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Created November 9, 2019 22:27
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HunterDamageCalc
public struct BuffData
public double Agility { get; set; }
public double AllStats { get; set; }
public double AgilityPerc { get; set; }
public double AllStatsPerc { get; set; }
public double Crit { get; set; }
public double DamagePerc { get; set; }
public double AttackPower { get; set; }
public BuffData(double agi, double stats, double agip, double statsp, double crit, double dmg, double ap)
Agility = agi; AllStats = stats; AgilityPerc = agip/100; AllStatsPerc = statsp / 100; Crit = crit; DamagePerc = dmg / 100; AttackPower = ap;
public struct PlayerData
public bool FuriousHowl { get; set; }
public bool IsTroll { get; set; }
public double AddedCrit { get; set; }
public double Agility { get; set; }
public double AttackPower { get; set; }
public double Hit { get; set; }
public double WeaponSkill { get; set; }
public double WeaponSpeed { get; set; }
public double WeaponDPS { get; set; }
public double Quiver { get; set; }
public double Arrows { get; set; }
public PlayerData(bool howl, bool isTroll, double crit, double agi, double ap, double hit, double ws, double speed, double dps, double quiver, double arrow)
FuriousHowl = howl; IsTroll = isTroll; AddedCrit = crit; Agility = agi; AttackPower = ap; Hit = hit; WeaponSkill = ws; WeaponSpeed = speed; WeaponDPS = dps; Quiver = quiver; Arrows = arrow;
public struct SimulationResults
public int NumActions { get; set; }
public int NumCrits { get; set; } //NumMisses
public int NumMisses { get; set; }
public double CritPercentage { get; set; }
public double TotalDamage { get; set; }
public double TimeTaken { get; set; }
public double DPS { get; set; }
public double HighestAutoCrit { get; set; }
public double HighestMultiCrit { get; set; }
public double HighestAimedCrit { get; set; }
public double PaneAgi { get; set; }
public double PaneAP { get; set; }
public double PaneDPS { get; set; }
public double PaneCrit { get; set; }
public SimulationResults(int ac, int crits, double crit, double dmg, double time, double dps, double acrit, double mcrit, double aicrit, double pagi, double pap, double pdps, double pcr, int nmiss)
NumActions = ac; NumCrits = crits; CritPercentage = crit; TotalDamage = dmg; TimeTaken = time; DPS = dps; HighestAutoCrit = acrit; HighestMultiCrit = mcrit; HighestAimedCrit = aicrit; PaneAgi = pagi; PaneAP = pap; PaneDPS = pdps; PaneCrit = pcr; NumMisses = nmiss;
public struct AttackResult
public bool WasAttack { get; set; }
public bool WasCriticalStrike { get; set; }
public double Damage { get; set; }
public AttackResult(bool att, bool crit, double dmg)
WasAttack = att; WasCriticalStrike = crit; Damage = dmg;
public class Simulation
public PlayerData PlayerData { get; set; } = new PlayerData();
public bool UseCDs { get; set; }
private double HitChance = 0;
private double AttackPower = 0;
private double CriticalChance = 5;
private double AttackSpeed = 0;
private double DecreasedAttackSpeed = 0;
private double CriticalStrikeMultiplier = 2;
private double MultiShotDamage = 1;
private double DamageMult = 1;
private double TotalDPS = 0;
private double MobHealth = 557770;
private double CurrentSimulatedTime = 0;
private double PreviousMultiShot = -10;
private double PreviousAimedShot = -6;
private double PreviousRapidFire = -300;
private double PreviousBerserk = -180;
private double PreviousFuriousHowl = 0;
private double PreviousHawk = 0;
private bool BerserkActive = false;
private bool RapidFireActive = false;
private bool ImpHawk = false;
private bool HawkActive = false;
private bool FuriousHowlActive = false;
private bool FuriousHowl = false;
SimulationResults results = new SimulationResults();
public void Init(BuffData buffdata, string spec)
