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Alex Thomassen Decicus

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am Decicus on github.
  • I am decicus ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 195E 01D9 780C 1A5F 8CFC 7D12 86EC 494F 639D ABEF

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Decicus /
Last active July 5, 2016 10:38
Twitch Subscriber Area 2.0

Sooner or later, this will become so filled with code it needs to be rewritten to be more modular and developer-friendly. This should become 2.0 and here are my main ideas for it.

  • Revamp how multiple streamers are handled.
    • Currently if you're subscribed to one streamer, you get access to all posts. This is intentional behavior, but I would also like to support per-streamer subscriber areas. So there is one shared one between all streamers and one dedicated for each streamer. (Possibly also add the possibility of sharing a subscriber area between some streamers, but not all. Not really something I think is that useful though).
  • Change from procedural MySQLi to PDO interface for MySQL. Prepared statements and whatnot.
  • Revamp moderators and administrators. Change who does what, possibly add another "root" level of who can manage administrators.
  • Implement theme support.
    • If I stick to using Bootstrap, make it easier to change the theme.
  • [Edit: January 17th 2015] - Add support using Bo
Decicus /
Last active April 14, 2022 13:27
List of software I often install on new setups

List of software

This is a list of "usually installed" software that I always (or almost always) have installed on any personal computer I use.

It's generally meant to be an overview for myself, but maybe someone else will find some use for this. Please do not take this as a "must-have" list. I just like to have some place to keep track of this.

This is primarily a Windows-only list. While the majority of these programs have a Linux version, it's intended for Windows installations.


Some software have been 'marked' with an emoji to signify something.

Decicus / SteamCurrencyCodes.json
Created June 10, 2016 19:18
List of Steam currency codes with their corresponding names - Parsed from
"ae": "UAE Dirham",
"az": "CIS - U.S. Dollar",
"br": "Brazilian Real",
"ca": "Canadian Dollar",
"ch": "Swiss Franc",
"cl": "Chilean Peso",
"cn": "Chinese Yuan",
"co": "Colombian Peso",
"eu": "Euro",
Decicus / Plain.json
Last active March 23, 2017 08:35
The available Twitch OAuth scopes listed in different formats - (Source:
Decicus /
Last active June 8, 2022 22:59
Nightbot subscriptions - List of known channels that Nightbot has a subscription to on Twitch

Nightbot subscriptions (Twitch)

This is a list of users Nightbot should be subscribed to on Twitch. Keep in mind this list is (probably) incomplete, but can also become invalid at any time.

Adding a new channel subscription:

Keep in mind if you wish to have a specific channel subscribed to Nightbot, the channel owner has to email Twitch support to request this. This is currently only possible for Twitch partners and not affiliates.

  • For Twitch partners - Read this article for more information.


Decicus /
Last active June 7, 2021 12:00
Twitch - How many subscribers required for each amount of emote slots

Subscriber Emoticon Tiers

Custom Subscriber emoticons are part of the Subscription benefits under the Twitch Partnership program. You can find out more about requirements for Twitch Partnership eligibility here. If you are already a Partner, here is a guide on emoticon tiers and the number of Subscriber points required to unlock them:

Emote Slots Subscriber points
1 0
2 0
3 10
4 20
5 35
Decicus / TwitchPrime.css
Last active October 2, 2016 20:48
Makes Twitch Prime badges white on purple instead of white on lightblue (BTTV-only)
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
.twitch-premium-1 {
background: url('
Decicus /
Last active November 26, 2023 00:05
Steam - GetServerList (DayZ)


  • API endpoint:\gamedir\dayz\name_match\*Experimental*&limit=5000&key=
  • The filter parameter can be any of these:
  • The limit parameter is maximum amount of servers to return. I haven't tested anything higher than 10000 (ten thousand).
    • It seems this accepts pretty much any number, but the highest amount of servers I've gotten listed is 20,000 (twenty thousand).
  • The key parameter is your Steam API key, which I'm sure you already have, but if not:
Decicus / object.json
Last active November 30, 2016 18:18
Twitch broadcaster language codes - November 2016
"en": "English",
"zh": "中文",
"ja": "日本語",
"ko": "한국어",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"de": "Deutsch",
"it": "Italiano",
"pt": "Português",