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Created March 24, 2021 09:32
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#include <FastLED.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h>
#define BRIGHTNESS 64
#define DATA_PIN D3
#define NUM_LEDS 6
//THUNDER Light preference. 0 is default light. 1 is randomBlink animation
int thunderLight = 1;
WiFiManager wifiManager;
WiFiClient client;
// ======================== hier deinen API-Key eintragen!!! ============================================================================================================
const String city = "";
const String api_key = ""; // dein Open-Weather-Map-API-Schluessel, kostenlos beziehbar ueber
// ========================================================================================================================================================================
// Variablen Deklarationen
int weatherID = 0;
int weatherID_shortened = 0;
String weatherforecast_shortened = " ";
int temperature_Celsius_Int = 0;
unsigned long lastcheck = 0;
//for randomBlink animation
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
int waitTime = 0;
//Testing: Use testweatherID/testweatherID_shortened instead of default values
boolean testing = true;
int testweatherID = 701;
int testweatherID_shortened = 6;
//2 ist Sturm
//3 ist Niesel
//5 ist Regen
//6 ist Schnee
//8 ist Wolken
// =====================================================================setup()===================================================================================================
//Alles wie in der letzten Abgabe
void setup() {
//LED wird initialisiert
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
FastLED.setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps(5, 400);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
leds[i] = CRGB( 253, 184, 19);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
leds[i] = CRGB( 0, 0, 0);
// =======================================================================loop()=================================================================================================
void loop() { //Loop methode spielt Animationen ab, und prüft jede 30min Wetter
if (millis() - lastcheck >= 1800000) { //if Anweisung prüft ob 30min vergangen sind
getCurrentWeatherConditions(); //Wetter Daten werden erfasst
lastcheck = millis();
if (weatherID == 800) {
Serial.println(weatherforecast_shortened); delay(200); //weatherforecast_shortened = "Sun"
} else if (weatherID == 801 ) {
Serial.println(weatherforecast_shortened); delay(200); //weatherforecast_shortened = "Clouds with Sun"
} else if (weatherID == 615 || weatherID == 616) {
Serial.println(weatherforecast_shortened); delay(200); //weatherforecast_shortened = "Snow with Rain"
} else if (weatherID == 200 || weatherID == 201 || weatherID == 202) {
Serial.println(weatherforecast_shortened); delay(200);//weatherforecast_shortened = "Storm with Rain"
} else if (weatherID == 230 || weatherID == 231 || weatherID == 232) {
Serial.println(weatherforecast_shortened); delay(200); //weatherforecast_shortened = "Storm with Drizzle"
} else if (weatherID == 701 || weatherID == 741) {
Serial.println(weatherforecast_shortened); delay(200);//weatherforecast_shortened = "Fog or Mist"
} else {
switch (weatherID_shortened) {
case 2: LED_effect_thunder(); Serial.println(weatherforecast_shortened); delay(200); break;
case 3: LED_effect_drizzle(); Serial.println(weatherforecast_shortened); delay(200); break;
case 5: LED_effect_rain(); Serial.println(weatherforecast_shortened); delay(200); break;
case 6: LED_effect_snow(); Serial.println(weatherforecast_shortened); delay(200); break;
case 8: LED_effect_cloudy(); Serial.println(weatherforecast_shortened); delay(200); break;
default: LED_effect_default(); break;
// ======================================================================getCurrentWeatherConditions()==================================================================================================
void getCurrentWeatherConditions() { //Verbindet zu OpenWeather, und dann werden Wetter Daten in Variablen gespeichert
int WeatherData;
Serial.print("connecting to "); Serial.println("");
if (client.connect("", 80)) { //WifiManager versucht Verbindung zu OpenWeather
client.println("GET /data/2.5/weather?q=" + city + ",DE&units=metric&lang=de&APPID=" + api_key); //Stadt und API-key werden eingegeben
client.println("Host:"); //Hostname gegeben
client.println("Connection: close"); //client wird gesagt, dass die Verbindung geschlossen wird
} else { //Falls Verbindung fehlschlägt
Serial.println("connection failed");
//Konstante der Größe der JSON Datei wird angegeben
const size_t capacity = JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(2) + 2 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + 2 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(2) + 2 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(4) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(5) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(6) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(14) + 360;
DynamicJsonDocument doc(capacity); //Json Doc (doc) wird erstellt, der Größe capacity
deserializeJson(doc, client); // doc derserialisiert den Daten von OpenWeather
client.stop(); //Verbindung zu OpenWeather wird geschlossen
