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Created November 3, 2013 15:21
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Proof of concept of a program that makes the derivative operator a first class citizen.
(defparameter *maths-functions* (list))
(defmacro defun-maths (func-name args core)
"appends the code of func-name into maths-functions."
(push (list :name (quote ,func-name) :variable (quote ,args) :core (quote ,core)) *maths-functions*)
(defun ,func-name ,args ,core)))
(defun get-source (func-name)
(car (remove-if-not (lambda (f) (eql (getf f :name) func-name)) *maths-functions*
(defparameter *operators*
(list '* '- '/ '+))
(defparameter *derivatives*
(list 'cos '(* -1 (sin %))
'sin '(cos %)
'tan '(+ 1 (* (tan %) (tan %)))
'log '(/ 1 %)
'exp '(exp %)
'+ '+
(defun get-derivative (func variable)
(let ((der (getf *derivatives* func)))
((not (null der)) der)
((eql func variable) 1)
(T 0))))
(defun operatorp (symb)
(member symb *operators*))
(defun derivative (expr variable)
(if (listp expr)
(derivative-list expr variable)
(get-derivative expr variable)))
(defun derivative-op (op args variable)
(let ((der (lambda (a) ( derivative a variable)))
(u (car args))
(v (cadr args)))
(cond ((eql '+ op) (cons '+ (mapcar der args)))
((eql '* op) (cons '+ (list (list '*
(derivative u variable) v)
(list '* u (derivative v variable)))))
((eql '- op) (cons '- (mapcar der args)))
((eql '/ op) (cons '/ (list
(list '- (list '* (funcall der u) v)
(list '* u (funcall der v)))
(list '* v v)))))))
(defun subst-recursive (lst target replacement)
(cond ((null lst) nil)
((not (listp lst)) (if (eql lst target) replacement lst))
(T (cons (subst-recursive (car lst) target replacement) (subst-recursive (cdr lst) target replacement)))))
(defun derivative-list (expr variable)
(let* ((func (car expr))
(args (cdr expr))
(der (get-derivative func variable)))
(cond ((operatorp func) (derivative-op func args variable))
(T (list (cons '* (mapcar (lambda ( arg) (derivative arg variable)) args)) (subst-recursive der '% args))))))
(defun create-derivative-list-defun (func-name derivative-name)
(let* ((func-data (get-source func-name))
(variable (getf func-data :variable))
(core (getf func-data :core))
(var (car variable))
(der (derivative core var)))
(list 'defun-maths derivative-name variable der)))
(defun make-derivative (func-name derivative-name)
(let ((define-list (create-derivative-list-defun func-name derivative-name)))
(eval define-list)))
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