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Last active April 29, 2022 12:06
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Save EneasLari/7509d0a47c1dd92d823d4d059f7ac148 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save your web camera recording locally in your browser
"use strict";
* @typedef {Object} IDBPromisedFileHandle.Metadata
* @property {number} size
* The size of the file in bytes.
* @property {Date} last Modified
* The time and date of the last change to the file.
* @typedef {Object} IDBFileStorage.ListFilteringOptions
* @property {string} startsWith
* A string to be checked with `fileNameString.startsWith(...)`.
* @property {string} endsWith
* A string to be checked with `fileNameString.endsWith(...)`.
* @property {string} includes
* A string to be checked with `fileNameString.includes(...)`.
* @property {function} filterFn
* A function to be used to check the file name (`filterFn(fileNameString)`).
* Wraps a DOMRequest into a promise, optionally transforming the result using the onsuccess
* callback.
* @param {IDBRequest|DOMRequest} req
* The DOMRequest instance to wrap in a Promise.
* @param {function} [onsuccess]
* An optional onsuccess callback which can transform the result before resolving it.
* @returns {Promise}
* The promise which wraps the request result, rejected if the request.onerror has been
* called.
export function waitForDOMRequest(req, onsuccess) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
req.onsuccess = onsuccess ?
(() => resolve(onsuccess(req.result))) : (() => resolve(req.result));
req.onerror = () => reject(req.error);
* Wraps an IDBMutableFile's FileHandle with a nicer Promise-based API.
* Instances of this class are created from the
* {@link} method.
export class IDBPromisedFileHandle {
* @private private helper method used internally.
constructor({file, lockedFile}) {
// All the following properties are private and it should not be needed
// while using the API.
/** @private */
this.file = file;
/** @private */
this.lockedFile = lockedFile;
/** @private */
this.writeQueue = Promise.resolve();
/** @private */
this.closed = undefined;
/** @private */
this.aborted = undefined;
* @private private helper method used internally.
ensureLocked({invalidMode} = {}) {
if (this.closed) {
throw new Error("FileHandle has been closed");
if (this.aborted) {
throw new Error("FileHandle has been aborted");
if (!this.lockedFile) {
throw new Error("Invalid FileHandled");
if (invalidMode && this.lockedFile.mode === invalidMode) {
throw new Error(`FileHandle should not be opened as '${this.lockedFile.mode}'`);
if (! {
// Automatically relock the file with the last open mode
// Promise-based MutableFile API
* Provide access to the mode that has been used to open the {@link IDBPromisedMutableFile}.
* @type {"readonly"|"readwrite"|"writeonly"}
get mode() {
return this.lockedFile.mode;
* A boolean property that is true if the lock is still active.
* @type {boolean}
get active() {
return this.lockedFile ? : false;
* Close the locked file (and wait for any written data to be flushed if needed).
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise which is resolved when the close request has been completed
async close() {
if (!this.lockedFile) {
throw new Error("FileHandle is not open");
// Wait the queued write to complete.
await this.writeQueue;
// Wait for flush request to complete if needed.
if ( && this.lockedFile.mode !== "readonly") {
await waitForDOMRequest(this.lockedFile.flush());
this.closed = true;
this.lockedFile = null;
this.writeQueue = Promise.resolve();
* Abort any pending data request and set the instance as aborted.
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise which is resolved when the abort request has been completed
async abort() {
if ( {
// NOTE: in the docs abort is reported to return a DOMRequest, but it doesn't seem
// to be the case. (
this.aborted = true;
this.lockedFile = null;
this.writeQueue = Promise.resolve();
* Get the file metadata (take a look to {@link IDBPromisedFileHandle.Metadata} for more info).
* @returns {Promise<{size: number, lastModified: Date}>}
* A promise which is resolved when the request has been completed
async getMetadata() {
return waitForDOMRequest(this.lockedFile.getMetadata());
* Read a given amount of data from the file as Text (optionally starting from the specified
* location).
* @param {number} size
* The amount of data to read.
* @param {number} [location]
* The location where the request should start to read the data.
* @returns {Promise<string>}
* A promise which resolves to the data read, when the request has been completed.
async readAsText(size, location) {
this.ensureLocked({invalidMode: "writeonly"});
if (typeof location === "number") {
this.lockedFile.location = location;
return waitForDOMRequest(this.lockedFile.readAsText(size));
* Read a given amount of data from the file as an ArrayBufer (optionally starting from the specified
* location).
