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Created August 22, 2019 10:19
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Powershell script to open Zendesk support tickets, or add comment to an existing ticket (based on requester and subject). Useful for automatic monitoring and alerting systems.
[string] $Subject = "This is a test ticket from Powershell",
[string] $Body = "This is test description",
[string] $RequesterEmail = "",
[string] $SourceServer = "SqlDev2016",
[string] $SQLVersion = "2016",
[string] $SQLEdition = "Developer",
[string] $Priority = "low",
[string] $StartDate = "2018-04-17 23:30",
[string] $Severity = "2"
# Global Zendesk Settings:
$global:zendesk_address = ""
# Username (email address) must be followed by /token
$global:zendesk_user_name = "submitter_account_email/token"
# Password is the API token
$global:zendesk_password = "your_api_token_here"
# Custom Field IDs:
$StartDateFieldID = "360003783873"
$SQLVersionFieldID = "360003784933"
$SQLEditionFieldID = "360003857974"
$SQLMachineFieldID = "360003763113"
# Convert internal Severity to Zendesk Priority
if ($Severity -ne "")
$Priority = switch($Severity)
{($_ -eq "0" -or $_ -eq "1")} {"low"}
{($_ -eq "2")} {"normal"}
{($_ -eq "3")} {"high"}
{($_ -eq "4")} {"urgent"}
default { "normal" }
# Function to create authorization header for the API
function CreateAuthorizationHeader()
$pair = "$($zendesk_user_name):$($zendesk_password)"
$encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair))
$basicAuthValue = "Basic $encodedCreds"
$Headers = @{
Authorization = $basicAuthValue
return $Headers
$header = CreateAuthorizationHeader
# use Zendesk's Search API to narrow down amount of results and to reduce network traffic:
$uri = $zendesk_address + '/api/v2/search.json?query=type:ticket status<solved requester:"' + $RequesterEmail + '"'
$tickets = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" -Uri $uri -Headers $header
# check if alert already exists as a ticket:
$statuses = "new", "open", "pending", "onhold"
$ticket = $tickets.results | Where-Object {$_.subject -eq $Subject -and $_.description -eq $Body -and $statuses -contains $_.status}
if (!$ticket)
# ticket doesn't already exist. create new and get its info in return:
$ticketbody = '{"ticket": {"subject": "' + $Subject + '", "comment": { "body": "' + $Body + '" }, "type" : "incident", "priority" : "' + $Priority + '", "requester": { "locale_id": 8, "name": "' + $RequesterEmail + '", "email": "' + $RequesterEmail + '" }'
$ticketbody = $ticketbody + ', "custom_fields": [{ "id": ' + $StartDateFieldID + ', "value": "' + $StartDate + '" }, { "id": ' + $SQLMachineFieldID + ', "value": "' + $SourceServer + '" }, { "id": ' + $SQLEditionFieldID + ', "value": "' + $SQLEdition + '" }, { "id": ' + $SQLVersionFieldID + ', "value": "' + $SQLVersion + '" }]'
$ticketbody = $ticketbody + ' }}'
$ticket = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" -Uri "$zendesk_address/api/v2/tickets.json" -Headers $header -Body $ticketbody
$ticket = $ticket.ticket
# alert already exists as a ticket. add comment to indicate recurrence:
$uri = $ticket.url
$commentbody = '{"ticket": {"comment": { "body": "The alert has just fired again (' + $((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) + '). This is an automated message.", "author_id": ' + $ticket.submitter_id + ' }}}'
$comment = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" -Uri $uri -Headers $header -Body $commentbody
# output the relevant Zendesk ticket id:
"ticket_id: " + $
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