weatherID = doc["weather"][0]["id"]; //weatherID wird von doc gelesen
int temperature_Celsius = doc["main"]["temp"]; //temperatur wird von doc gelesen
temperature_Celsius_Int = (int)temperature_Celsius; //temperatur wird als int gecastet
weatherID_shortened = weatherID / 100; //verkürzte weatherID wird berechnet
switch (weatherID_shortened) { //switch Anweisung um weatherforecast_shortened zu bestimmen
case 2: weatherforecast_shortened = "Stormy"; break;
case 3: weatherforecast_shortened = "Drizzle"; break;
case 5: weatherforecast_shortened = "Rain"; break;
case 6: weatherforecast_shortened = "Snow"; break;
case 8: weatherforecast_shortened = "Clouds"; break;
default: weatherforecast_shortened = "no data"; break;
switch (weatherID) {
case 800: weatherforecast_shortened = "Sun"; break;
case 801: weatherforecast_shortened = "Clouds with Sun"; break;
case 701:
case 741: weatherforecast_shortened = "Fog or Mist"; break;
case 615:
case 616: weatherforecast_shortened = "Snow with Rain"; break;
case 621: weatherforecast_shortened = "Light Snow"; break;
case 622: weatherforecast_shortened = "Heavy Snow"; break;
case 200:
case 201:
case 202: weatherforecast_shortened = "Storm with Rain"; break;
case 230:
case 231:
case 232: weatherforecast_shortened = "Storm with Drizzle"; break;
// =======================================================================Animationen=================================================================================================
void LED_effect_clearSky() { // Effect for case 800
leds[3] = CRGB(255, 204, 0);
void LED_effect_sunClouds() { //Effect for case 801
leds[2] = CRGB::White;;
fade(3, 5, 20, 255, 204, 0, 0, 0, 0);
fade(3, 5, 20, 0, 0, 0, 255, 204, 0);
void LED_effect_snowRain() { //Effect for cases 615, 616
leds[1] = CRGB::Blue;
leds[5] = CRGB::White;;
void LED_effect_stormRain() { //Effect for cases 200,201,202
randomBlink(0, 43, 2579, 7, 253, 208, 35); //led 0, duration 43, between 2579, times 7, and then RGB values
leds[1] = CRGB::Blue;;
void LED_effect_stormDrizzle() { //Effect for cases 230,231,232
randomBlink(0, 43, 2579, 7, 253, 208, 35); //led 0, duration 43, between 2579, times 7, and then RGB values
leds[4] = CRGB::White;;
void LED_effect_cloudy() { //Effect for cases {802..}
leds[2] = CRGB::White;;
void LED_effect_rain() { //Effect for case 5
switch (weatherID) { //use testweatherID for testing
case 500:
case 520: leds[1] = CRGB(0, 0, 20); break; //Light Rain
case 501:
case 521: leds[1] = CRGB(0, 0, 150); break; //Medium Rain
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
case 522: leds[1] = CRGB(0, 0, 255); break; //Heavy Rain
default: leds[1] = CRGB(0, 0, 200); break; //Other Rain
void LED_effect_snow() { // Effect for case 6
switch (weatherID) { //use testweatherID for testing
case 600:
case 620: fade(5, 5, 20, 80, 80, 80, 0, 0, 0); delay(20); fade(5, 5, 20, 0, 0, 0, 80, 80, 80); break; //Light Snow
case 601:
case 621: fade(5, 5, 20, 180, 180, 180, 0, 0, 0); delay(20); fade(5, 5, 20, 0, 0, 0, 180, 180, 180); break; //Medium Snow
case 602:
case 622: leds[5] = CRGB(255, 255, 255); break; //Heavy Snow
default: fade(5, 5, 20, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0); delay(20); fade(5, 5, 20, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255); break; //Other Snow
void LED_effect_drizzle() { // Effect for cases 3, 701, 741
leds[4] = CRGB::White;;
void LED_effect_thunder() {
if (thunderLight == 1) {
randomBlink(0, 43, 2579, 7, 253, 208, 35); //led 0, duration 43, between 2579, times 7, and then RGB values
} else {
leds[0] = CRGB(253, 208, 35);;
void LED_effect_default() {
topdown(255, 0, 0);
// ====================================================================EXTRA====================================================================================================
void topdown(int r, int g, int b) {
for (int j = NUM_LEDS - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
leds[j].red = r;
leds[j].green = g;
leds[j].blue = b;;
void downtop(int r, int g, int b) {
for (int j = 0; j <= NUM_LEDS - 1; j++) {
leds[j].red = r;
leds[j].green = g;
leds[j].blue = b;;
void fade(int led_position, uint16_t duration, uint16_t delay_val, uint16_t startR, uint16_t startG, uint16_t startB, uint16_t endR, uint16_t endG, uint16_t endB) {
int16_t redDiff = endR - startR;
int16_t greenDiff = endG - startG;
int16_t blueDiff = endB - startB;
int16_t steps = duration * 1000 / delay_val;
int16_t redValue, greenValue, blueValue;
for (int16_t i = 0 ; i < steps - 1 ; ++i) {
redValue = (int16_t)startR + (redDiff * i / steps);
greenValue = (int16_t)startG + (greenDiff * i / steps);
blueValue = (int16_t)startB + (blueDiff * i / steps);
leds[led_position] = CRGB(redValue, greenValue, blueValue);;
leds[led_position] = CRGB(endR, endG, endB);
//used Idea from robtillart
void randomBlink(int led_position, uint16_t duration, uint16_t between, uint16_t times, int16_t redValue, int16_t greenValue, int16_t blueValue) {
if (millis() - waitTime > lastTime) // time for a new flash
lastTime += waitTime;
waitTime = random(between);
for (int i = 0; i < random(times); i++)
leds[led_position] = CRGB(redValue, greenValue, blueValue);;
delay(20 + random(duration));
leds[led_position] = CRGB::Black;;
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