* @param {number} size
* The amount of data to read.
* @param {number} [location]
* The location where the request should start to read the data.
* @returns {Promise<ArrayBuffer>}
* A promise which resolves to the data read, when the request has been completed.
async readAsArrayBuffer(size, location) {
this.ensureLocked({invalidMode: "writeonly"});
if (typeof location === "number") {
this.lockedFile.location = location;
return waitForDOMRequest(this.lockedFile.readAsArrayBuffer(size));
* Truncate the file (optionally at a specified location).
* @param {number} [location=0]
* The location where the file should be truncated.
* @returns {Promise<ArrayBuffer>}
* A promise which is resolved once the request has been completed.
async truncate(location = 0) {
this.ensureLocked({invalidMode: "readonly"});
return waitForDOMRequest(this.lockedFile.truncate(location));
* Append the passed data to the end of the file.
* @param {string|ArrayBuffer} data
* The data to append to the end of the file.
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise which is resolved once the request has been completed.
async append(data) {
this.ensureLocked({invalidMode: "readonly"});
return waitForDOMRequest(this.lockedFile.append(data));
* Write data into the file (optionally starting from a defined location in the file).
* @param {string|ArrayBuffer} data
* The data to write into the file.
* @param {number} location
* The location where the data should be written.
* @returns {Promise<number>}
* A promise which is resolved to the location where the written data ends.
async write(data, location) {
this.ensureLocked({invalidMode: "readonly"});
if (typeof location === "number") {
this.lockedFile.location = location;
return waitForDOMRequest(
// Resolves to the new location.
() => {
return this.lockedFile.location;
* Queue data to be written into the file (optionally starting from a defined location in the file).
* @param {string|ArrayBuffer} data
* The data to write into the file.
* @param {number} location
* The location where the data should be written (when not specified the end of the previous
* queued write is used).
* @returns {Promise<number>}
* A promise which is resolved once the request has been completed with the location where the
* file was after the data has been writted.
queuedWrite(data, location) {
const nextWriteRequest = async lastLocation => {
this.ensureLocked({invalidMode: "readonly"});
if (typeof location === "number") {
return this.write(data, location);
return this.write(data, lastLocation);
this.writeQueue = this.writeQueue.then(nextWriteRequest);
return this.writeQueue;
* Wait that any queued data has been written.
* @returns {Promise<number>}
* A promise which is resolved once the request has been completed with the location where the
* file was after the data has been writted.
async waitForQueuedWrites() {
await this.writeQueue;
* Wraps an IDBMutableFile with a nicer Promise-based API.
* Instances of this class are created from the
* {@link IDBFileStorage.createMutableFile} method.
export class IDBPromisedMutableFile {
* @private private helper method used internally.
constructor({filesStorage, idb, fileName, fileType, mutableFile}) {
// All the following properties are private and it should not be needed
// while using the API.
/** @private */
this.filesStorage = filesStorage;
/** @private */
this.idb = idb;
/** @private */
this.fileName = fileName;
/** @private */
this.fileType = fileType;
/** @private */
this.mutableFile = mutableFile;
* @private private helper method used internally.
reopenFileHandle(fileHandle) {
fileHandle.lockedFile =;
// API methods.
* Open a mutable file for reading/writing data.
* @param {"readonly"|"readwrite"|"writeonly"} mode
* The mode of the created IDBPromisedFileHandle instance.
* @returns {IDBPromisedFileHandle}
* The created IDBPromisedFileHandle instance.
open(mode) {
if (this.lockedFile) {
throw new Error("MutableFile cannot be opened twice");
const lockedFile =;
return new IDBPromisedFileHandle({file: this, lockedFile});
* Get a {@link File} instance of this mutable file.
* @returns {Promise<File>}
* A promise resolved to the File instance.
* To read the actual content of the mutable file as a File object,
* it is often better to use {@link IDBPromisedMutableFile.saveAsFileSnapshot}
* to save a persistent snapshot of the file in the IndexedDB store,
* or reading it directly using the {@link IDBPromisedFileHandle} instance
* returned by the {@link} method.
* The reason is that to be able to read the content of the returned file
* a lockfile have be keep the file open, e.d. as in the following example.
* @example
* ...
