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Deraen/cljs.diff Secret

Created October 12, 2016 19:08
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diff --git a/src/main/clojure/cljs/closure.clj b/src/main/clojure/cljs/closure.clj
index 898b43d..4ab6243 100644
--- a/src/main/clojure/cljs/closure.clj
+++ b/src/main/clojure/cljs/closure.clj
@@ -1495,11 +1495,20 @@
:language-in :language-out])
(set-options (CompilerOptions.))))
+(defn get-js-root [closure-compiler]
+ (.getSecondChild (.getRoot closure-compiler)))
+(defn get-closure-sources
+ "Gets map of source file name -> Node, for files in Closure Compiler js root."
+ [closure-compiler]
+ (let [source-nodes (.children (get-js-root closure-compiler))]
+ (into {} (map (juxt #(.getSourceFileName ^Node %) identity) source-nodes))))
+(defn add-converted-source [closure-compiler result-nodes {:keys [file] :as ijs}]
+ (assoc ijs :source (.toSource closure-compiler ^Node (get result-nodes file))))
(defmethod convert-js-modules :commonjs [module-type js-modules opts]
(let [^List externs '()
- ;; FIXME: Should this contain other module types also?
- ;; And both from foreign-libs and ups-foreign-libs (cljs-1682)?
- ;; But probably other module-types can't be parsed by this compiler?
^List source-files (get-source-files js-modules)
^CompilerOptions options (doto (make-convert-js-module-options opts)
(.setProcessCommonJSModules true)
@@ -1507,16 +1516,8 @@
closure-compiler (doto (make-closure-compiler)
(.init externs source-files options))]
(.parse closure-compiler)
- (let [;; compiler root has two childs, externRoot and jsRoot
- js-root (.getSecondChild (.getRoot closure-compiler))
- ;; select root matching the ijs file
- ;; source file => root
- ;; FIXME: Should move this to a function as this is same as used by :es6
- result-roots (into {} (map (juxt #(.getSourceFileName ^Node %) identity) (.children js-root)))]
- (report-failure (.getResult closure-compiler))
- (map (fn [{:keys [file] :as ijs}]
- (assoc ijs :source (.toSource closure-compiler ^Node (get result-roots file))))
- js-modules))))
+ (report-failure (.getResult closure-compiler))
+ (map (partial add-converted-source closure-compiler (get-closure-sources closure-compiler)) js-modules)))
(defmethod convert-js-modules :es6 [module-type js-modules opts]
(let [^List externs '()
@@ -1527,16 +1528,11 @@
closure-compiler (doto (make-closure-compiler)
(.init externs source-files options))]
(.parse closure-compiler)
- (let [js-root (.getSecondChild (.getRoot closure-compiler))
- result-roots (into {} (map (juxt #(.getSourceFileName ^Node %) identity) (.children js-root)))]
- (report-failure (.getResult closure-compiler))
- (map (fn [{:keys [file] :as ijs}]
- (assoc ijs :source (.toSource closure-compiler ^Node (get result-roots file))))
- js-modules))))
+ (report-failure (.getResult closure-compiler))
+ (map (partial add-converted-source closure-compiler (get-closure-sources closure-compiler)) js-modules)))
(defmethod convert-js-modules :default [module-type js-modules opts]
- ;; FIXME: Warning needs currently file information
- (ana/warning :unsupported-js-module-type @env/*compiler* {:module-type module-type :file nil})
+ (ana/warning :unsupported-js-module-type @env/*compiler* (first js-modules))
(defmulti js-transforms
@@ -1830,22 +1826,30 @@
(not (false? (:static-fns opts))) (assoc :static-fns true)
(not (false? (:optimize-constants opts))) (assoc :optimize-constants true)))))
-(defn- process-js-modules*
- [opts k]
- (let [js-modules (filter :module-type (k opts))
- ;; Load all modules
- ;; Add :source so preprocessing and conversion can access it
+(defn process-js-modules
+ "Given the current compiler options, converts JavaScript modules to Google
+ Closure modules and writes them to disk. Adds mapping from original module
+ namespace to new module namespace to compiler env. Returns modified compiler
+ options where new modules are passed with :libs option."
+ [opts]
+ (let [;; Modules from both :foreign-libs (compiler options) and :ups-foreign-libs (deps.cljs)
+ ;; are processed together, so that files from both sources can depend on each other.
+ ;; e.g. commonjs module in :foreign-libs can depend on commonjs module from :ups-foreign-libs.
+ js-modules (filter :module-type (concat (:foreign-libs opts) (:ups-foreign-libs opts)))
+ ;; Load all modules - add :source so preprocessing and conversion can access it
js-modules (map (fn [lib]
- (let [js (deps/load-foreign-library lib)
- js (assoc js :source (deps/-source js))
- js (if (:preprocess js)
- (js-transforms js opts)
- js)]
+ (let [js (deps/load-foreign-library lib)]
+ (assoc js :source (deps/-source js))))
+ js-modules)
+ js-modules (map (fn [js]
+ (if (:preprocess js)
+ (js-transforms js opts)
;; Conversion is done per module-type, because Compiler needs to process e.g. all CommonJS
;; modules on one go, so it can handle the dependencies between modules.
- ;; FIXME: amd type should be grouped with commonjs.
+ ;; Amdjs modules are converted separate from CommonJS modules so they can't
+ ;; depend on each other.
modules-per-type (group-by :module-type js-modules)
js-modules (mapcat (fn [[module-type js-modules]]
(convert-js-modules module-type js-modules opts))
@@ -1860,22 +1864,11 @@
#(update-in % [:js-module-index] assoc provide module-name)))
(-> new-opts
(update-in [:libs] (comp vec conj) (:out-file ijs))
- (update-in [k]
- (comp vec (fn [libs] (remove #(= (:file %) file) libs)))))))
+ ;; js-module might be defined in either, so update both
+ (update-in [:foreign-libs] (comp vec (fn [libs] (remove #(= (:file %) file) libs))))
+ (update-in [:ups-foreign-libs] (comp vec (fn [libs] (remove #(= (:file %) file) libs)))))))
opts js-modules)))
-(defn process-js-modules
- "Given the current compiler options, converts JavaScript modules to Google
- Closure modules and writes them to disk. Adds mapping from original module
- namespace to new module namespace to compiler env. Returns modified compiler
- options where new modules are passed with :libs option."
- [opts]
- ;; FIXME: Probably both should be processed at once go, so that same type modules from both sources
- ;; can depend on each other.
- (-> opts
- (process-js-modules* :foreign-libs)
- (process-js-modules* :ups-foreign-libs)))
(defn build
"Given a source which can be compiled, produce runnable JavaScript."
([source opts]
diff --git a/src/test/clojure/cljs/module_processing_tests.clj b/src/test/clojure/cljs/module_processing_tests.clj
index 17af481..ceda629 100644
--- a/src/test/clojure/cljs/module_processing_tests.clj
+++ b/src/test/clojure/cljs/module_processing_tests.clj
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
(alter-var-root #'cljs.js-deps/load-library (constantly (memoize cljs.js-deps/load-library*)))
(is (= {:foreign-libs []
+ :ups-foreign-libs []
:libs ["out/react.js"
:closure-warnings {:non-standard-jsdoc :off}}
@@ -49,4 +50,4 @@
(is (= {"React" "module$src$test$cljs$react"
"Circle" "module$src$test$cljs$Circle"}
(:js-module-index @cenv))
- "Processed modules are added to :js-module-index"))
\ No newline at end of file
+ "Processed modules are added to :js-module-index"))
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