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Diseased Vermin
Damia, Sage of Stone
Core Prowler
Fuel for the Cause
Phyrexian Crusader
Phyrexian Digester
Phyrexian Hydra
Phyrexian Juggernaut
Phyrexian Vatmother
ErinCall / gist:1444115
Created December 7, 2011 18:59
JS behaving the same way as Python did
>>> var doathing = function() { var printathing = function() { console.log(wootabaga) }; for (var wootabaga = 0; wootabaga <= 1; wootabaga++) { printathing() }}
>>> doathing();
ErinCall / gist:1444091
Created December 7, 2011 18:54
I can't believe this is legal python. Not only does it compile it runs without exception
>>> def doathing():
... def printathing():
... print a
... for a in [ 'a', 'b']:
... printathing()
>>> doathing()
ErinCall / gist:1577622
Created January 8, 2012 07:45
Annotated the rvm install script
# This script installs to /usr/local only. To install elsewhere you can just
# untar anywhere you like.
#the first thing it does is define a bunch of methods to make things easier further on.
#That makes for sorta uncomfortable reading, since sometimes you can see *what* it's doing,
#but not *why* it's doing it. If you're mystified as to the purpose of something, go look
#at how it's used and see if that illuminates matters.
#Terminals use numbered control codes to indicate colors. It is inconvenient to try
ErinCall / gist:1658586
Created January 22, 2012 20:03
I wrote a test that failed so hard it killed spork
/Users/andrew/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180@railstut/gems/spork-0.8.5/lib/spork/forker.rb:50: [BUG] pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument (EINVAL)
ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-darwin10.8.0]
-- control frame ----------
c:0012 p:---- s:0045 b:0045 l:000044 d:000044 CFUNC :raise
c:0011 p:0083 s:0041 b:0041 l:000770 d:000770 METHOD /Users/andrew/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180@railstut/gems/spork-0.8.5/lib/spork/forker.rb:50
c:0010 p:0055 s:0037 b:0037 l:000a10 d:000a10 METHOD /Users/andrew/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180@railstut/gems/spork-0.8.5/lib/spork/run_strategy/forking.rb:17
c:0009 p:0023 s:0031 b:0031 l:000030 d:000030 METHOD /Users/andrew/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180@railstut/gems/spork-0.8.5/lib/spork/server.rb:47
c:0008 p:0098 s:0025 b:0025 l:000024 d:000024 METHOD /Users/andrew/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/lib/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1558
c:0007 p:0146 s:0021 b:0021 l:000020 d:000020 METHOD /Users/andrew/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/lib/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1518
ErinCall / gist:2026022
Created March 13, 2012 01:26
it makes a tiny difference!
# building separately...
$ java -jar scripts/build-mailing-create/tools/closure-compiler/compiler.jar --warning_level QUIET media/js/mailing-create/e2ma/ --js_output_file
$ java -jar scripts/build-mailing-create/tools/closure-compiler/compiler.jar --warning_level QUIET media/js/mailing-create/e2ma/e2ma.js --js_output_file e2ma.min.js
$ cat e2ma.min.js >| all1.js
# building all-at-once...
$ java -jar scripts/build-mailing-create/tools/closure-compiler/compiler.jar --warning_level QUIET --js media/js/mailing-create/e2ma/ --js media/js/mailing-create/e2ma/e2ma.js --js_output_file all2.js
<script id="template-item" type="text/html">
<li class="template e2ma-get-new-template" data-id="${id}" data-name="${name}">
<span><img src="${image}" alt="${name}" title="${name}" /></span>
ErinCall / gist:2872479
Created June 5, 2012 03:41
Do these look functionally equivalent
#python 2.7
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=False) as w:
soup = BeautifulStoneSoup("<b />")
self.assertEqual(u"<b/>", unicode(soup.b))
#python 2.5
warnings_manager = warnings.catch_warnings(record=True)
w = warnings_manager.__enter__()
soup = BeautifulStoneSoup("<b />")
I have two parsers: one looks at sys.argv while the other looks at some of the tokens the first slurped up. So from argparse's perspective, it does seem like there should just be one parser. I assert that isn't appropriate for my purposes, though:
The first parser is looking at general lay-of-the-land-type stuff: "username to use when calling that API", etc.
The second is looking at specific what-to-do stuff: "what you should do with that API."
I want the settings for the first part to be configurable in a couple different ways: config file, env vars, command-line arguments. For that, I really want my various "configuration getters" to live together. The "what to do" parser has no business in that domain, though; I want it at the top-level script where it can determine a dispatch to some library function. So I have two parsers.
All I'm trying to get argparse to do is "if you are displaying a usage message, display the message for the general script and also the one describing the various subparsers." sys.e
>> require 'some_class'
=> true
>> foo =
=> #<SomeClass:0x100a23900>
>> foo.doit
SomeClass=> nil