* let waitSnapshotStored;
* await mutableFile.runFileRequestGenerator(function* (lockedFile) {
* const file = yield lockedFile.mutableFile.getFile();
* // read the file content or turn it into a persistent object of its own
* // (e.g. by saving it back into IndexedDB as its snapshot in form of a File object,
* // or converted into a data url, a string or an array buffer)
* waitSnapshotStored = tmpFiles.put("${filename}/last_snapshot", file);
* }
* await waitSnapshotStored;
* let fileSnapshot = await tmpFiles.get("${filename}/last_snapshot");
* ...
* // now you can use fileSnapshot even if the mutableFile lock is not active anymore.
getFile() {
return waitForDOMRequest(this.mutableFile.getFile());
* Persist the content of the mutable file into the files storage
* as a File, using the specified snapshot name and return the persisted File instance.
* @returns {Promise<File>}
* A promise resolved to the File instance.
* @example
* const file = await mutableFile.persistAsFileSnapshot(`${filename}/last_snapshot`);
* const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
* ...
* // The blob URL is still valid even if the mutableFile is not active anymore.
async persistAsFileSnapshot(snapshotName) {
if (snapshotName === this.fileName) {
throw new Error("Snapshot name and the file name should be different");
const idb = await this.filesStorage.initializedDB();
await this.runFileRequestGenerator(function* () {
const file = yield this.mutableFile.getFile();
const objectStore = this.filesStorage.getObjectStoreTransaction({idb, mode: "readwrite"});
yield objectStore.put(file, snapshotName);
return this.filesStorage.get(snapshotName);
* Persist the this mutable file into its related IDBFileStorage.
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise resolved on the mutable file has been persisted into IndexedDB.
persist() {
return this.filesStorage.put(this.fileName, this);
* Run a generator function which can run a sequence of FileRequests
* without the lockfile to become inactive.
* This method should be rarely needed, mostly to optimize a sequence of
* file operations without the file to be closed and automatically re-opened
* between two file requests.
* @param {function* (lockedFile) {...}} generatorFunction
* @param {"readonly"|"readwrite"|"writeonly"} mode
* @example
* (async function () {
* const tmpFiles = await IDBFiles.getFileStorage({name: "tmpFiles"});
* const mutableFile = await tmpFiles.createMutableFile("test-mutable-file.txt");
* let allFileData;
* function* fileOperations(lockedFile) {
* yield lockedFile.write("some data");
* yield lockedFile.write("more data");
* const metadata = yield lockedFile.getMetadata();
* lockedFile.location = 0;
* allFileData = yield lockedFile.readAsText(metadata.size);
* }
* await mutableFile.runFileRequestGenerator(fileOperations, "readwrite");
* console.log("File Data", allFileData);
* })();
async runFileRequestGenerator(generatorFunction, mode) {
if ( !== "GeneratorFunction") {
throw new Error("runGenerator parameter should be a generator function");
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const lockedFile = || "readwrite");
const fileRequestsIter = generatorFunction(lockedFile);
const processFileRequestIter = prevRequestResult => {
const nextFileRequest =;
if (nextFileRequest.done) {
} else if (!(nextFileRequest.value instanceof window.DOMRequest ||
nextFileRequest.value instanceof window.IDBRequest)) {
const error = new Error("FileRequestGenerator should only yield DOMRequest instances");
const request = nextFileRequest.value;
if (request.onsuccess || request.onerror) {
const error = new Error("DOMRequest onsuccess/onerror callbacks are already set");
} else {
request.onsuccess = () => processFileRequestIter(request.result);
request.onerror = () => reject(request.error);
* Provides a Promise-based API to store files into an IndexedDB.
* Instances of this class are created using the exported
* {@link getFileStorage} function.
export class IDBFileStorage {
* @private private helper method used internally.
constructor({name, persistent} = {}) {
// All the following properties are private and it should not be needed
// while using the API.
/** @private */ = name;
/** @private */
this.persistent = persistent;
/** @private */
this.indexedDBName = `IDBFilesStorage-DB-${}`;
/** @private */
this.objectStorageName = "IDBFilesObjectStorage";
/** @private */
this.initializedPromise = undefined;
// TODO: evalutate schema migration between library versions?
