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Created March 12, 2017 14:17
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North Wales Tech JVM Languages tasks
import com.eclipsesource.json.Json
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonObject
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonValue
// Recursively get JSON values for all properties in a JSON object with the given key name
fun getAllWithName(jsonObj : JsonObject, keyName : String) : ArrayList<JsonValue> {
val keys = jsonObj.names()
return keys.fold(ArrayList<JsonValue>()) { acc, key ->
val value = jsonObj.get(key)
if (key == keyName) {
} else if (value.isObject) {
acc.addAll(getAllWithName(value.asObject(), keyName))
} else if (value.isArray) {
val items = value.asArray()
acc.addAll(items.filter { item -> item.isObject }
.map { item -> getAllWithName(item.asObject(), keyName) }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
if (args.size != 1) throw IllegalArgumentException("Too many arguments")
val pageTitle = args[0]
val apiUrl = "$pageTitle"
val jsonText =
val jsonObj = Json.parse(jsonText).asObject()
val texts = getAllWithName(jsonObj, "*").map(JsonValue::asString)
val wordsRegex = Regex("\\p{L}+") // All letters as defined by Unicode
val wordsMap = texts.fold(HashMap<String, Int>()) { map, text ->
val words = wordsRegex.findAll(text).map { x -> x.value.toLowerCase() }
words.forEach { word -> map[word] = map.getOrDefault(word, 0) + 1 }
val allWords = wordsMap.keys
val lengthOfLongestWords = allWords.fold(-1) { maxLength, word -> if (word.length > maxLength) word.length else maxLength }
val longestWords = allWords.filter { word -> word.length == lengthOfLongestWords }
val wordsToExclude = sortedSetOf( "the", "to", "of", "and", "a", "is", "that", "in", "be", "for")
val mostCommonWords = allWords
.filter { word -> !wordsToExclude.contains(word.toLowerCase()) }
.sortedByDescending { word -> wordsMap.getOrDefault(word, -1) }
println("Longest word(s): ${longestWords.joinToString(", ")}")
println("Most common words: ${mostCommonWords.joinToString(", ")}")
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