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Created July 3, 2014 21:11
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"New Email Form" (Email Widget theme)
<title>{{ site.company_name }}</title>
<link rel="icon" type="image/" href='{{ "/favicon.png" | portal_image_url: image_asset_host }}' />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href='{{ "/favicon.png" | portal_image_url: image_asset_host }}' />
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form {
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<div id="customer_widget_main" class="customer_widget">
<div class="inside_title">{{site.company_name}} {{system.snippets.help_center}}</div>
<div class="inside_desc">{{system.snippets.email_support}}</div>
<div style="color: red; padding: 21px;">Attention: This is just an example. Emails sent from this form will not be received by</div>
<div class="customer_inner_widget" >
{% if current_user == nil or current_user.is_guest %}
<div class="input" ><span class="form_label">{{system.snippets.your_name}}:</span>
{{ interaction_name }}
<div class="input" ><span class="form_label">{{system.snippets.your_email}}:</span>
{{ interaction_email }}
{% endif %}
<div class="input"><span class="form_label">{{system.snippets.subject}}:</span>
{{ email_subject }}
<div class="input"><span class="form_label">{{system.snippets.message}}:</span>
{{ email_body }}
<div class="input autosuggest hide">
<div class="article-links"></div>
<div class="input"><span class="form_label">File Attachment:</span>
<input class="default l widget_text_area" id="ticket_attachment_attachment" name="ticket_attachment[attachment]" style="height: 32px;" type="file">
{{hidden_parameters }}
<button type="submit" class="submit">Submit</button>
{{ interaction_info }}
$(function() {
// Real-time auto-suggest
$('#email_subject, #email_body').on("keyup paste",function() {
if ($('#email_subject').val().length > 3 && $('#email_subject').val().length <= 250) {
window.timer=setTimeout(function(){ // setting the delay for each keypress
}, 500);
articleSuggest = function() {
as_count = 0;
var search_query = $('#email_subject').val() + " " + $('#email_body').val();
var systemLanguageDesk = '{{system.language}}';
url: '//' + document.domain.toString() + '/customer/' + systemLanguageDesk + '/portal/articles/autocomplete?term=' + search_query,
dataType: 'json'
apiSuccess = function(data) {
auto_suggest_content = "";
auto_suggest_articles = "";
auto_suggest_questions = "";
$('.autosuggest').html('<span class="form_label">Do these help?</span><ul></ul>');
$.each(data, function() {
var html = $(this.label);
article_title = html.find(".article-autocomplete-subject").html();
if ("questions") !== -1) {
auto_suggest_questions += '<li><a target="_blank" href="' + + '" class="discussion">' + article_title + '</a></li>';
} else {
auto_suggest_articles += '<li><a target="_blank" href="' + + '" class="article">' + article_title + '</a></li>';
if (as_count > 0) {
$('.autosuggest ul').append(auto_suggest_articles + auto_suggest_questions);
} else {
apiFail = function(data) {
Copy link

ghost commented Jul 13, 2014

The restriction on using custom <script> code presents standard users from deploying this code. Attempting to update an email widget throws the following error on the body input field:
"All script tags must specify a src attribute the value of which must be an approved, whitelisted server and cannot enclose inline script."

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