FuriousHowl = PlayerData.FuriousHowl;
double agi = PlayerData.Agility + 127.0;
if (spec == "MM")
buffdata.Crit += 8.0;
CriticalStrikeMultiplier += 0.3;
DamageMult += 0.8 + buffdata.DamagePerc;
AttackPower += 100;
MultiShotDamage += 0.15;
ImpHawk = true;
agi += (buffdata.Agility + buffdata.AllStats);
agi *= (1.0 + ((buffdata.AgilityPerc / 100.0) + (buffdata.AllStatsPerc / 100.0)));
else if (spec == "SURV")
buffdata.Crit += 0.11;
CriticalStrikeMultiplier += 0.3;
DamageMult += 0.3 + buffdata.DamagePerc;
agi += (buffdata.Agility + buffdata.AllStats);
agi *= (1.0 + ((buffdata.AgilityPerc / 100.0) + 0.15 + (buffdata.AllStatsPerc / 100.0)));
HitChance = PlayerData.Hit;
HitChance += ((PlayerData.WeaponSkill - 300.0) / 4.0) * 0.8;
CriticalChance += 0.4 * (PlayerData.WeaponSkill - 300);
CriticalChance += (agi / 53.0);
CriticalChance += (PlayerData.AddedCrit / 100.0) + buffdata.Crit;
AttackPower += agi * 2.0 + PlayerData.AttackPower + buffdata.AttackPower;
TotalDPS = (AttackPower / 14.0) + PlayerData.WeaponDPS + PlayerData.Arrows;
results.PaneAP = AttackPower;
results.PaneAgi = agi;
results.PaneDPS = TotalDPS;
results.PaneCrit = CriticalChance;
private bool IsCritical()
Random rand = new Random();
if (rand.NextDouble() <= (CriticalChance / 100.0))
return true;
return false;
private bool IsHit()
Random rand = new Random();
double chanceToMiss = (100.0 + (HitChance - 9.0))/100;
if (rand.NextDouble() >= chanceToMiss)
return false;
return true;
private AttackResult CastAttack(double addedTime = 0, double addedDamage = 0)
AttackResult res = new AttackResult();
CurrentSimulatedTime += addedTime;
double damage = TotalDPS * AttackSpeed + addedDamage;
if (FuriousHowlActive)
damage += 51;
FuriousHowlActive = false;
damage *= DamageMult;
if (addedDamage == 120)
damage *= MultiShotDamage;
if (IsHit())
if (IsCritical())
damage *= CriticalStrikeMultiplier;
res.WasCriticalStrike = true;
res.Damage = damage;
results.TotalDamage += damage;
MobHealth -= damage;
return res;
private void CastRapidFire()
DecreasedAttackSpeed -= 0.4;
PreviousRapidFire = CurrentSimulatedTime;
CurrentSimulatedTime += 1;
private void CastBerserk()
DecreasedAttackSpeed -= 0.1;
PreviousBerserk = CurrentSimulatedTime;
CurrentSimulatedTime += 1;
private AttackResult DecideAndPerform()
AttackResult res = new AttackResult();
if (ImpHawk && !HawkActive)
Random rand = new Random();
if (rand.NextDouble() <= 0.05)
DecreasedAttackSpeed -= 0.3;
HawkActive = true;
PreviousHawk = CurrentSimulatedTime;
if (ImpHawk && HawkActive)
if (CurrentSimulatedTime - PreviousHawk >= 12)
DecreasedAttackSpeed += 0.3;
HawkActive = false;
if ((CurrentSimulatedTime - PreviousFuriousHowl) >= 10)
FuriousHowlActive = true;
PreviousFuriousHowl = CurrentSimulatedTime;
if (UseCDs)
if ((CurrentSimulatedTime - PreviousRapidFire) >= 300)
if (((CurrentSimulatedTime - PreviousBerserk) >= 180) && PlayerData.IsTroll)
if (((CurrentSimulatedTime - PreviousRapidFire) >= 15) && RapidFireActive)
DecreasedAttackSpeed += 0.4;
RapidFireActive = false;
if (((CurrentSimulatedTime - PreviousBerserk) >= 10) && BerserkActive)
DecreasedAttackSpeed += 0.1;
BerserkActive = false;
if ((CurrentSimulatedTime - PreviousAimedShot) >= 6)
res = CastAttack(3, 600);
else if ((CurrentSimulatedTime - PreviousMultiShot) >= 10)
res = CastAttack(AttackSpeed, 120);
res = CastAttack(AttackSpeed);
results.TimeTaken = CurrentSimulatedTime;
return res;
public SimulationResults Simulate(int mobhealth, int simulations)
for (int curSim = 1; curSim <= simulations; curSim++)
MobHealth = mobhealth;
while (MobHealth > 0)
results.TimeTaken = CurrentSimulatedTime;
results.DPS = results.TotalDamage / results.TimeTaken;
results.CritPercentage = (double)results.NumCrits / (double)results.NumActions;
return results;
public Simulation()
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