
player(2).Picture = playlib.GraphicCell(2)
player(3).Picture = playlib.GraphicCell(3)
moved(1) = 0
moved(2) = 0
moved(3) = 0
moved(4) = 0
spinner_enabled = True
AmtMoney(1) = 2000
AmtMoney(2) = 2000
AmtMoney(3) = 2000
AmtMoney(4) = 2000
Level(1) = 0
Level(2) = 0
Level(3) = 0
Level(4) = 0
colour(1) = &HFF&
colour(2) = &HFFFF&
colour(3) = &HFF00&
colour(4) = &HFFFF00
CurPlayer = 1
End Sub
Sub landsub (whatland As Integer, cost As Integer)
If landowner(whatland) <> 0 Then GoTo Owned
buy = MsgBox("This land costs $" & cost & ". The rent if someone else lands on it is $" & cost / 10 & ". Do you want to buy it?", 36, "LAND")
If buy = 7 Then Exit Sub
If AmtMoney(CurPlayer) < cost Then MsgBox "You don't have enough money!", 64, "LAND": Exit Sub
AmtMoney(CurPlayer) = AmtMoney(CurPlayer) - cost
money(CurPlayer - 1) = "$" & AmtMoney(CurPlayer)
game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn. BUY LAND FOR $" & cost
land(whatland - 1).FillColor = colour(CurPlayer)
landowner(whatland) = CurPlayer
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Player " & landowner(whatland) & " owns this land. Rent cost is $" & cost / 10 & ". You MUST pay this payment.", 64, "Land owned by someone else"
AmtMoney(CurPlayer) = AmtMoney(CurPlayer) - cost / 10
AmtMoney(landowner(whatland)) = AmtMoney(landowner(whatland)) + cost / 10
money(CurPlayer - 1) = "$" & AmtMoney(CurPlayer)
money(landowner(whatland) - 1) = "$" & AmtMoney(landowner(whatland))
game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn. PAY FEE OF $" & cost / 10
End Sub
Sub load_cardtxt ()
cardtxt(1, 1) = "Get 3 gold coins."
cardtxt(1, 2) = "get"
cardtxt(1, 3) = "3000"
cardtxt(2, 1) = "Get 4 gold coins."
cardtxt(2, 2) = "get"
cardtxt(2, 3) = "4000"
cardtxt(3, 1) = "Get 1 gold coin."
cardtxt(3, 2) = "get"
cardtxt(3, 3) = "1000"
cardtxt(4, 1) = "Get 2 gold coins."
cardtxt(4, 2) = "get"
cardtxt(4, 3) = "2000"
cardtxt(5, 1) = "Get 3 gold coins."
cardtxt(5, 2) = "get"
cardtxt(5, 3) = "3000"
cardtxt(6, 1) = "Get 5 gold coins."
cardtxt(6, 2) = "get"
cardtxt(6, 3) = "5000"
cardtxt(7, 1) = "NOTHING."
cardtxt(7, 2) = "nothing"
cardtxt(8, 1) = "BLANK."
cardtxt(8, 2) = "nothing"
cardtxt(9, 1) = "Lose 2 gold coins"
cardtxt(9, 2) = "lose"
cardtxt(9, 3) = "2000"
cardtxt(10, 1) = "Free Turn!"
cardtxt(10, 2) = "freeturn"
cardtxt(11, 1) = "Lose 3 gold coins."
cardtxt(11, 2) = "lose"
cardtxt(11, 3) = "3000"
cardtxt(12, 1) = "Lose 1 gold coin."
cardtxt(12, 2) = "lose"
cardtxt(12, 3) = "1000"
cardtxt(13, 1) = "Go forward 1 level."
cardtxt(13, 2) = "forward"
cardtxt(14, 1) = "Go back 1 level."
cardtxt(14, 2) = "back"
cardtxt(15, 1) = "Get $500."
cardtxt(15, 2) = "get"
cardtxt(15, 3) = "500"
cardtxt(16, 1) = "Go to nearest land."
