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Should I release the trained model of my mahjong AI?



结论:鉴于在线版本 已经基本实现了我所期望自己的 AI 去提供的功能,目前没有公开模型参数的计划。



我是否要发布训练好的麻将 AI 模型?



我是 akochan-reviewer 的作者,这是一个基于 critter 的 akochan 制作的麻将学习工具

我制作麻将牌谱检讨工具的初衷是希望它能成为一个 7x24 小时在线的教练来教导人类玩家,尤其是那些没法接触到高质量教学资源或者教练的人。这样的工具已经在国际象棋和围棋这样的游戏里存在了,而麻将也应当有一个。当我看到有人说他们从 akochan-reviewer 学到了什么的时候,我是挺欣慰的,即便 akochan 时常做出反常的行为。

akochan 举止怪异是一个我也无法修复的已知问题。出于对 akochan 存在的种种限制、不足、以及糟糕的性能的不满,我决定自己做一个全新的 AI。

费劲将近一年的心血之后,我从零开始完成了一个强度足够的麻将 AI 的 1.0 版本。它很强,根据它和 akochan 对战的统计数据可以得出它的水平已经超过 akochan,也包括了其他我所能拿到的 baseline,它可能和初版的 Suphx 强度相当。

这个 AI 兼容 akochan 的协议,也就是 mjai,所以我的 akochan-reviewer 能很轻易地支持以它为后端。

在接下来的几个月,我准备要将源代码公开至 GitHub,但我在犹豫是否要公开训练好的模型。

如果你感兴趣的话,这里有几张新 AI 的 1.0 版本(旧版本,现已被新版本击败)之间自我对战的牌谱:



1. 有始有终


2. 在本地运行的能力

正如我所做的 akochan-reviewer 一样,用户可以轻易地下载到预先构建好的版本,然后在本地跑。目前,我正在维护的 akochan-reviewer 的在线版本只有有限的功能,也无法检讨雀魂牌谱,而本地版本却有所有的功能,并且能读取下载好的雀魂牌谱,甚至还能输入任意自定义的牌谱。

3. 方便衍生作品


4. 就算不发布,开挂的人自己也会训练模型






首先有个坏消息,这样的不当利用 已经 发生在了 akochan 上。一些脚本小子已经售卖基于 akochan 的雀魂 bot 有些时间了。尽管他们在描述里没提到 akochan 的名字,但有很多线索指向他们在用 akochan 或者 akochan 的改版。

我看到的时候心情很复杂。我对做挂卖挂的行为感到气愤,也为他们在卖偷来的东西感到失望。但突然间又感到一丝庆幸,还好他们没打上 akochan 的标签,不然吃瓜群众可能会误解是 akochan 开发者的授意。最后我只能感到悲哀,因为即便他们没有售卖、散布、制作外挂,终有一天也会冒出来另一群人在做类似的事,只要 AI 能够从公共途径获取到。

我并不反对制作天凤或者雀魂的个室 bot,相反,我觉得他们非常实用,无论是想玩但找不齐人,或者只是单纯好奇想和 AI 在自己熟悉的平台上比试比试。



国际象棋的 stockfish

stockfish 是个很有名的开源国际象棋 AI。如果你玩国际象棋,辛苦把你所知道的分享一下。

  • stockfish 有把在线象棋平台毁了吗?如果是的话是多大程度的影响?
  • 在线象棋平台如何避免人们使用 stockfish 来作弊?
  • 在线象棋的玩家对此怎么看?


这个不是游戏 AI,但它在现在这个上下文里算是个不错的例子。

OpenAI 的 GPT-3 的预训练模型,从来没有被公开发布过。根据我所听到的故事,是因为模型实在太强,太容易被滥用。当然也可能是因为商业价值太高。

最近,OpenAI 宣布了一系列的由 GPT-3 模型支持的在线服务。我觉得我也可以走类似的路子,提供些在线服务,比如牌谱检讨和去个室玩。这也是 NAGA 正在做的事情。


1. 不发布模型


2. 不发布模型,但是提供在线服务

听起来不错,但是开发和维护在线服务需要时间和钱,而且如果我哪天丧失了兴趣就没了。我可能需要做一些需要捐赠才能解锁的会员功能来支撑服务运行下去。但是做成收费的话又会丧失其之于 NAGA 的优势。

3. 发布模型,但是要付费


… 更多?







Conclusion: considering the online version has already provided what I expected my AI to provide, currently I have no plan to release the trained model.


The source code is now avilable on GitHub at

Should I release the trained model of my mahjong AI?

Dear mahojng community, I need your help.


I am the author of akochan-reviewer, a mahjong learning tool powered by critter's akochan.

