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Created January 26, 2020 18:03
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
class Node:
This class defines a node which creates a tree structure by recursively calling itself
whilst checking a number of ending parameters such as depth and min_leaf. It uses an exact greedy method
to exhaustively scan every possible split point. Algorithm is based on Frieman's 2001 Gradient Boosting Machines
X: Pandas dataframe
y: Pandas Series
idxs: indices of values used to keep track of splits points in tree
min_leaf: minimum number of samples needed to be classified as a node
depth: sets the maximum depth allowed
Regression tree that can be used in gradient booting for either classification or regression
def __init__(self, x, y, idxs, min_leaf=5, depth = 10):
self.x, self.y = x, y
self.idxs = idxs
self.depth = depth
self.min_leaf = min_leaf
self.row_count = len(idxs)
self.col_count = x.shape[1]
self.val = self.compute_gamma(y[self.idxs])
self.score = float('-inf')
def find_varsplit(self):
Scans through every column and calcuates the best split point.
The node is then split at this point and two new nodes are created.
Depth is only parameter to change as we have added a new layer to tre structure.
If no split is better than the score initalised at the begining then no splits further splits are made
for c in range(self.col_count): self.find_greedy_split(c)
if self.is_leaf: return
x = self.split_col
lhs = np.nonzero(x <= self.split)[0]
rhs = np.nonzero(x > self.split)[0]
self.lhs = Node(self.x, self.y, self.idxs[lhs], self.min_leaf, depth = self.depth-1)
self.rhs = Node(self.x, self.y, self.idxs[rhs], self.min_leaf, depth = self.depth-1)
def find_greedy_split(self, var_idx):
For a given feature calculates the gain at each split.
Globally updates the best score if a better split point is found
x = self.x.values[self.idxs, var_idx]
for r in range(self.row_count):
lhs = x <= x[r]
rhs = x > x[r]
lhs_indices = np.nonzero(x <= x[r])[0]
rhs_indices = np.nonzero(x > x[r])[0]
if(rhs.sum() < self.min_leaf or lhs.sum() < self.min_leaf):continue
curr_score = self.gain(lhs, rhs)
if curr_score > self.score:
self.var_idx = var_idx
self.score = curr_score
self.split = x[r]
def gain(self, lhs, rhs):
Computes the gain for a specific split point based on
Frieman's 2001 Gradient Boosting Machines
gradient = self.y[self.idxs]
lhs_gradient = gradient[lhs].sum()
lhs_n_intances = len(gradient[lhs])
rhs_gradient = gradient[rhs].sum()
rhs_n_intances = len(gradient[rhs])
gain = ((lhs_gradient**2/(lhs_n_intances)) + (rhs_gradient**2/(rhs_n_intances))
- ((lhs_gradient + rhs_gradient)**2/(lhs_n_intances + rhs_n_intances)))
def compute_gamma(gradient):
if we are constructing a GBM classifier this is the optimal leaf node
value from Frieman's 2001 Gradient Boosting Machines .
def split_col(self):
return self.x.values[self.idxs, self.var_idx]
def is_leaf(self):
return self.score == float('-inf') or self.depth <= 0
def predict(self, x):
return np.array([self.predict_row(xi) for xi in x])
def predict_row(self, xi):
if self.is_leaf: return self.val
node = self.lhs if xi[self.var_idx] <= self.split else self.rhs
return node.predict_row(xi)
class DecisionTreeRegressor:
Wrapper class that provides a scikit learn interface to the recursive regression tree above
X: Pandas dataframe
y: Pandas Series
min_leaf: minimum number of samples needed to be classified as a node
depth: sets the maximum depth allowed
def fit(self, X, y, min_leaf = 5, depth = 5):
self.dtree = Node(X, y, np.array(np.arange(len(y))), min_leaf, depth)
return self
def predict(self, X):
return self.dtree.predict(X.values)
class GradientBoostingClassification:
Applies the methododlgy of gradeint boosting machines Friedman 2001 for binary classification only.
Uses the Binary logistic loss function to calculate the negative derivate.
X: Pandas dataframe
y: Pandas Series
min_leaf: minimum number of samples needed to be classified as a node
depth: sets the maximum depth allowed
Boosting_Rounds: number of boosting rounds or iterations
Gradient boosting machine that can be used for binary classification.
def __init__(self):
self.estimators = []
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def negativeDerivitiveLogloss(self, y, log_odds):
p = self.sigmoid(log_odds)
return(y - p)
def log_odds(column):
if isinstance(column, pd.Series):
binary_yes = np.count_nonzero(column.values == 1)
binary_no = np.count_nonzero(column.values == 0)
elif isinstance(column, list):
column = np.array(column)
binary_yes = np.count_nonzero(column == 1)
binary_no = np.count_nonzero(column == 0)
binary_yes = np.count_nonzero(column == 1)
binary_no = np.count_nonzero(column == 0)
value = np.log(binary_yes/binary_no)
return(np.full((len(column), 1), value).flatten())
def fit(self, X, y, depth = 5, min_leaf = 5, learning_rate = 0.1, boosting_rounds = 5):
# use the log odds value of the target variable as our inital prediction
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.base_pred = self.log_odds(y)
for booster in range(boosting_rounds):
# Calculate the initial Pseudo Residuals using Base Prediction.
pseudo_residuals = self.negativeDerivitiveLogloss(y, self.base_pred)
boosting_tree = DecisionTreeRegressor().fit(X = X, y = pseudo_residuals, depth = 5, min_leaf = 5)
self.base_pred += self.learning_rate * boosting_tree.predict(X)
def predict(self, X):
pred = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
for estimator in self.estimators:
pred += self.learning_rate * estimator.predict(X)
return self.log_odds(y) + pred
class GradientBoostingRegressor:
Applies the methododlgy of gradeint boosting machines Friedman 2001 for regression.
Uses the mean squared loss function to calculate the negative derivate.
X: Pandas dataframe
y: Pandas Series
min_leaf: minimum number of samples needed to be classified as a node
depth: sets the maximum depth allowed
Boosting_Rounds: number of boosting rounds or iterations
Gradient boosting machine that can be used for regression.
def __init__(self, classification = False):
self.estimators = []
def MeanSquaredError(y, y_pred):
return(np.mean((y - y_pred)**2))
def negativeMeanSquaredErrorDerivitive(y, y_pred):
def fit(self, X, y, depth = 5, min_leaf = 5, learning_rate = 0.1, boosting_rounds = 5):
# Start with the mean y value as our initial prediciton
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.base_pred = np.full((X.shape[0], 1), np.mean(y)).flatten()
for booster in range(boosting_rounds):
# Calculate the initial Pseudo Residuals using Base Prediction.
pseudo_residuals = self.negativeMeanSquaredErrorDerivitive(y, self.base_pred)
boosting_tree = DecisionTreeRegressor().fit(X = X, y = pseudo_residuals, depth = 5, min_leaf = 5)
self.base_pred += self.learning_rate * boosting_tree.predict(X)
def predict(self, X):
pred = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
for estimator in self.estimators:
pred += self.learning_rate * estimator.predict(X)
return np.full((X.shape[0], 1), np.mean(y)).flatten() + pred
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