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DoggettCK / pdf_grammar.ex
Created May 11, 2016 15:57
Preliminary Neotomex PDF object grammar. Still has some bugs around object name edge cases.
defmodule PdfObjectGrammar do
use Neotomex.ExGrammar
defp describe_object(o, prefix) do
IO.puts "#{prefix} received"
IO.inspect o
@root true
define :object, "bool / numeric_object / string_object / name / array / dictionary"
DoggettCK / base_n.exs
Last active August 25, 2016 20:09
Generates encode and decode methods for base 2->62
for {base, name} <- (2..62 |>{&1, "Base#{&1}" |> String.to_atom}))) do
# NOTE: Modules will be named :Base2, :Base3, ..., :Base62
defmodule name do
@moduledoc """
Automatically generated #{name} encode/decode functions
@base base
@alphabet [?0..?9, ?a..?z, ?A..?Z]
|> Enum.flat_map(fn x -> x end)
|> to_string
DoggettCK / time_utils.ex
Created September 16, 2016 20:18
Elixir TimeUtils
defmodule TimeUtils do
@ms_filetime_offset 116444736000000000
def filetime_to_unix(filetime) do
div(filetime - @ms_filetime_offset, 10000)
def unix_to_filetime(datetime) do
@ms_filetime_offset + (datetime * 10000)
DoggettCK / quick_sell.js
Created April 3, 2018 15:32
Auto-click Steam card inventory to quick-sell
// Requires Enhanced Steam Chrome Plugin
// Clicks Nth item (after skipping unsellable coupons/gems/etc...), causing ES to pop up Quick/Instant sell buttons
// Clicks on next item after ms_til_next milliseconds
function clickQuickSell(items_to_skip, ms_til_next) {
jQuery("div.item:not(.btn_disabled) a.inventory_item_link").eq(items_to_skip).click();
setTimeout(function() {
clickQuickSell(items_to_skip, ms_til_next);
}, ms_til_next);
DoggettCK /
Created September 6, 2019 16:12
OpenCV Python script to put the Matrix falling letters behind Taylor Swift for trueheart78
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import cv2
FRAME_DELAY = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 30
foreground = cv2.VideoCapture('glowy_eyes.gif')
background = cv2.VideoCapture('matrix.gif')
DoggettCK / password_generator.ex
Last active September 25, 2019 16:11
Password generation with macros in Elixir
defmodule ChooseFrom do
defmacro __using__(options) do, fn {name, alphabet} ->
function_name = :"choose_#{name}"
chars = String.graphemes(alphabet)
build_alphabet(name, function_name, chars)
end) ++ [
quote do
defp generate_minimums(chars, _options), do: chars
DoggettCK / fibonacci_stream_resource.ex
Last active September 25, 2019 16:31
1_000_000th Fibonacci number using Elixir Stream.resource/3
iex(1)> fib = Stream.resource(fn -> {1, 1} end, fn {a, b} -> {[a], {b, a + b}} end, fn _ -> nil end)
#Function<55.117072283/2 in Stream.resource/3>
iex(2)> fib |> Stream.drop(1_000_000) |> Enum.take(1) |> hd
DoggettCK / 2023_movies
Last active November 1, 2023 17:32
2023 Movie Log
Phantom Thread (2017)
Magnolia (1999)
The Master (2012)
Licorice Pizza (2021)
Dead Snow (2009)
Saw (2004)
Pearl (2022)
Decision To Leave (2022)
Moneyball (2011)
The Menu (2022)
DoggettCK / roasted_red_pepper_potato_soup.txt
Created February 1, 2024 17:07
Roasted Red Pepper Potato Soup
1 shallot, minced
4 cloves garlic, minced
12oz jar roasted red peppers, drained
2tbsp butter or olive oil
2tbsp flour
4 Russet potatoes
32 oz vegetable stock
8 oz heavy cream
salt to taste