My original intention for building mahjong reviewer was that it could serve as a 7x24 available coach that guides human players, especially for those without access to high-quality tutorial or coach resource. Such tools already exist in other games like chess and go, and mahjong should also have one. I am really happy to see people telling me they learn something from akochan-reviewer, even though akochan acts weird from time to time.

Akochan acts weird, this is one of the known issues, and I can't fix it as well. Out of dissatisfaction with the limitations, weaknesses and poor performance of akochan, I decided to make a brand new one myself.

After almost a year of hard work, I managed to build the 1.0 version of a powerful mahjong AI from scratch. It is very strong. Statistics from test plays conclude it is stronger than akochan and any other available baseline I have, and it's probably as strong as the early version of Suphx.

The AI is compatible with akochan's protocol, namely mjai, therefore it can serve as a backend for my akochan-reviewer very easily.

In the next several months, I am going to release the source code on GitHub, but I am hesitant to release the trained model.

If you are interested, here are some games the new AI (version 1.0, weaker than the current version) played with each others:


To release the model

1. Make the research complete

It feels a bit incomplete for a deep learning project to only release the code without a trained model. If the model is released, other researchers won't have to reproduce the model on their own, which save a huge amount of time and money.

2. Ability of running locally

Just like akochan-reviewer I made, users can easily download a prebuilt all-in-one package and run it locally. At the moment, the online reviewer service I maintain has limited features and no access to mjsoul logs, whereas the local version has all the features and can read downloaded mjsoul logs and even any hand-crafted log.

3. Easier for derived works

Maybe somebody else have a better idea of making a mahjong reviewer than me. By releasing the trained model, they can easily release or deploy their own reviewer or other legit derived works bundled with the AI.

4. Cheaters are going to train their own model anyways

And they will even sell it higher for such reason.

I may have already lost to cheaters by the time I release the code to the public. If they're going to do it at any cost, it might be even better for me to release the model for free to make them harder to profit, although the idea sounds a bit dumb.

Not to release the model

Cheaters will definitely exploit it

This is the biggest concern.

First of all I have some bad news, such exploit is already happening on akochan. Some script kiddies in the wild have been selling akochan bot for mjsoul for some time. Although they don't mention of the name "akochan" in the description, there are some indications that they are using akochan or a modified version of it.

I had very mixed feelings when I saw it. I was angry for the conduct of making and selling cheats itself, and also for them selling things they stole from others. But then I happened to feel a bit thankful for them not having tagged it with the name "akochan", which will be worse as people may think it is affiliated with akochan devs. And in the end, I was just sad. Even if those guys had not sold, distributed, or even developed the cheat, as long as the AI is publicly available, another group of people will eventually get their hands on it.

I am not against making tenhou or mjsoul bots that play in private lobbies, instead, I think they are very handy and useful when you want to play but can't find enough friends, or you are just curious and simply want to challenge the AI on the platform you are familiar with.

Unfortunately, there is no way to stop people from being evil. Things that can be exploited will be exploited. If I release the trained model, I don't see a way to prevent it from being exploited to play in ranked lobbies. Even worse, I may become the one to be blamed by some victims for "assisting cheaters". I honestly can't imagine how horrible it will be.

How do other similar projects handle it?

stockfish for chess

Stockfish is a well-known open source chess AI. If you are a chess player, please share information you know about it.

  • Has and how has stockfish destroyed online chess?
  • How do online chess platforms keep people from cheating with stockfish?
  • How do online chess players think about it?

GPT-3 for NLP

This is not a game AI, but it serves as a good example in this context.

The trained model of GPT-3, by OpenAI, were never released to the public, according to the story I heard, because the model is so powerful that it can't be kept from being exploited. Of course it is also possible that it is because the commercial value of it is too high.

Recently, OpenAI announced a suite of online services backed by GPT-3. I believe I can go the similar way by not releasing the weights and instead offering online reviewer and private lobby bot services. Offering online services is also what NAGA is doing.

Possible solutions

1. Do not release the model at all

The straightforward way, but it greatly limits the project's ability to benefit the mahjong community.

2. Do not release the model, but offer an online service for review and bot for private lobby

Sounds good, but it takes time and money for me to develop and maintain the service, and it probably won't last forever if someday I lose my interest. I may need to make some features premium that require donations to unlock to keep the service alive. But if it becomes pay-to-use, it will lose its advantage over NAGA.

3. Release the model, but behind a paywall

We all know how piracy works and the same can apply to this. It only makes it harder for cheaters but does not completely make it impossible.

... more?

Please comment down bellow.

If you have any idea, please comment down bellow. Thank you.


