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LeetCode problem 5 blog - Global no string
var longestPalindrome = function (string) {
let longestPalLength = 0;
let longestPalLeft = 0;
let longestPalRight = 0;
var getLongestPalindrome = function (leftPosition, rightPosition) {
// While there is space to expand, and the expanded strings match
while (
leftPosition >= 0 &&
rightPosition < string.length &&
string[leftPosition] === string[rightPosition]
) {
//expand in each direction.
// Store the longest palindrome (if it's the longest one found so far)
if (rightPosition - leftPosition > longestPalLength) {
longestPalLeft = leftPosition + 1;
longestPalRight = rightPosition - 1;
longestPalLength = longestPalRight - longestPalLeft + 1;
// Loop through the letters
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
// Find the longest odd palendrome
getLongestPalindrome(i, i + 1);
// Find the longest even palendrome
getLongestPalindrome(i, i);
// Check if a longer palindrome cannot be found
if ((string.length - i) * 2 < longestPalLength) {
// Break out to avoid unnecessary computation
return string.slice(longestPalLeft, longestPalRight + 1);
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