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Created January 27, 2017 22:41
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Proof of Concept, catch test output
(defonce ^:private log-buffer (atom nil))
(defn get-log-message []
(let [message (first @log-buffer)]
(swap! log-buffer #(vec (rest %)))
(defn catch-logging [f]
(reset! log-buffer nil)
(let [printer (
(proxy [] []
(flush []
; deal with reflection in proxy-super
(let [^ this this]
(proxy-super flush)
(let [message (.trim (.toString this))]
(proxy-super reset)
(if (> (.length message) 0)
(swap! log-buffer conj message))))))
orig-out System/out]
(System/setOut printer)
(System/setOut orig-out)))))
(test/use-fixtures :each catch-logging)
(deftest foo-test
(log/infof "Hello world")
(is (re-find #"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3} \+\d{4} \[[^\]]*\] INFO \[lokit.core-test\] - Hello world$" (get-log-message))))
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