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Equim-chan commented Mar 22, 2022



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Tennsoku commented Apr 2, 2022


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Tennsoku commented Apr 2, 2022


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b11p commented Apr 8, 2022

我希望公开模型。我最近就在用 akochan-reviewer 看牌谱,获益良多。我平时用 Steam 上的客户端打,不想用第三方客户端,所以每次都要特意打开网页版下载牌谱,非常麻烦。为了减少麻烦,我自己部署了 tensoul,写了一点代码和 akochan-reviewer 粘在一起,这样就方便多了。如果没有公开模型,我肯定就没法这么做了。

如果不公开模型,做成在线服务,处理 IP 被雀魂 ban 这种事可能也很麻烦。公开了则可以让用户自行部署,我认为可以最大限度发挥模型的作用,同时你也能节省精力。甚至你还可以在 README 里推荐比较好的衍生服务和作品。

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这个AI光发出来,训练模型不公开的话,使用者肯定是没有那个能力去自己训练模型的,即使用者也无法通过将本AI接入 akochan-reviewer来学习;而做外挂的,肯定有人脉支持他自己训练模型,看他做不做而已,所以这个AI公布之后,实际作用对于平常使用者有限,外挂肯定是无法避免的了,时间的问题而已,现在公布AI仅仅是有利于做外挂的,让他们能得到更强的AI做更强的外挂

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这个AI光发出来,训练模型不公开的话,使用者肯定是没有那个能力去自己训练模型的,即使用者也无法通过将本AI接入 akochan-reviewer来学习;而做外挂的,肯定有人脉支持他自己训练模型,看他做不做而已,所以这个AI公布之后,实际作用对于平常使用者有限,外挂肯定是无法避免的了,时间的问题而已,现在公布AI仅仅是有利于做外挂的,让他们能得到更强的AI做更强的外挂

这个说法很好,我之前没有好好考虑到这一点。不过,仅凭现在公开的代码要去训练也不 trivial,因为我还没有公开数据集或者它们的获取方式,也没有说明训练的配置方式,而这些要外挂开发者去研究的话,都是需要额外的工作和时间的。训练本身的话确实可能比较 trivial,就像 Discord 群一位群友所说,it doesn't even need to be strong (to be used as a cheat)。

我之前计划的 timeline 是 akochan-reviewer 改造完毕,支持 Mortal 之后,就会公开模型。

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您的AI不是有个官网吗,能否先将mortal的数据接入方式修改,使其与akochan的数据接入方式区别开来(因为现有的BOT基本都是使用akochan接入),然后将 Mortal及其训练好的模型、akochan-reviewer两者整合编译和加密之后,之后别人应该比较难获得您的训练模型吧(其实我也不是很懂这个),放到官网上供需要AI讲谱学习的使用者下载,而且exe方式也比较方便使用者使用,因为一般使用者也不会处理这么多软件方面的操作问题,而不是将训练模型直接公布,以后如果不想维护了,再把AI及对应的训练模型交给可信的人继续跟进或者直接为使用者提供最后更新的版本。

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Equim-chan commented Apr 15, 2022


关于后续,我会像 akochan-reviewer 的 release 页面一样,直接放一个全都编译好了的版本,开箱即用的。

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celie1 commented Apr 17, 2022

Here is my two cents on this, considering those cheaters that are already profiteering on Akochan with monthly subscription from users (guarantee to get Saint and possible Celestial in Majsoul's Jade Room), I believe there wouldn't be much different even if a much stronger version like Suphx is available for exploitation, they would still be dominating in Jade Room, since Jade Room have the most PT-efficiency for achieving Celestial.

While those who use NAGA as a learning tools or can't afford to pay for NAGA will benefits from the available offline service.

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LYJ19950412 commented May 18, 2022


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@LYJ19950412 感谢你的情报,我也转告了 kanachan 的作者 Cryolite。

我之前参考了你的建议,打算至少也要等我把 reviewer 改好,让一般的麻将玩家也能很顺手地使用 Mortal 检讨牌谱之后,才放出模型。这个决定基于几点原因:

  • 现在公开模型只会让开挂的更方便,一般玩家反而无法收益。
  • 如果只是拿来作弊,其实 AI 本身都不需要有多强。对于外挂制作者来说,可能没有必要为了从「能击败 95% 的人类」训练到「能击败 99% 的人类」而多付出数倍的训练资源。对只想不怀好意拿去在平台上作弊的人来说,自己训练出来的门槛也不算高。换言之,我最终是否放出模型不会造成什么决定性的影响,只是方不方便的问题。
  • 这是一个结构性问题。即便我和 Cryolite 都不公开我们的作品,以后也会有别人做一样的研究,届时他们也依然会面临相同的困境。我觉得迟早也要去面对这个问题。

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herjer commented May 19, 2022


LYJ 先生您好,我是牌谱屋主机管理人 EDWARDH ,可以请您联系提供我一些相关的 bot 资料吗?