cardtxt(16, 2) = "land"
cardtxt(17, 1) = "Get 50 gold coins"
cardtxt(17, 2) = "get"
cardtxt(17, 3) = "50000"
cardtxt(18, 1) = "Go to dungeon."
cardtxt(18, 2) = "jail"
cardtxt(19, 1) = "'Just visit' dungeon."
cardtxt(19, 2) = "visit"
cardtxt(20, 1) = "Go to start."
cardtxt(20, 2) = "start"
cardtxt(21, 1) = "JACKPOT! GET $1,000,000!"
cardtxt(21, 2) = "get"
cardtxt(21, 3) = "1000000"
cardtxt(22, 1) = "SUPER JACKPOT! GET 10,000 GOLD COINS!"
cardtxt(22, 2) = "get"
cardtxt(22, 3) = "10000000"
cardtxt(23, 1) = "Go straight to king"
cardtxt(23, 2) = "king"
End Sub
Sub moveme (places As Integer)
For temp = 1 To places
Select Case moved(CurPlayer)
Case Is < 4 * 88: player(CurPlayer - 1).Move player(CurPlayer - 1).Left - 1
Case Is < 8 * 88: player(CurPlayer - 1).Move player(CurPlayer - 1).Left, player(CurPlayer - 1).Top - 1
Case Is < 12 * 88: player(CurPlayer - 1).Move player(CurPlayer - 1).Left + 1
Case Is <= 16 * 88: player(CurPlayer - 1).Move player(CurPlayer - 1).Left, player(CurPlayer - 1).Top + 1
Case Is = 1496: moved(CurPlayer) = 0: AmtMoney(CurPlayer) = AmtMoney(CurPlayer) + 1000: money(CurPlayer - 1) = "$" & AmtMoney(CurPlayer): money(CurPlayer - 1).Refresh : Call card_res("forward", "0")': Exit Sub
End Select
moved(CurPlayer) = moved(CurPlayer) + 1
Next temp
End Sub
Sub next_turnbtn_Click ()
next_turn = False
next_turnbtn.Visible = False
End Sub
Sub skip_click ()
CurPlayer = CurPlayer + 1: If CurPlayer = 5 Then CurPlayer = 1
For temp = 0 To 3
Line4(temp).Visible = False
Line5(temp).Visible = False
Line6(temp).Visible = False
Next temp
Line4(CurPlayer - 1).Visible = True
Line5(CurPlayer - 1).Visible = True
Line6(CurPlayer - 1).Visible = True
game.Caption = "Game - Player " & CurPlayer & "'s turn. - SPIN THE SPINNER!"
skip.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub spinner_Click ()
If spinner_enabled = False Then Exit Sub
If next_turn = True Then Exit Sub
skip.Enabled = False
speed = 0
Randomize Timer
stopper = Rnd * 1000 + 20000
'Debug.Print stopper
If click1 = True Then click2 = True
click1 = True
For temp = 0 To speed: Next temp
If ended = True Then GoTo ended
spinner.Value = spinner.Value + 1
'Debug.Print spinner.Value \ 10 & " - " & spinner.Value / 10 & " (" & speed & ")"
Select Case spinner.Value
Case Is <= 10: spinner.Picture = pictlib.GraphicCell(1)
Case Is <= 20: spinner.Picture = pictlib.GraphicCell(2)
Case Is <= 30: spinner.Picture = pictlib.GraphicCell(3)
Case Is <= 40: spinner.Picture = pictlib.GraphicCell(4)
Case Is <= 50: spinner.Picture = pictlib.GraphicCell(5)
Case Is <= 60: spinner.Picture = pictlib.GraphicCell(6)
Case Is <= 70: spinner.Picture = pictlib.GraphicCell(7)
Case Is <= 80: spinner.Picture = pictlib.GraphicCell(8)
End Select
If spinner.Value = 80 Then spinner.Value = 0
If click2 = True Then
If speed >= stopper Then GoTo stoppper
speed = speed + 450
End If
GoTo Top
speed = 0
ended = True
stopper = 0
click1 = False
click2 = False
Exit Sub
click1 = False
click2 = False
ended = False
End Sub
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"Select Case spinner.Value"

Wonder what caused you to forgo division :P

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