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Created February 18, 2017 13:55
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Ryan pull request failures
1) Ryan::Const#name when given a module when the module is namespaced when the module has a const after the module declaration returns the correct module name
Failure/Error: expect(Kernel.const_get( eq Mixins::Helpers
wrong constant name Mixins::Helpers
# ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:29:in `const_get'
# ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:29:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
2) Ryan::Const#name when given a class when the class is namespaced returns the full modularized name
Failure/Error: expect(Kernel.const_get( eq Extensions::Array
wrong constant name Extensions::Array
# ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:54:in `const_get'
# ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:54:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'
3) Ryan::Const#name when given a class when class is defined with namespace on same line returns the class name
Failure/Error: expect(Kernel.const_get( eq Admin::Super::UsersController
wrong constant name Admin::Super::UsersController
# ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:71:in `const_get'
# ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:71:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'
4) Ryan::Const#name when given a class when class is defined with namespace on same line with more inheritance returns the class name
Failure/Error: expect(Kernel.const_get( eq Admin::Setup::Users::PofilesController
wrong constant name Admin::Setup::Users::PofilesController
# ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:79:in `const_get'
# ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:79:in `block (6 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 0.14325 seconds (files took 0.34332 seconds to load)
60 examples, 4 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:27 # Ryan::Const#name when given a module when the module is namespaced when the module has a const after the module declaration returns the correct module name
rspec ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:52 # Ryan::Const#name when given a class when the class is namespaced returns the full modularized name
rspec ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:69 # Ryan::Const#name when given a class when class is defined with namespace on same line returns the class name
rspec ./spec/lib/ryan/const_spec.rb:77 # Ryan::Const#name when given a class when class is defined with namespace on same line with more inheritance returns the class name
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