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Last active May 5, 2022 08:36
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Version Two - User Ergonomics Code Block
- [emoji_id, INT64, NOT NULL, 'ID of an emoji']
- [timestamp, TIMESTAMP, NOT NULL, 'First time a custom emoji was sent']
- [timestamp_hour, TIMESTAMP, NOT NULL, 'Descriptions are added to database schemas so they appear in the BigQuery UI']
description: 'The table description used in data discovery tooling and generated documentation'
category: 'Category for organizing generated documentation'
strategy: merge # Merge means to incrementally update or insert records into the table based on the merge_keys and merge_mode
merge_keys: [emoji_id] # The table will have at most one record per emoji, if there is no record for the emoji then insert it otherwise ignore new records
merge_mode: keep_oldest # Only record the first time an emoji was sent and ignore all future records
merge_timestamp: timestamp # Determine the first time an emoji was sent based on timestamp in the send_emoji event
schedule: daily # Incrementally update this table once per day
window: daily # Add one day of source data each run
partition_by: timestamp_hour # Partition the BigQuery table by timestamp_hour
cluster_by: [emoji_id] # Sort each partition by emoji_id
timezone: pt # Timestamps are pacific timezone and daily aggregates are pacific timezone days
dataset: emoji_cohorts # BigQuery dataset
sql: |
MIN(timestamp) AS timestamp,
TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(MIN(timestamp), HOUR) AS timestamp_hour
FROM events.send_emoji
WHERE timestamp >= @start_day_utc # Derived injects timestamps based on data availability of predecessor dependencies
AND timestamp < @end_day_utc # start_day_utc and end_day_utc are computed based on incremental, rebuild, and backfill operations
GROUP BY emoji_id
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