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Created July 1, 2021 00:35
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type blake2b = bytes
(* store hash *)
type validator = key
type validators = validator list
type storage = {
(* TODO: is having current_block_hash even useful? *)
(* consensus proof *)
current_block_hash: blake2b;
current_block_height: int;
current_state_hash: blake2b;
current_validators: validators;
type signatures = signature option list
type action = {
block_hash: blake2b;
block_height: int;
block_payload_hash: blake2b;
state_hash: blake2b;
(* TODO: performance, can this blown up? *)
validators: validators;
signatures: signatures;
(* (pair (pair int bytes) (pair bytes validators)) *)
(* TODO: performance, put this structures in an optimized way *)
type block_hash_structure = {
block_height: int;
block_payload_hash: blake2b;
state_hash: blake2b;
validators_hash: blake2b;
let assert_msg ((message, condition): (string * bool)) =
if not condition then
failwith message
let check_block_height (storage: storage) (block_height: int) =
assert_msg (
"old block height",
block_height > storage.current_block_height
let check_hash (root_hash_update: action) =
let block_hash_structure = {
block_height = root_hash_update.block_height;
block_payload_hash = root_hash_update.block_payload_hash;
state_hash = root_hash_update.state_hash;
(* TODO: should we do pack of list? *)
validators_hash = Crypto.blake2b (Bytes.pack root_hash_update.validators)
} in
let calculated_hash = Crypto.blake2b (Bytes.pack block_hash_structure) in
assert_msg (
"invalid block hash",
root_hash_update.block_hash = calculated_hash
let rec check_signatures
(validators, signatures, block_hash, remaining:
validators * signatures * blake2b * int) : unit =
match (validators, signatures) with
(* already signed *)
| ([], []) ->
(* TODO: this can be short circuited *)
if remaining > 0 then
failwith "not enough signatures"
| ((_ :: v_tl), (None :: sig_tl)) ->
check_signatures (v_tl, sig_tl, block_hash, remaining)
| ((validator :: v_tl), (Some signature :: sig_tl)) ->
if Crypto.check validator signature block_hash
then check_signatures (v_tl, sig_tl, block_hash, (remaining - 1))
else failwith "bad signature"
| (_, _) ->
failwith "validators and signatures have different size"
let check_signatures
(storage: storage)
(signatures: signatures)
(block_hash: blake2b) =
let validators_length = (int (List.length storage.current_validators)) in
let required_validators = (validators_length * 2) / 3 in
check_signatures (
let main (root_hash_update, storage : action * storage) =
let block_hash = root_hash_update.block_hash in
let block_height = root_hash_update.block_height in
let state_hash = root_hash_update.state_hash in
let validators = root_hash_update.validators in
let signatures = root_hash_update.signatures in
let () = check_block_height storage block_height in
let () = check_hash root_hash_update in
let () = check_signatures storage signatures block_hash in
let storage = {
storage with
current_block_hash = block_hash;
current_block_height = block_height;
current_state_hash = state_hash;
current_validators = validators;
} in
(([] : operation list), storage)
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