雀魂官方显然专心的事情也不在麻将的公平竞技性与最优化研究,不管 bot 实际上也是确实难管。
模拟的鼠标如果包含了迟延跟点击位置的随机性,那侦测 bot 的难度可以说是增加了好几个数量级。毕竟人也就是眼睛看了牌的组合,判断位置慢慢把手移过去的。就算没有这个自动化,作弊者屏幕上根据 AI 亮出建议打什么他就打什么,任何一个打工人都能办到。

问题的根源当然是用户想买一个雀豪买一个雀圣买一个魂天,有些只是自爽,有些则是要商业化。买一个魂天并不能让自己鸡打的比例下降。但这样的淘宝销售如果不管,那对于认真想改进自己的玩家是很大的打击。如果 Yostar 不管我会建议日本的天凤与雀魂玩家直接推荐日中分服,跨区对局本身的乐趣下降太多。更正确的说,发下来你都告诉我打三万平均 +1.2 pt,打九索平均 -0.3pt,那要我坐那干嘛? 我自己不这样打,也没兴趣跟宣称人打然后用 AI 作弊的人打。

当然我还是要说,并没有理由为了这些坏人而停下我们想帮 "想努力打好牌的人" 的脚步,请继续依自己的步调前进,我会建议用线上 Reviewer 的方式继续装在黑箱子里,打完后的牌谱愿意讨论,那 AI 可以客观而非结果论的依各家切牌推荐,但不需要即时给出建议。我对于 github 上能不能用这样的架构保持怀疑,但我会跟日本的天凤雀魂玩家努力沟通,也会尽量的拿出所需资源来。

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Sasy00 commented May 21, 2022

Stockfish hasn't destroyed online chess tbh. I only play on and so I will talk only with my (limited) knowledge of these sites. Basically the countermeasures for cheaters are

  1. Player reports: player can reports other player for cheating, then a team (or in case a program and a team) decides if they are a cheater or not
  2. in the case of, directly a program checking if they are cheating or not (idk how it works).

Also it is somewhat easy to spot if someone is cheating, there are a lot of tells that can make you pretty sure they are. For example if they always spend the same ammount of time for EVERY move then they are most likely cheating, because some moves such as taking back a piece in a trade should be done automatically without thinking (except some cases but they are rare) and some moves require lot of calculation to be made which requires more time than an average move. Also if while reviewing the game with an engine you see that opponent played always top 3 moves, even when the moves are really difficult to find because they are counterintuitive (random king moves when lots is happening is the best example), then there is a chance they are cheating. The easiest is when all these conditions are true ofc.

I'm not sure how to tell if someone is cheating on mahjong tho. While playing it is impossible because I can't know what choices they had, and even after playing I can't be sure.

Also I'd like to add that I play online chess since ~2014 and the ammount of cheaters I faced is well under the 50s.
Hope this helps, I'm looking forward to using this amazing tool!

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herjer commented May 22, 2022

I think the conditions are a little different (not a native English speaker so I hope there are no misunderstandings or impolite words).
First of all, the biggest difference between playing chess and mahjong is the uncertainty.
In mahjong we can be sure that the same tile will not appear again (astronomical odds), however, the opening of the chess game and even many of the optimal solutions for specific situations have been improved by traditional human research.
It is almost inevitable in mahjong, combination 34s is better than 68s, but there is 33.3% probability 7s will come before 25s.
The reporting itself is not difficult, the focus is on detection and review.
Since the same hand does not appear again, humans or computers are evaluated in a likelihood method, while humans have much less computing power than computers.

In addition, mahjong is a four-player activity rather than a two-player zero-sum game.
Riichi Mahjong is particularly difficult because rankings may bring more value than raw scores.
I can easily add the friendliness of other players to determine my utility function, making it difficult to detect whether my judgment is based on what is good for me or what is good for "me and a particular position", even if I play the same card, under the uncertainty.

So I think the advice should be given only after 60 seconds of decision, no matter how quickly the hand is calculated by AI.

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I would say you should release the model as well. My reasoning is as follows:
1.) it's only a matter of time until someone does release a reasonable strong ai with a trained model or just a model for your ai anyway if you don't do it now.
2.) Online platforms will need to adapt, as has happened with all other games where stronger than human ais are available.