/** @private */
this.version = 1.0;
* @private private helper method used internally.
initializedDB() {
if (this.initializedPromise) {
return this.initializedPromise;
this.initializedPromise = (async () => {
if (window.IDBMutableFile && this.persistent) {
this.version = {version: this.version, storage: "persistent"};
const dbReq =, this.version);
dbReq.onupgradeneeded = () => {
const db = dbReq.result;
if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(this.objectStorageName)) {
return waitForDOMRequest(dbReq);
return this.initializedPromise;
* @private private helper method used internally.
getObjectStoreTransaction({idb, mode} = {}) {
const transaction = idb.transaction([this.objectStorageName], mode);
return transaction.objectStore(this.objectStorageName);
* Create a new IDBPromisedMutableFile instance (where the IDBMutableFile is supported)
* @param {string} fileName
* The fileName associated to the new IDBPromisedMutableFile instance.
* @param {string} [fileType="text"]
* The mime type associated to the file.
* @returns {IDBPromisedMutableFile}
* The newly created {@link IDBPromisedMutableFile} instance.
async createMutableFile(fileName, fileType = "text") {
if (!window.IDBMutableFile) {
throw new Error("This environment does not support IDBMutableFile");
const idb = await this.initializedDB();
const mutableFile = await waitForDOMRequest(
idb.createMutableFile(fileName, fileType)
return new IDBPromisedMutableFile({
filesStorage: this, idb, fileName, fileType, mutableFile
* Put a file object into the IDBFileStorage, it overwrites an existent file saved with the
* fileName if any.
* @param {string} fileName
* The key associated to the file in the IDBFileStorage.
* @param {Blob|File|IDBPromisedMutableFile|IDBMutableFile} file
* The file to be persisted.
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise resolved when the request has been completed.
async put(fileName, file) {
if (!fileName || typeof fileName !== "string") {
throw new Error("fileName parameter is mandatory");
if (!(file instanceof File) && !(file instanceof Blob) &&
!(window.IDBMutableFile && file instanceof window.IDBMutableFile) &&
!(file instanceof IDBPromisedMutableFile)) {
throw new Error(`Unable to persist ${fileName}. Unknown file type.`);
if (file instanceof IDBPromisedMutableFile) {
file = file.mutableFile;
const idb = await this.initializedDB();
const objectStore = this.getObjectStoreTransaction({idb, mode: "readwrite"});
return waitForDOMRequest(objectStore.put(file, fileName));
* Remove a file object from the IDBFileStorage.
* @param {string} fileName
* The fileName (the associated IndexedDB key) to remove from the IDBFileStorage.
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise resolved when the request has been completed.
async remove(fileName) {
if (!fileName) {
throw new Error("fileName parameter is mandatory");
const idb = await this.initializedDB();
const objectStore = this.getObjectStoreTransaction({idb, mode: "readwrite"});
return waitForDOMRequest(objectStore.delete(fileName));
* List the names of the files stored in the IDBFileStorage.
* (If any filtering options has been specified, only the file names that match
* all the filters are included in the result).
* @param {IDBFileStorage.ListFilteringOptions} options
* The optional filters to apply while listing the stored file names.
* @returns {Promise<string[]>}
* A promise resolved to the array of the filenames that has been found.
async list(options) {
const idb = await this.initializedDB();
const objectStore = this.getObjectStoreTransaction({idb});
const allKeys = await waitForDOMRequest(objectStore.getAllKeys());
let filteredKeys = allKeys;
if (options) {
filteredKeys = filteredKeys.filter(key => {
let match = true;
if (typeof options.startsWith === "string") {
match = match && key.startsWith(options.startsWith);
if (typeof options.endsWith === "string") {
match = match && key.endsWith(options.endsWith);
if (typeof options.includes === "string") {
match = match && key.includes(options.includes);
if (typeof options.filterFn === "function") {
match = match && options.filterFn(key);
return match;
return filteredKeys;
* Count the number of files stored in the IDBFileStorage.
* (If any filtering options has been specified, only the file names that match
* all the filters are included in the final count).
* @param {IDBFileStorage.ListFilteringOptions} options
* The optional filters to apply while listing the stored file names.
* @returns {Promise<number>}
* A promise resolved to the number of files that has been found.
async count(options) {
if (!options) {
const idb = await this.initializedDB();
const objectStore = this.getObjectStoreTransaction({idb});
return waitForDOMRequest(objectStore.count());
const filteredKeys = await this.list(options);
return filteredKeys.length;
* Retrieve a file stored in the IDBFileStorage by key.
* @param {string} fileName
* The key to use to retrieve the file from the IDBFileStorage.
