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Created November 9, 2018 11:49
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Generic Scalar Storage
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package mozilla.components.service.glean.storages
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.Context
import android.content.SharedPreferences
import java.util.UUID
import mozilla.components.service.glean.Lifetime
import org.json.JSONObject
* This singleton handles the in-memory storage logic for uuids. It is meant to be used by
* the Specific UUID API and the ping assembling objects. No validation on the stored data
* is performed at this point: validation must be performed by the Specific Uuids API.
* This class contains a reference to the Android application Context. While the IDE warns
* us that this could leak, the application context lives as long as the application and this
* object. For this reason, we should be safe to suppress the IDE warning.
internal object UuidsStorageEngine : UuidsStorageEngineImplementation()
// Generic scalar implementation below
internal typealias GenericDataStorage<T> = MutableMap<String, T>
internal typealias GenericStorageMap<T> = MutableMap<String, GenericDataStorage<T>>
abstract class ScalarStorageImpl<ScalarType> : StorageEngine {
override lateinit var applicationContext: Context
protected val userLifetimeStorage: SharedPreferences by lazy { deserializeUserLifetime() }
// Let derived class define a logger so that they can provide a proper name,
// useful when debugging weird behaviours.
abstract val logger: Logger
// Use a multi-level map to store the data for the different lifetimes and
// stores: Map[Lifetime, Map[StorageName, ScalarType]].
protected val dataStores: Map<String, GenericStorageMap<ScalarType>> =
{ it.toString() },
{ mutableMapOf<String, GenericDataStorage<ScalarType>>() }
abstract fun singleMetricInstantiator(value: Any?): ScalarType
* Deserialize the metrics with a lifetime = User that are on disk.
* This will be called the first time a metric is used or before a snapshot is
* taken.
* @return A [SharedPreferences] reference that will be used to inititialize [userLifetimeStorage]
open fun deserializeUserLifetime(): SharedPreferences {
val prefs =
applicationContext.getSharedPreferences(this.javaClass.simpleName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
return try {
for ((metricName, metricValue) in prefs.all.entries) {
if (metricValue !is String) {
// Split the stored name in 2: we expect it to be in the format
val parts = metricName.split('#', limit = 2)
val storeData = dataStores[Lifetime.User.toString()]!!.getOrPut(parts[0]) { mutableMapOf() }
storeData[parts[1]] = singleMetricInstantiator(metricValue)
} catch (e: NullPointerException) {
// If we fail to deserialize, we can log the problem but keep on going.
logger.error("Failed to deserialize UUIDs with 'user' lifetime")
* Retrieves the [recorded metric data][ScalarType] for the provided
* store name.
* @param storeName the name of the desired store
* @param clearStore whether or not to clearStore the requested store
* @return the [ScalarType] recorded in the requested store
fun getSnapshot(storeName: String, clearStore: Boolean): GenericDataStorage<ScalarType>? {
val allLifetimes: GenericDataStorage<ScalarType> = mutableMapOf()
// Make sure data with "user" lifetime is loaded before getting the snapshot.
// Get the metrics for all the supported lifetimes.
for ((_, store) in dataStores) {
store[storeName]?.let {
if (clearStore) {
// We only allow clearing metrics with the "ping" lifetime.
return if (allLifetimes.isNotEmpty()) allLifetimes else null
* Get a snapshot of the stored data as a JSON object.
* @param storeName the name of the desired store
* @param clearStore whether or not to clearStore the requested store
* @return the [JSONObject] containing the recorded data.
override fun getSnapshotAsJSON(storeName: String, clearStore: Boolean): Any? {
return getSnapshot(storeName, clearStore)?.let { dataMap ->
return JSONObject(dataMap)
internal open fun clearAllStores() {
for ((_, store) in dataStores) {
* This class implements the behaviour for UuidsStorageEngine. This is separate
* from the object to make it easier to test it.
open class UuidsStorageEngineImplementation(
override val logger: Logger = Logger("")
) : ScalarStorageImpl<UUID>() {
override fun singleMetricInstantiator(value: Any?): UUID {
if (value is String) {
return UUID.fromString(value)
return UUID.randomUUID()
* Record a uuid in the desired stores.
* @param stores the list of stores to record the uuid into
* @param category the category of the uuid
* @param name the name of the uuid
* @param value the uuid value to record
fun record(
stores: List<String>,
category: String,
name: String,
lifetime: Lifetime,
value: UUID
) {
checkNotNull(applicationContext) { "No recording can take place without an application context" }
// Record a copy of the uuid in all the needed stores.
val userPrefs: SharedPreferences.Editor? =
if (lifetime == Lifetime.User) userLifetimeStorage.edit() else null
for (storeName in stores) {
val storeData = dataStores[lifetime.toString()]!!.getOrPut(storeName) { mutableMapOf() }
val entryName = "$category.$name"
storeData[entryName] = value
// Persist data with "user" lifetime
if (lifetime == Lifetime.User) {
userPrefs?.putString("$storeName#$entryName", value.toString())
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