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<title>My quiz</title> |
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<script> |
var questions = []; |
var question = {}; |
var globals = { |
default: "en", |
// header: "Enjoy this quiz", |
// subHeader: "Try to guess to right answer and see how good you are!", |
// drawAreaTitle: "Your\nguess", |
// drawLine: "drag the line\nfrom here to the end", |
// drawBar: "drag the bar\nto the estimated height", |
// resultButtonText: "Show me the result!", |
// resultButtonTooltip: "Draw your guess. Upon clicking here, you see if you're right.", |
// scoreButtonText: "Show me how good I am!", |
// scoreButtonTooltip: "Click here to see your result", |
// scoreTitle: "Your result:", |
// scoreHtml: "Next time you can do better!", |
// or scoreHtml: [{lower: 0, upper: 50, html: "<b>That wasn't much, was it??</b>"}, {lower: 50, upper: 101, html: "<b>Excellent!!</b>"}], |
}; |
// ----- for additional questions, copy FROM here |
question = { |
data: 11, |
heading: "Question - left handers", |
subHeading: "What is the percentage of people who are left handed?", |
// resultHtml: "The data tell the truth.", |
unit: "%", |
// precision: 0, |
// lastPointShownAt: , |
// yAxisMin: , |
yAxisMax: 100, |
referenceValues: [ |
{text: "60% right-handers", value: 60}, |
], |
// referenceShape: "tick", |
}; |
questions.push(question); |
// ----- for additional questions, copy TO here |
// ----- for additional questions, copy FROM here |
question = { |
heading: "Question - Winter Olympics", |
subHeading: "How many volunteers have been helping at the corresponding Winter Olympics event?", |
data: [ |
{"1998": 32000}, |
{"2002": 22000}, |
{"2006": 18000}, |
{"2010": 18500}, |
{"2014": 25000}, |
{"2018": 22400}, |
], |
referenceValues: [ |
{text: "myLine", textPosition: "end", value: [ |
{"1998": 12000}, |
{"2002": 12000}, |
{"2006": 8000}, |
{"2010": 8500}, |
{"2014": 15000}, |
{"2018": 2400}, |
] |
}, |
{text: "your Line", textPosition: "start", value: [ |
{"2010": 28500}, |
{"2014": 5000}, |
{"2018": 16400}, |
] |
}, |
], |
lastPointShownAt: "2002", |
precision: 0, |
yAxisMax: 50000, |
}; |
questions.push(question); |
// ----- for additional questions, copy TO here |
var myChart = youdrawit |
.chart() |
.globals(globals) |
.questions(questions); |
d3.select("body") |
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.call(myChart); |
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