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Inductive read_thread st defs : list nat -> rthreadptr -> term -> Prop :=
| read_thread_val : forall varmap rid v c t h,
nth_error st.(st_rthreads) rid = Some {| rt_code := Val v ; rt_cont := c |} ->
read_val st defs varmap v t ->
read_cont st defs varmap c h ->
read_thread st defs varmap rid (fill_hctx h t)
| read_thread_term : forall varmap rid e el c t h,
nth_error st.(st_rthreads) rid = Some {| rt_code := Term t e ; rt_cont := c |} ->
closed_at t (length e) ->
Forall2 (read_val st defs varmap) e el ->
type term =
| Var of string
| Lam of string * term
| App of term * term
module SMap = Map.Make(String)
type value =
| Clos of string * term * env * (string * value) option ref
| Freevar of string
local function do_compile(expr, output, i)
if expr.type == "constant" then
output[i] = {type = "constant", value = expr.value}
return i + 1
elseif expr.type == "builtin_function" then
for _, arg in ipairs(expr.args) do
i = do_compile(arg, output, i)
local t = 0
local function make_color(x, y, z)
return string.format("#%02x%02x%02x", math.floor(x * 255), math.floor(y * 255), math.floor(z * 255))
t = t + dtime
if t > 30 then t = 0 end
local settings = {
enable_fire = {"Enable fire", "bool", true},
enable_tnt = {"Enable TNT", "bool", true},
local settings_list = {
diff --git a/src/localplayer.cpp b/src/localplayer.cpp
index ab30df22..35d3e224 100644
--- a/src/localplayer.cpp
+++ b/src/localplayer.cpp
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d,
const ContentFeatures &f = nodemgr->get(map->getNodeNoEx(getStandingNodePos()));
// Determine if jumping is possible
- m_can_jump = touching_ground && !in_liquid;
+ m_can_jump = (touching_ground || (physics_override_sneak_glitch && m_sneak_node_exists && control.sneak)) && !in_liquid;
screwdriver.wallmounted = function(pos, node, user, mode, new_param2)
if mode ~= screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS then return false end
minetest.set_node(pos, {name =, param2 = (node.param2 + 1) % 6})
return true
commit 804d65a8ecdb70acf868e0a5a9b6c670b473a70c
Author: Novatux <>
Date: Wed Feb 18 16:48:58 2015 +0100
Add modname convention checking
Fixes #2037
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_config_world.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_config_world.lua
index a15e4c1..4d13fae 100644
commit 082787c1377478fb1852eb3e9ef58d08cea00d70
Author: Novatux <>
Date: Tue Feb 17 15:01:54 2015 +0100
Ignore old entities from 0.3.
diff --git a/src/activeobject.h b/src/activeobject.h
index 7689328..48f078d 100644
--- a/src/activeobject.h
+++ b/src/activeobject.h
commit b4373e3d749760a592d11316d843fb087d10ad46
Author: Novatux <>
Date: Tue Feb 17 12:11:34 2015 +0100
Remove old entities from 0.3, and silence their errror messages.
diff --git a/src/activeobject.h b/src/activeobject.h
index 7689328..ad3f199 100644
--- a/src/activeobject.h
+++ b/src/activeobject.h