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* This library extends standard "Object.create" method
* with ability to create object with specified class.
* Also it defines concept of a meta-constructor which
* creates other construcotrs, which in turn create
* object with specified class.
* Currently, non-standard __proto__ extension
* is used to inject the needed prototype for arrays.
* This library defines a new style ES objects
* which support delegation based mixins. A mixin
* chain is stored in the internal [[Mixin]] property.
* Used features: Harmony (ES6) proxies.
* Tested in FF4 beta.
* @author Dmitry A. Soshnikov <>
* This library defines magic properties and methods
* for objects. Generic hooks are: __get__, __set__,
* __delete__, __count__, __call__, __construct__,
* __noSuchProperty__ and __noSuchMethod__.
* Used features: Harmony (ES6) proxies.
* Tested in FF4 beta.
* Console object for BESEN
* @author Dmitry A. Soshnikov <>
(function initConsole(global) {
// helpers
var getClass = Object.prototype.toString;
var timeMap = {};
// lambda lifting (
// in GNU C; use inner functions which are not closures
// of course, but have access to free variables
// by Dmitry A. Soshnikov
#include <stdio.h>
// a pointer to a function type
typedef int (*funcPtr)(int);
DmitrySoshnikov /
Created November 12, 2010 22:05
Static and dynamic scope in Perl
# Lexical and dynamic scopes in Perl;
# Static (lexical) scope uses model of
# environments with frames; dynamic scope
# uses single global var frame.
$a = 0;
sub foo {
return $a;
sub staticScope {
DmitrySoshnikov /
Created November 15, 2010 12:03
Understanding Python's closures
# "Understanding Python's closures".
# Tested in Python 3.1.2
# General points:
# 1. Closured lexical environments are stored
# in the property __closure__ of a function
# 2. If a function does not use free variables
DmitrySoshnikov / short-lambda.js
Created November 22, 2010 15:17
Short lambda
* Short notation for expression funargs - λ
* (not for production use, but just for fun,
* since closures are not supported -> only
* operations on passed argument "x")
* by Dmitry A. Soshnikov
function λ(code) {
DmitrySoshnikov /
Created December 9, 2010 08:32
No closure for unused vars, even with eval
# Python does not save not used bindings in
# the closured environment. However, even
# `eval` doesn't help to save them.
# In contrast, ECMAScript having environments
# frames, normaly find variable "x", see
# the same ES example here:
# by Dmitry A. Soshnikov
DmitrySoshnikov / closure-with-eval.js
Created December 9, 2010 08:33
ECMAScript closures all environment frames
* ECMAScript closures all environment frames
* (by the spec), so closured "x" variable is
* available in the dynamic `eval`.
* This example is made to show the difference
* of the Python's closures implementation,
* see it here:
* by Dmitry A. Soshnikov