* @returns {Promise<Blob|File|IDBPromisedMutableFile>}
* A promise resolved once the file stored in the IDBFileStorage has been retrieved.
async get(fileName) {
const idb = await this.initializedDB();
const objectStore = this.getObjectStoreTransaction({idb});
return waitForDOMRequest(objectStore.get(fileName)).then(result => {
if (window.IDBMutableFile && result instanceof window.IDBMutableFile) {
return new IDBPromisedMutableFile({
filesStorage: this,
fileType: result.type,
mutableFile: result
return result;
* Remove all the file objects stored in the IDBFileStorage.
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise resolved once the IDBFileStorage has been cleared.
async clear() {
const idb = await this.initializedDB();
const objectStore = this.getObjectStoreTransaction({idb, mode: "readwrite"});
return waitForDOMRequest(objectStore.clear());
* Retrieve an IDBFileStorage instance by name (and it creates the indexedDB if it doesn't
* exist yet).
* @param {Object} [param]
* @param {string} ["default"]
* The name associated to the IDB File Storage.
* @param {boolean} [param.persistent]
* Optionally enable persistent storage mode (not enabled by default).
* @returns {IDBFileStorage}
* The IDBFileStorage instance with the given name.
export async function getFileStorage({name, persistent} = {}) {
const filesStorage = new IDBFileStorage({name: name || "default", persistent});
await filesStorage.initializedDB();
return filesStorage;
* @external {Blob}
* @external {DOMRequest}
* @external {File}
* @external {IDBMutableFile}
* @external {IDBRequest}
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<title>Web camera recorder</title>
<div class="container text-center">
<div class="btn-group" role="group">
<button type="button" id="recbutton" class="btn btn-secondary">Rec</button>
<button type="button" id="stopbutton" class="btn btn-secondary">Stop</button>
<div class="container">
<video autoplay playsinline webkit-playsinline muted id="videoelement"
style="max-width: 100%;height: auto;"></video>
<!-- Option 1: Bootstrap Bundle with Popper -->
<script src=""
<script type="module" src="indexedDB.js"></script>
<script src="index.js"></script>
var videoelement = document.getElementById("videoelement");
var localStreamConstraints = {
audio: true,
video: { width: 1920, height: 1080 },
var mediarecorder
var options = { mimeType: "video/webm; codecs=vp9" };
var recordedChunks=[]
if (videoelement) {
console.log("we have the video")
.catch(function (e) {
if (confirm("An error with camera occured:(" + + ") Do you want to reload?")) {
//if found stream found
function gotStream(stream) {
console.log("Adding local stream.");
videoelement.srcObject = stream
mediarecorder=new MediaRecorder(stream,options)
mediarecorder.ondataavailable = handleDataAvailable;
var today = new Date();
var date = today.getUTCFullYear()+""+(today.getUTCMonth()+1)+""+today.getUTCDate()
var time = today.getUTCHours() + "" + today.getUTCMinutes() + "" + today.getUTCSeconds()+""+today.getUTCMilliseconds();
var datetime=date+ "" + time
mediarecorder.onstop = ()=>{
window.saveRecordedVideoInDB([recordedChunks], "storedvideos", "videoname" + datetime).then(() => {
var recbtn=document.getElementById("recbutton")
var stopbtn=document.getElementById("stopbutton")
function handleDataAvailable(event) {
if ( > 0) {
function download() {
var blob = new Blob(recordedChunks, {
type: 'video/webm'
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var a = document.createElement('a');
document.body.appendChild(a); = 'display: none';
a.href = url; = 'test.webm';;
import { IDBFileStorage, getFileStorage } from './idb-file-storage.js'
async function saveRecordedVideoInDB(recordedpecies, stored_name, blob_name) {
const blob = new Blob(recordedpecies, { type: 'video/webm' })
const storedVideo = await getFileStorage({ name: stored_name });
await storedVideo.put(blob_name, blob);
async function retreiveVideoFromDB(stored_name) {
const storedVideo = await getFileStorage({ name: stored_name });
const videosList = await storedVideo.list();
var array = []
for (const blobname of videosList) {
const blob = await storedVideo.get(blobname); = blobname
if (array) {
return array
} else {
return "no videos recorded"
async function removeStoredVideo(bloburl, videoname, stored_name) {
const videosStore = await getFileStorage({ name: stored_name });
await videosStore.remove(videoname);
window.retreiveVideoFromDB = retreiveVideoFromDB
window.saveRecordedVideoInDB = saveRecordedVideoInDB
window.removeStoredVideo = removeStoredVideo
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