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Created March 8, 2016 13:52
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Mura, Submitting a form asynchronously.
This page displays the contact form with ajax powers!
<cfset frmBody = $.event('formbean').getBody() />
<cfset frmBody = reReplaceNoCase(frmBody, "</?form(.[^>])*>", "", "all") />
<cfset formId = "frm#replace($.event('formbean').getContentId(), '-', '', 'all' )#" />
<form id="#formId#" name="#$.event('formbean').getTitle()#" action="#$.siteConfig('themeAssetPath')#/display_objects/remote/submitAjaxForm.cfm" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="formId" value="#$.event('formbean').getContentId()#" />
<input type="hidden" name="siteId" value="#$.event('siteId')#" />
<div class="feedback"></div>
<div class="fBody">
#$.dspInclude('display_objects/dsp_ajax_script.cfm')# <!--- Insert your own preffered js library to submit the form --->
<cffunction name="onFormAjaxBodyRender" access="public" output="true">
<cfargument name="$" hint="mura scope" />
<cfsavecontent variable="returnStr">
<cfreturn returnStr />
<cffunction name="onFormSubmitResponseRender" access="public" output="true" >
<cfargument name="$" hint="mura scope" />
<cfif $.event('formDataBean').getSubType() is NOT 'ajax'>
<!--- If its not the subtype 'ajax' return an empty string which will tell Mura to carry on with its defaults --->
<cfreturn '' />
<!--- Defer to external file to prevent application reloading when changing event logic. --->
<cfsavecontent variable="returnStr">
<cfreturn returnStr />
<cffunction name="onFormSubmitErrorRender" access="public" output="true" >
<cfargument name="$" hint="mura scope" />
<cfif $.event('formDataBean').getSubType() is NOT 'ajax'>
<!--- If its not the subtype 'ajax' return an empty string which will tell Mura to carry on with its defaults --->
<cfreturn '' />
<!--- Defer to external file to prevent application reloading when changing event logic. --->
<cfsavecontent variable="returnStr">
<cfreturn returnStr />
<!--- On Error, spit out a JSON response containing the form errors --->
<cfparam name="$" />
<cfset formDataBean = $.event('formDataBean') />
<cfset response = { 'status':'failure', 'reasons':formDataBean.getErrors() }/>
<cfoutput>#serializeJson( response )#</cfoutput>
<!--- On respone render, spit out a JSON happy message to output to the user! --->
<cfparam name="$" />
<cfset formDataBean = $.event('formDataBean') />
<cfif formDataBean.get('acceptData') >
<cfset response = { 'status':'success', 'message':formDataBean.getFormBean().get('responseMessage') }/>
<cfoutput>#serializeJson( response )#</cfoutput>
<cfparam name="FORM.formId" default='' />
<cfparam name="FORM.siteId" default='' />
<cfif FORM.formId IS '' OR FORM.siteId IS '' >
<cfheader statuscode="404" statustext="File not found" />
<cfabort />
<!--- Otherwise try and get Mura to submit it --->
<cfset $ = application.serviceFactory.getBean('$').init( FORM.siteId ) />
<cfset bean = $.getBean('content').loadBy( contentId = FORM.formId, siteID=FORM.siteID, type='Form' ) >
<!--- This keeps Mura happy, it uses the values internally during the save and render --->
<cfset $.getContentRenderer().set('rsForm', bean.getAllValues() ) />
<cfset $.getEvent().setValue('formBean', bean) />
<!--- Load a data collection bean with all the values from the event. --->
<cfset dataBean = $.getBean('dataCollectionBean').set( $.getEvent().getAllValues() ) />
<!--- Render the dataBean to trigger the Mura events contained within --->
<cfcontent reset="true" type="application/json" />
<cfoutput>#dataBean.render( $ )#</cfoutput>
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