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一个 7x24 可用的教练来指导人类玩家,特别是对于那些无法获得高质量教程或教练资源的人





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@luooooob 我觉得这两个说法都偏极端了一些。前者并不是就不能开源了,因为开源能提升透明度,还能方便其他人学习、改善这个项目;后者也不是必须要公开模型,甚至都不一定需要开源,就像 AlphaGo 之类的作品一样,不开源对影响力没有太大影响。

但是我想提的一点是,麻将 AI 需要依赖玩家的生态存活。麻将的圈子相比围棋、象棋本来就不大,如果 AI 滥用作弊的情形变得更加普遍了,很多玩家可能会离开这个游戏,圈子会进一步萎缩。到时候 AI 可能都成了口诛笔伐的对象,更难发展下去了。

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luooooob commented Jul 5, 2022

@luooooob 我觉得这两个说法都偏极端了一些。前者并不是就不能开源了,因为开源能提升透明度,还能方便其他人学习、改善这个项目;后者也不是必须要公开模型,甚至都不一定需要开源,就像 AlphaGo 之类的作品一样,不开源对影响力没有太大影响。

但是我想提的一点是,麻将 AI 需要依赖玩家的生态存活。麻将的圈子相比围棋、象棋本来就不大,如果 AI 滥用作弊的情形变得更加普遍了,很多玩家可能会离开这个游戏,圈子会进一步萎缩。到时候 AI 可能都成了口诛笔伐的对象,更难发展下去了。


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Zeks commented Sep 5, 2022

Now that the site has been purged by tenhou everyone regrets the decision to never release the model.

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I find it disappointing that there is no trained model and the documentation is scrubbed of information. In the current state this project appears to be an advertisement for an analysis website. I would be eager to contribute but not without documentation

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jacy commented Jul 31, 2023

how can I start training the AI to play like a normal human(not need to be smarter than human, but not a dumbheaded AI either)

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jacy commented Aug 3, 2023

hope moral can open source completely like doudizhu

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nideii commented Sep 19, 2023

Very simply, grow the community so large that those for profit companies have to build anti-cheat in order to make more money.

First, let's talk about the technical details, and luckily, there is a chess boom happening.
One of, or the, largest chess website,, use deep learning method to find cheaters. I am not 100% sure what model they used, but it might be a stockfish variant. And for human to identify a cheater, beside cheaters' move are very similar to stockfish, the time between each move also be very consistent.


  1. Cheaters might make bad move at the beginning, thinking they might get away with this.
  2. The time the spend for each move is very consistent.
  3. They might not always choose the top stockfish move.
  4. When remaining time is a big factor, like during the end game, they will lose on time or make bad move.
  5. They usually make new accounts

Here is my idea about cheating and tooling,

First, if you don't release the model, then yes, few people will use it to cheat, and much more people cannot use this to learn, as long as there are more honest player than cheaters.
Second, stop releasing the model, then cheaters will find other ways to cheat, they will not stop cheating because this tool is not available.
Third, there will eventually be a new and better deep learning models tomorrow to replace STOA models today. Make everything more assessable to everyone, this process will happen much faster.

It is good to think about cheating when making tools. However, it is not single individual's responsibility to prevent cheating or stop cheating, everyone does.

Just think about this, if you solve world hunger, but afraid some dictators will start a war for it, so you choose not to release it, then who benefit the most? You? the dictators? or no one?

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it is already out there with a paywall. and there's currently no alternative open source mahjong ai..
as far as i know, these projects are already filled with AI:

i'm hoping to see an open source one tbh

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BarclayII commented Feb 23, 2024

One necessary component I feel is missing for mahjong in particular is explainability.

We know that stockfish is open source and is probably the best AI in chess, but it doesn't offer comprehensive explanations to its policy. However, there are some platforms that offers explanations in natural language, indicating which moves are brilliant, good, or poor, as well as the reasons behind such judgement (e.g. "you lose a knight if you play this move"). is a good example - I used it for a while, and it even offers a "what to improve" (e.g. endgames, forks, etc.) section after a review. The paywall is super expensive.

I didn't see a route to explainability in mahjong RL agents as clear as those for chess though, primarily because of two reasons: (1) the inherent randomness, and (2) the partially observable nature. Even with standard "nanikiri" problems where you are only given your hand without any other information, I still saw some of the professional players disagree on what is the best policy by saying "this may happen", "that may happen", etc., and often times agree to disagree. So if one indeed builds such an explainability service, it will become a stable profit source and many more people will benefit from it, even without releasing the model weights or even the architecture.

I have some thoughts on how an explainability model for mahjong RL agents may look like, but I didn't get the time to formulate it yet.

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