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Last active December 20, 2015 02:59
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Save ElliotChong/6060346 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adds drawArc, drawRoundRect, and drawSlice methods to Pixi.js's Graphics object.
toRad = (p_angle) ->
return (p_angle - 90) * Math.PI / 180
for method in ["drawArc", "drawRoundRect", "drawSlice"]
if PIXI.Graphics.prototype[method]? then console.warn "PixiJS already has an #{method} method defined. It's recommended that you update your code to use the official implementation."
PIXI.Graphics.prototype.drawArc = (p_x, p_y, p_radius, p_startAngle, p_endAngle) ->
totalAngle = p_endAngle - p_startAngle
segments = Math.ceil Math.abs(Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow (1 - Math.min(p_radius / 60, 1)), 2) * totalAngle * p_radius * 0.01)
anglePerSegment = totalAngle / segments
for index in [1..segments]
x = p_x + Math.cos(toRad(p_startAngle + (anglePerSegment * index))) * p_radius
y = p_y + Math.sin(toRad(p_startAngle + (anglePerSegment * index))) * p_radius
@.lineTo x, y
return @
PIXI.Graphics.prototype.drawRoundRect = (p_x, p_y, p_wdith, p_height, p_radius) ->
if p_wdith < p_radius / 2
p_radius = p_width / 2
if p_height < p_radius / 2
p_radius = p_height / 2
top = p_y
bottom = top + p_height
left = p_x
right = left + p_wdith
rightArcX = right - p_radius
leftArcX = left + p_radius
topArcY = top + p_radius
bottomArcY = bottom - p_radius
@.moveTo leftArcX, top
@.lineTo rightArcX, top # Top
@.drawArc rightArcX, topArcY, p_radius, 0, 90 # Top Right
@.lineTo right, bottomArcY # Right
@.drawArc rightArcX, bottomArcY, p_radius, 90, 180 # Bottom Right
@.lineTo leftArcX, bottom # Bottom
@.drawArc leftArcX, bottomArcY, p_radius, 180, 270 # Bottom Left
@.lineTo left, topArcY # Left
@.drawArc leftArcX, topArcY, p_radius, 270, 360 # Top Left
return @
PIXI.Graphics.prototype.drawSlice = (p_x, p_y, p_startAngle, p_endAngle, p_innerRadius, p_outerRadius) ->
initialX = p_x + Math.cos(toRad(p_startAngle)) * p_outerRadius
initialY = p_y + Math.sin(toRad(p_startAngle)) * p_outerRadius
@.moveTo initialX, initialY
@.drawArc p_x, p_y, p_outerRadius, p_startAngle, p_endAngle
@.lineTo p_x + Math.cos(toRad(p_endAngle)) * p_innerRadius, p_y + Math.sin(toRad(p_endAngle)) * p_innerRadius
@.drawArc p_x, p_y, p_innerRadius, p_endAngle, p_startAngle
@.lineTo initialX, initialY
return @
var method, toRad, _i, _len, _ref;
toRad = function(p_angle) {
return (p_angle - 90) * Math.PI / 180;
_ref = ["drawArc", "drawRoundRect", "drawSlice"];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
method = _ref[_i];
if (PIXI.Graphics.prototype[method] != null) {
console.warn("PixiJS already has an " + method + " method defined. It's recommended that you update your code to use the official implementation.");
PIXI.Graphics.prototype.drawArc = function(p_x, p_y, p_radius, p_startAngle, p_endAngle) {
var anglePerSegment, index, segments, totalAngle, x, y, _j;
totalAngle = p_endAngle - p_startAngle;
segments = Math.ceil(Math.abs(Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(1 - Math.min(p_radius / 60, 1), 2)) * totalAngle * p_radius * 0.01));
anglePerSegment = totalAngle / segments;
for (index = _j = 1; 1 <= segments ? _j <= segments : _j >= segments; index = 1 <= segments ? ++_j : --_j) {
x = p_x + Math.cos(toRad(p_startAngle + (anglePerSegment * index))) * p_radius;
y = p_y + Math.sin(toRad(p_startAngle + (anglePerSegment * index))) * p_radius;
this.lineTo(x, y);
return this;
PIXI.Graphics.prototype.drawRoundRect = function(p_x, p_y, p_wdith, p_height, p_radius) {
var bottom, bottomArcY, left, leftArcX, right, rightArcX, top, topArcY;
if (p_wdith < p_radius / 2) {
p_radius = p_width / 2;
if (p_height < p_radius / 2) {
p_radius = p_height / 2;
top = p_y;
bottom = top + p_height;
left = p_x;
right = left + p_wdith;
rightArcX = right - p_radius;
leftArcX = left + p_radius;
topArcY = top + p_radius;
bottomArcY = bottom - p_radius;
this.moveTo(leftArcX, top);
this.lineTo(rightArcX, top);
this.drawArc(rightArcX, topArcY, p_radius, 0, 90);
this.lineTo(right, bottomArcY);
this.drawArc(rightArcX, bottomArcY, p_radius, 90, 180);
this.lineTo(leftArcX, bottom);
this.drawArc(leftArcX, bottomArcY, p_radius, 180, 270);
this.lineTo(left, topArcY);
this.drawArc(leftArcX, topArcY, p_radius, 270, 360);
return this;
PIXI.Graphics.prototype.drawSlice = function(p_x, p_y, p_startAngle, p_endAngle, p_innerRadius, p_outerRadius) {
var initialX, initialY;
initialX = p_x + Math.cos(toRad(p_startAngle)) * p_outerRadius;
initialY = p_y + Math.sin(toRad(p_startAngle)) * p_outerRadius;
this.moveTo(initialX, initialY);
this.drawArc(p_x, p_y, p_outerRadius, p_startAngle, p_endAngle);
this.lineTo(p_x + Math.cos(toRad(p_endAngle)) * p_innerRadius, p_y + Math.sin(toRad(p_endAngle)) * p_innerRadius);
this.drawArc(p_x, p_y, p_innerRadius, p_endAngle, p_startAngle);
this.lineTo(initialX, initialY);
return this;
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