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Last active February 29, 2016 03:24
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Script to check system reservations before extending job
import sys
def get_hours(time):
t = time.split(':')
return int(t[0]) * 24 + int(t[1])
def get_used_hours(time):
t = time.split(':')
return int(t[0])
def check_args():
arg_count = len(sys.argv) - 1
if arg_count != 5:
print('Expecting 5 arguments, found ' + str(arg_count))
return 1
moab_time = sys.argv[1]
num_nodes = sys.argv[2]
used_wall = sys.argv[3]
extend_hours = int(sys.argv[4])
walltime = sys.argv[5]
# If less than 150 nodes are reserved, it doesn't appear to be a system wide reservation
if num_nodes < 150:
return 0
hours_until_res = get_hours(moab_time)
job_used_hours = get_used_hours(used_wall)
job_walltime = get_used_hours(walltime)
total_job_time = (job_walltime + extend_hours) - job_used_hours
if total_job_time >= hours_until_res:
print("Warning: System wide reservation starts in " + str(hours_until_res) + " hours.")
print("Extended job would run for " + str(total_job_time) + " more hours.")
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
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