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Created October 11, 2018 18:19
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A python script for taking screenshots in hlmv to make thumbnails from. Replaces solutions with tfmv, which is broken
import winreg as wr
import os
Sets settings in hlmv using the registry to automate taking uniform screenshots for item thumbnails.
Tested with python 3.2 and 3.5
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. This script should be pretty safe, but it is modifying the registry, so be careful.
Set up the paths to match your system. Hopefully they're relatively intuitive.
Setting up values: open up one of the models in hlmv, then adjust it to your liking. Once you're happy,
open a different model in hlmv, then close the program. Then open up the registry editor, navigate to the
Software\\Valve\\hlmv\\<> entry, and copy the corresponding values into the main loop of
the script.
The values can also be adjusted manually if you wish.
1. Open each of the models in hlmv once, then open one again. (The initial registry entry is created when
a file is closed, so each file should be closed once)
2. Close hlmv.
3. Run the script. It will open each model listed in @var models in order twice: once with a black
background, once with white. Take screenshots using your favorite tool. I use shareX. After each screenshot,
close hlmv, and the script will open up the next. Don't close the terminal window that opens- close hlmv
4. Use photoshop or something to edit the images. I use photoshop layers to find the pixels that are different
between the black image and the white image, and remove those.
I highly recommend setting your monitor to portrait mode so you can take the biggest screenshots possible.
This does depend on the shape of your model.
Photoshop macros(actions) are the best thing this world has created.
Copyright (c) 2018 DubThink. All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
For a copy, see <>
# path to the model in registry form (dots instead of slashes)
# List your model names here, minus the _<class>.mdl
# I use the scout model for screenshots
# the path hlmv uses in the registry
hlmv_rpath="Software\\Valve\\hlmv\\D..SteamLibrary.steamapps.common.Team Fortress"
# the path to the folder with your items
tf_path="D:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Team Fortress 2\\tf\\models\\workshop\\player\\items\\all_class\\"
# the path to hlmv
hlmv_path="D:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Team Fortress 2\\bin\\"
# Runs a system command after printing it
def prun(cmd):
for color in ['(0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000)','(1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000)']:
for version in models:
print("Editing registry @",rpath)
# light color. I mostly adjust it to change the intensity
wr.SetValueEx(key,'lColor',0,wr.REG_SZ,'(0.486275 0.486275 0.486275 0.000000)')
# light direction/rotation (controlled in hlmv by ctrl+lmouse)
wr.SetValueEx(key,'lightrot',0,wr.REG_SZ,'(26.542059 151.765823 68.832710)')
# rotation of model
wr.SetValueEx(key,'Rot',0,wr.REG_SZ,'(86.891808 169.085938 179.002350)')
# translation(location) of model
wr.SetValueEx(key,'Trans',0,wr.REG_SZ,'(4.498322 0.000000 -2.056069)')
#hangs until window closed
prun('.\hlmv.exe "{mdl}"'.format(mdl=(tf_path+version+'\\'+version+mdl_suffix)))
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