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Last active July 11, 2017 19:32
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  • Save EliJDonahue/c6595a6a14a77f375e8ad0f2537543bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EliJDonahue/c6595a6a14a77f375e8ad0f2537543bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Demonstrates the Aras Best Practice of using the idlist attribute to retrieve items based on an array of ids.
// ...
string inRange = string.Join(",", openWorkflows)));
Item getWorkflows = inn.newItem("workflow process", "get");
getWorkflows.setAttribute("idlist", inRange);
getWorkflows = getWorkflows.apply(); // Single query
// ...
// generates the following AML query, returns one response with all items
// <AML>
// <Item type="Workflow Process" action="get" idlist="openWorkflows[0],openWorkflows[1],...openWorkflows[n]" />
// </AML>
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