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Last active August 13, 2019 19:21
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snippet of Windows Tagging for Files
File: "WTF.ahk"
Author: Rob Lund
License: freely distributable
Windows Tags for Files (WTF)
Applies "tags" by renaming selected files in Explorer.
compatible up to Windows 10, except for desktop mode
Tags are mutually exclusive, i.e., you can't have multiple tags on one file.
Shortcut key is bound
Avoid these illegal NTFS characters for tag name tokens
\ / : * ? " < > |
Icon created with Photoshop compatible design file included.
#SingleInstance force
#include explorer window info.ahk
global script_version := 2.0
global script_debug := FALSE
script_title = Windows Tags for Files
script_title_short = WTF ; acroynms make the world go round
if (script_debug = FALSE)
; customize the tray icon & menus
Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_ScriptDir%\wtf.ico
Menu, Tray, Tip, %script_title%
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Edit Preferences, MenuEdit
Menu, Tray, Disable, Edit Preferences
Menu, Tray, Add, ; separater line
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, QuitScriptSub
; Tagging setup
tagToken = @
tag1Name = done
tag2Name = TODO
tagNone = none
; Generated using SmartGUI Creator 4.0
Gui, Add, Button, x22 y60 w80 h30 , &Todo
Gui, Add, Button, x132 y60 w80 h30 , &Done
Gui, Font, s14, Verdana
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y10, %script_title%
Gui, Font, S10 CDefault, Verdana
Gui, Font, S10 CDefault Bold, Verdana
Gui, Add, Button, x132 y140 w80 h30 , &Quit
Gui, Font, S8 CDefault, Verdana
Gui, Add, Button, x22 y140 w80 h30 , &Delete
All tags GUI
Win + F1
; look up selected files
Gosub, GetFiles
; proceed only if there were files
if fileCount > 0
Gui, Show, x127 y87 h205 w239, %script_title_short%
TODO hotkey or GUI button
Win + t
; look up selected files
Gosub, GetFiles
ButtonTodo: ; label order is vital!
; now tag them
Gui, Cancel
Done hotkey or GUI button
Win + d
; look up selected files
Gosub, GetFiles
ButtonDone: ; label order is vital!
; now tag them
Gui, Cancel
Delete GUI button
Gui, Cancel
Quit GUI button
Gui, Cancel
GetFiles subroutine
looks for selected files
returns TRUE/FALSE status
; initialize
global fileCount = 0
; look up the selected files
selectedFiles := Explorer_GetSelected()
; error check
if (selectedFiles = "ERROR")
MsgBox, 16, %script_title_short% Error, Windows Explorer is not in focus!
else if (selectedFiles = "")
MsgBox, 48, %script_title%, Windows Explorer is open and in focus, but no files are selected.
; parse the selected file paths, terminating on line feeds
Loop, Parse, selectedFiles, `n, `r
path := A_LoopField
; split the path into its constituent parts in pseudo-arrays
SplitPath, path, fullname%A_Index%, directory%A_Index%, extension%A_Index%, name%A_Index%
if script_debug
MsgBox, 64, (DEBUG) File #%A_Index% Parts, % "Full filename = " fullname%A_Index% "`nDirectory = " directory%A_Index% "`nExtension = " extension%A_Index% "`nName only = " name%A_Index%
fileCount = %A_Index%
Tagger Function
tags the selected files
with input tag type
; assume all variables used here are global
Loop, %fileCount%
; strip out any previous tags first, regardless of called tag
IfInString, name%A_Index%, %tagToken%%tag1Name%
StringTrimRight, newName, name%A_Index%, StrLen(tagToken . tag1Name) + 1
Else IfInString, name%A_Index%, %tagToken%%tag2Name%
StringTrimRight, newName, name%A_Index%, StrLen(tagToken . tag2Name) + 1
; file isn't tagged, use as is
newName := name%A_Index%
; build old and new full file paths
oldPath := directory%A_Index% . "\" . name%A_Index% . "." . extension%A_Index%
if (tagType = tagNone)
newPath := directory%A_Index% . "\" . newName . "." . extension%A_Index%
newPath := directory%A_Index% . "\" . newName . " " . tagToken . tagType . "." . extension%A_Index%
if script_debug
MsgBox, 64, (DEBUG) Old Name, %oldPath%
MsgBox, 64, (DEBUG) New Name, %newPath%
; now rename
FileMove, %oldPath%, %newPath%
; error check
if ErrorLevel <> 0
MsgBox, 16, %script_title_short% Error, %ErrorLevel% files/folders could not be tagged.
Script preferences
if script_debug
MsgBox You selected %A_ThisMenuItem% from menu %A_ThisMenu%.
Shut down script
ExitApp ; Terminate this script
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