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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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How to build Sigma on Windows
# This file describes the steps I did to build and run Sigma on Windows 8, Visual Studio 2013.
# It contains linux commands as I use cygwin, and instructions in comments.
# My goal (for now) is to show what to do, not to have and executable script.
# Make dependency directories
mkdir dep
mkdir dep/include
mkdir dep/lib
mkdir dep/bin
# Install GLEW
wget ""
7z x
cp glew-1.10.0/lib/Release/Win32/* dep/lib/
cp glew-1.10.0/bin/Release/Win32/* dep/bin/
cp -R glew-1.10.0/include/* dep/include/
rm -Rf glew-1.10.0
# Install GLFW
wget ""
7z x
mkdir glfw-3.0.4/build
cd glfw-3.0.4/build
cmake ..
explorer .
# Open GLFW.sln, set the Release target, and build the project glfw
cd ../..
cp glfw-3.0.4/build/src/Release/glfw3.lib dep/lib/
cp -R glfw-3.0.4/include/GLFW/ dep/include/
rm -Rf glfw-3.0.4
# Install GLM
wget ""
7z x glm-
cp -R glm/glm dep/include/
rm glm-
rm -Rf glm
# Install SOIL
wget ""
7z x
# Patch SOIL to work in OpenGL3 core
wget ""
mv SOIL.c "Simple OpenGL Image Library/src/SOIL.c"
cd "Simple OpenGL Image Library/projects/VC9"
explorer .
# Open SOIL.sln
# Set the Release target, and select the SOIL project
# Click on PROJECT->Properties. Under "Configuration Properties->VC++ Directories", in "Include Directories" add your path to dep/include
# Build the project
cd ../../../
cp "Simple OpenGL Image Library/projects/VC9/Release/SOIL.lib" dep/lib/
mkdir dep/include/SOIL
cp "Simple OpenGL Image Library/src/SOIL.h" dep/include/SOIL
rm -Rf "Simple OpenGL Image Library"
# Install Bullet
wget ""
7z x
cd bullet-2.82-r2704/build/
explorer .
# Execute vs2010.bat. If you have an error here, extract the zip file with explorer instead.
# Open vs2010/0BulletSolution.sln
# Set the Release target, and select all projects
# Click on PROJECT->Properties. Under "Configuration Properties->C/C++->Code Generation", set "Runtime Library" to "Multi-threaded DLL"
# Build the projects BulletCollision, BulletDynamics, BulletSoftBody and LinearMath
cd ../..
cp bullet-2.82-r2704/lib/BulletCollision_vs2010.lib dep/lib/BulletCollision.lib
cp bullet-2.82-r2704/lib/BulletDynamics_vs2010.lib dep/lib/BulletDynamics.lib
cp bullet-2.82-r2704/lib/BulletSoftBody_vs2010.lib dep/lib/BulletSoftBody.lib
cp bullet-2.82-r2704/lib/LinearMath_vs2010.lib dep/lib/LinearMath.lib
cp -R bullet-2.82-r2704/src/ dep/include/bullet
rm -Rf bullet-2.82-r2704
# Install OpenAL
wget ""
7z x
cp -R openal-soft-1.15.1-bin/include/AL dep/include/
cp openal-soft-1.15.1-bin/lib/Win32/libOpenAL32.dll.a dep/lib/openal.lib
cp openal-soft-1.15.1-bin/Win32/soft_oal.dll dep/bin/OpenAL32.dll
rm -R openal-soft-1.15.1-bin
# Install OGG/Vorbis
wget ""
wget ""
7z x
7z x
cd libogg-1.3.1/win32/VS2010/
explorer .
# Open libogg_dynamic.sln and build the libogg project with the Release target
cd ../../..
cp libogg-1.3.1/win32/VS2010/Win32/Release/libogg.lib dep/lib/
cp libogg-1.3.1/win32/VS2010/Win32/Release/libogg.dll dep/bin/
cp -R libogg-1.3.1/include/ogg dep/include
cd libvorbis-1.3.4/win32/VS2010/
explorer .
# Open libvorbis_dynamic.sln
# Set the Release target, and select all the projects
# Click on PROJECT->Properties
# Under "Configuration Properties->C/C++->Code Generation", set "Runtime Library" to "Multi-threaded Debug DLL"
# Under "Configuration Properties->VC++ Diretories", in "Include Directories" add your path to libogg-1.3.1/include
# in "Library Directory", add your path to libogg-1.3.1/win32/VS2010/Win32/Release
# Build all the project
cd ../../..
cp libvorbis-1.3.4/win32/VS2010/Win32/Release/*.lib dep/lib/
cp libvorbis-1.3.4/win32/VS2010/Win32/Release/*.dll dep/bin/
cp libvorbis-1.3.4/win32/VS2010/Win32/Release/*.exe dep/bin/
cp -R libvorbis-1.3.4/include/vorbis dep/include
rm -Rf libogg-1.3.1
rm -Rf libvorbis-1.3.4
# Download the assets
wget ""
# Download Sigma
git clone
cd Sigma
git checkout ecs
mkdir build
cd build
cmake-gui ..
# Add Entry: Name="CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH" Type="PATH" Value=<select your path to the dep directory>
# Click on Configure
# Click on Configure
# There should be no errors, click on Generate
explorer .
# Open Sigma.sln
# Select project Sigma, click on PROJECT->Properties. Under "Configuration Properties->Debugging", set "Working Directory" to "$(OutDir)"
# Select all the projects, click on PROJECT->Properties. Under "Configuration Properties->VC++ Diretories", in "Include Directories" add your path to dep/include
# Set project Sigma as StartUp project
# Build !!!
cd ../..
# Copy the runtime files where needed (here for Debug target)
7z x
cp -R ms2_5assests/* Sigma/build/bin/Debug/
rm -Rf ms2_5assests/
cp -R dep/bin/* Sigma/build/bin/Debug/
# Execute Sigma/build/bin/Debug/Sigma.exe
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